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hi im new and love it ....
The offer wall is bull crap !! They ask you to download there sities and you get no points for it all the time.
I've download several ads with not getting any points.
"(1) I downloaded XXXX and didn't get my points and (2) it gave me a virus!"
1. You have to allow all that extra bundled software with it. There is a landing page for most downloads, if you are not getting to that page in the process, that is why.
2.It is not a virus. It is ADWARE. Adware is annoying but not harmful. That adware is why we are getting points to download it.
I recommend using Sandboxie for downloads.
Sandboxie runs your programs in an isolated space which prevents them from making permanent changes to other programs and data in your computer.
This, along with other useful information, is covered in my thread .
new here still trying to find my way around.
I am a meat popsicle. Currently hosting an inter-galatic kegger in the Degoba System. Kegs are almost tapped! BYOB. There isnt another liquor store for like 3 solar systems.
The video's seem to work the best but they only give you two points. They need to up the post points to around 10 to 20 points.
welcome to pokerowned good luck to you at the tables
New to PokerOwned, but I'm a retired old fart from the mountains of Arizona. I play poker for recreation and though I play seriously, I don't bet all bent if I mess up or get beat. Hope to meet some of you on the tables soon.