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Thread: question

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Jul 2013


    how can i get points?

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Veteran hypknautiqah's Avatar
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    May 2013
    you'll hear about surveys and download not converting points but crowdflower under the offerwalls will ALWAYS award points when u finish a project for them. if you get good at them you can score thousands of points. iv made most if not all of my points off them
    She touched her boob, than touched me, from the transative properties of algebra, I GOT BOOB!! -Steve Smith

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jul 2013
    watch video, do some surveys, listen to the radio, or you can buy points.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God HopsBar28's Avatar
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    May 2013
    Seriously - the easiest thing is RadioLoyalty - just start it up at the beginning of the day, let it run and do the captcha's every 10 minutes. The 70s channel plays decent old rock, so that's my preference.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by HopsnBarley28 View Post
    Seriously - the easiest thing is RadioLoyalty - just start it up at the beginning of the day, let it run and do the captcha's every 10 minutes. The 70s channel plays decent old rock, so that's my preference.
    noooooooooo, not worth the time of day pfff

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by gedupson View Post
    noooooooooo, not worth the time of day pfff
    What do you mean?

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    May 2013
    best way is to go to trial play do the offers they have for hulu, red box and credit scores. there are 3 credit score ones. anyhow enter your credit card and they wont charge u unless u forget to cancel. But as long as u cancell before the trial period ends no charge and lots of points

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    or do five post a day for easy 25 pts. easy pts that way

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Pro VVickedKitty's Avatar
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    When I first joined the site, Radio Loyalty was a great steady way to make points. It is there when all else fails.

    Once I massed over 3000 pts. I started getting in on Last Longer Bets and Donkey Betting. Those are a great way to multiply your points! It is also a lot more fun than doing a survey or downloading a game so that is how I get most of my points nowadays.

    Crowdflower has been my top point source lately. It is also one of the most consistent at paying out.

    Now, 5 measly pts is not worth it to me to do on a daily basis so I still use Radio Loyalty occasionally but not as much as I did in the beginning.

    I would still highly recommend it to beginners to the site and I still use it occasionally when I get frustrated with offers not converting.
    Carbon VVickedKitty37|BCP VVickedKitty |Juicy VV1ckedKitty|Lock VV1ckedK1tty

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Demi-God AcesUp1439's Avatar
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    Crowdflower is the easiest points... They convert all the time and have good pay for points.

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