Last night i play in pokerowned freeroll....when remain last 9 players i was at 4 place ...but with calm i win the turney.
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Last night i play in pokerowned freeroll....when remain last 9 players i was at 4 place ...but with calm i win the turney.
congratulations. it is a great feeling to get your first win here. keep it up!
I can usually win!!
Congratz on the win. What site did u win the freeroll on?
i took it down a couple of times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!123
congradulations on your win are you talking about the po tourney in carbon
congradulations on your win KEEP UP GL....
I guess it's only right to congratulate you. I'm gonna take part in a tourney too, and I sure want to place in the top 5!
Congratulations on getting your first win. i hope you have more to come.
Congratulations friend hope succeeds in making a good bank with the money luck
its getting much harder to win these tourneys
comgrats on your win, play solid and more will come. i can contest to today
even to just final table its getting harder. Players are much more aggressive and risky with inferior hands
good job more to come im sure
congrats, out of all the retarded little sperms, on this day, your little swimmer won!
good for you congrats. when i am at the end of tourney very hard to stay calm
good job... Congrualation !! :)
Congrats! I've been to the final table quite a lot. Just can't seem to get over the hump. Keep up the good work!:)
That is a great job. I have never won one hope to soon.
good job, keep it up, not seeing any winnings in ur title box tho?
must b its truth or must b u r u kidding me. i dont see any winnings if u come first place it wud display prize money in money won mayb it takes time for this to update hmmm i will chek again in 1 week if not yet then u r bluff me or else u r true i will find out abt u soon but for now goodbye.
well done..congrats
congrats on your win. It gives anyone the warm and fuzzies on a first place win. So congrats again
It's always great to win a tourney. I mean, making a post just to let the world know is a little over the top, but congrats on the good work man.
Congrats on your win,,, may you have more.. as long as I'm not at the final table,,,
congradulations on your win keep it up god luck....
congrats on the win, only have won 1 before myself
yeah it's a great feeling to know that you won your first freeroll, keep up the good work and keep grinding. wish you the best of luck (:
congrats i won my first one on Juicy when they still had them there, yet to take one down on carbon, maybe one of these days i will
i won my first one on bovada i think for $5.60.
i won my first one on Juicy when they still had them there, yet to take one down on carbon
Very nice! I\'ve only placed top paying position once and never won it all. Hoping to soon though!
Congrats. Hopefully you\'ll stick around to make some more mooooolah
I placed in two of the free rolls today. I really screwed up at the end on the PLO game and cashed out really late.
These tournaments are a godsend in terms of building a roll and staying on top of your game when too busy otherwise. Congrats as well!
Agreed. We all hope for the same I think. These tournaments make me wonder how much I have missed out on in terms of free money and expected profits on zero investment