I like to play against other players multi-tabling in cash games, then go against them with almost anything when I see emotion taking over their play after a bad beat.
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I like to play against other players multi-tabling in cash games, then go against them with almost anything when I see emotion taking over their play after a bad beat.
multitabling worked for me great last night but it was in freerolls i would not recommend on cash tables because u have to make quick decisions and can sometimes call a big hand by mistake and lose a lot of cash coz u play in a hurry.
I used to multi 8-12 tables on pstars, but that was limit holdem :) My rule of thumb is try not to overlap tables, keep them all clearly visible at all times. And you should be able to beat the game on 1 table and should be playing a level or two below what you're bankrolled for.
yeah this is difficulte .... ;)
yes it can be tuff to do... i try to just do max 2... lol
i noly do 2 ever max in any cash ga mes,, and 2 tourneys max for me also. or else i cant really focus.:)lately i only like to do one hi lo cash table tho at a time,, casue when i do 2, it al ways seems that I get ahead on one table and down on the other,, then cancels out any profit:( olol,, so lately i just been sticking to one table at a time there tho..
i used to hate multi ttbaling but know I play 2-4 tables at once....its alot more action packed
Tourneys seem to be the easiest to multi-table.
it is not always bad, you can make a lot of money sometimes
Yeah multi tabling is all about playing the probabilities of the hands and I think that takes a lot of the fun out of it for me. If you are trying to make as much money as possible and if you are a solid poker player than I say multi tabling is the way to go for you. Otherwise, I would stick to one table to learn how to play solid poker first.