multi tabling is good if you have a good rakeback, you play a lot of hands, so more money back to you,also vip points etc.
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multi tabling is good if you have a good rakeback, you play a lot of hands, so more money back to you,also vip points etc.
I love to multi table but I can see why some people say it is bad
multi table can be more difficult i prefer sit & go
Thanks for this tip...i play multi end i bad
that is my biggest failing 2 date,only works on small tables on pokerstars,I'm switching 2 sng
Why do all of you consider multi tabling a bad Idea? If you make the correct decisions, and play position correctly, and your hand selection is proper, Multitabling can be profitable for anyone.
Sure, if you can take the badbeats.
I play for fun - typically keep <$200 on a web site. I play PO touneys seriously and when I make enough cash to have fun at higher cash tables I go do that short stacked. That being said I have a million hands played on-line and I noticed one thing. Play with in your limits and learn to play into weakness at all times. IF not that gd, raise a lot but keep ur bets small so when someone hits a monster or is bluffing you can see it more readily. I can tell when someone else has too many table running and can usually bluff them off a hand with a smaller bet. Thats the advantage of playing only 2 tables NL. You can spot weakness and take a little here, take a little there and back away when donky hits his flush/str8 etc. I can usually tell when someones bluffing as well because the bad players bluff the same amount - maybe 2 hours apart - but its the same amount. I didn't notice that on 6 tables.
another valid touch on that subject...and take it from me I know I have become victom to may own donking when multi-tabling....I dont care how great of a player you are....If you take a bad beat in one will effect the others your playing whether you realize it or not....your entire game will change until you can slow down and reset your mind frame...
A pro stated to me that he only plays 2 or 3 tables NL. granted hes playing for higher stakes but the phliosophy is the same. If your really good play 3 tables NL, if not stick 1 or 2. I agree with Mr Lova and the statement about losing more money at a faster rate if ur not gd and multi tabling. Some of the best money i have made on other sites was playing NL on 1 table, against obvious aggressive donks or wanna be sharks and waiting 3 hours for my "10 10 to hit a top set"....cost me $20 in blinds but made me $100. In a typical session - if your patient enough to wait for gd hands and you have found a "shark" wanna be you can usually pick them off over 4 to 8 hours of play and make your $100 or $150 at like .25/.50 type tables. ITs too easy to go on a bad streak if your shoving all in with AK, AA, KK etc... pre flop or on the flop - much better to keep it a lil smaller and trap a little bit more. I have had bad months where I lost with bottom set to mid or top set ot AA to just about anything pre flop 5x in a row - this is ok at real small NL tables but at other tables with a smaller bank roll u might get varianced out of your bank roll. Just one style of play that can keep you playing cards longer and depositing less. I have deposited 1x for $200 and have played for several years here - thats my goal - to be entertained and maybe make a couple dollars - yours might be different.
Some interesting posts here. I do agree that the best way of playing at the small limits is trapping. When you play overly aggressive, you end up going all in a lot and a lot of those end up being flips. So theres just way too much variance playing super aggressive at 100bbs.
i disagree its good cause if you low stacked and getting bullied by a large stack and then get transfered to another table with equal stacks
Thanks for the advice.
Hey guys....Thanks for this information that you have posted here. i really like this post. keep it up.
What works for you doesn't necessarily apply to others. There is this one Japanese guy on Team PokerStars who plays 24 tables at the same time! I believe he set the record for becoming SuperNova Elite in the shortest amount of time.
I on the other hand can only play one table at once, I want to observe my opponents. But if I could do more tables, I would, but t just doesn't feel comfortable.
I multi table alot-the advantage is I'm always making decisions and it feeds my rush.. the downside is i cant pay attention to whos playing tight or loose or whos sitting out which is always a huge disadvantage to me. food for thought good post