I need to know these things too.Just in case I ever make any money
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Thanks for the info.
omg! i REALLY wish i KNEW to sign up through PO to the poker sites i play on for the rakeback and so i could play the BIGGER FR's!! i NVR get to play the 500$ and 2k$ fr's on BCP! it sucks sooo bad!
thanks for the info man, this will come in handy, just recently went broke so im back to grinding the good ol FRs
re raising is the hardest thing to learn. id rather just go all in from the get go
just my way of thinking
You are awesome guy to do such a tool for all newbie (maybe for many skilled members as well)! I will raise my hand up for you :)
yeah tilt problems and pushing too light at the end of tournaments are two things i used to struggle with alot
pushing late in a tourament is very risky and sometimes will put you on the rail watching instead of play inthe hand so be causious and remember that someone will put you allin in a min if they have a good hand