I'm new here, been playing poker for years at Indian Casino's in Oklahoma, and used to be a FTP/PS player... i've only played few of yalls freerolls and general consensus is im a donk... I will never beliittle another player or spout negative words towards anyone though, love just playing the game for the fun/thrill/and of course the $
i understand u, the people in online poker swear a lot, to make u angry, to make u tilt, don`t let them get under ur skin ;]
my name is Mihai im from Romania and i have 29 years
yeaaaaaaaaaa that is very very good :D
my name is Rafal im from Poland
hey there everyone it's a love, hate, and sweat the river for the pocket rockets lol
hay,i'm Andrius from lithuania .
The names kurt from central new york. Play alot of live poker at Turning Stone
im new here but am looking forward to getting to know ye
Hi and welcome to Pokerowned. Some of the best players in the world are right here on this site so listen to people and you will get great advice. Gl