when i first started playing poker I wish i knew how to properly manage my money and not always move up to bigger tables and end up losing all of my bankroll.
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when i first started playing poker I wish i knew how to properly manage my money and not always move up to bigger tables and end up losing all of my bankroll.
make sure your carbon screen name is correct when purchasing freeroll coupons..... if it goes to an invalid screen name the system will give you points back but if the screen name happens to be a valid screen name on carbon its tough to get points back
Thank you very much, very insightful list... GL at the tables!!
great thread
Yeah I wish I knew a lot of things too but by the time you get yourself familiar with the site you will be able to take advantage of pretty much all of the promotions.
I appreciate the information. Nice to see people are proactively helping others!
Awesome list for people, seriously.
Unfortunately unless this gets stickied new members won't read it
I wish I knew that when playing live and someone goes all in in front of you the action stands unless you change the action. That cost me about 20k usd.
yeah even if you knew the things when first started, its still best to actually experience it.. the fact you experienced made you way better
Thank you very much! that is awesome info!
I have not been around poker world much in past year, and am now back, at least part time. I think this is a great site, but still need to learn what to do. Lots of prep/reading before I can better understand whats going on here at pokerowned.
yeah awesome info maan get me them points for posting tell me later
nice threat and some helpfull information! But Its only for new memebers old members already know the info
nice info thanks, just wish I could get more points over here in China :(
No ones gonna read it unless its sticky
pretty much all you need to know is that these surveys suck ass. you need to just get lucky with those 600 point peanut lab surevys
There\'s no way to recognize the good ones before you commit a bunch of time?
WickedKitty, you da woman!! only thing I wish I knew is how informative some can be.. i struggled my first few weeks lol
There are a lot of the I wish I knew then that I did now. Even with those things known I don\'t know how much more it would have helped me.
the most important thing i learned on the forums is the post to earn points feature. easy money!
Im gonna try to post a little more and earn some of those points. anything helps to get into the tourneys.
I wish I knew that people wouldn\'t pay back their loans despite a decent history
I stopped trying to do surveys along time ago. Never got even one to go threw. So just avoiding getting myself worked up and no matter how many ppl say one wored and it\'s easy if i try it it wouldn\'t work.
Id say the main thing I wish I knew all along is that if you wipe well your butt wont itch
thannk you, this was very helpful!
I wish that I had known what everyones damn cards were lol
lmao/////////////////////////.................................................. ........................................
There is so much to learn as a noobie. This is a great guide for all the new people to read and to make money as quick as possible.
i wish i knew how famous i would be so i could rub it in ppls faces more
I wish I knew how bad that pussy smelt before I got drunk.
thanks for all the help
Thank you for the post. Extremely useful.
Thanks for the tips but were are the tips on how to get easy point i hate doing this and that all day trying to get the points to get into the carbon tournaments
well i like the radio loyalty tips in the OP i'll have to try that
three things. bankroll bankroll and bankroll management.
Thanks for the helpful info!
I wish I knew that people wouldn't pay back their loans despite a decent history
Thanks for posting this... super helpful for a newbie (me)
I wish I knew that people wouldn't pay back their loans despite a decent history
that you may have a big hot streak followed by a downswing