takes practice and patience for that matter, do not overextend yourself in the beginning, start with 2-4 then move up when comfortable
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takes practice and patience for that matter, do not overextend yourself in the beginning, start with 2-4 then move up when comfortable
I wouldn't recommend multi tabling. you pick up on your oppenets more if ur just watching one table
seems better to play more hands in shorter time though
i play multi tables on PLO or NLH.it's the simple way to loose some or win some quick.in the end for that we playing,to win something.
I'm always mutli tabling. It helps take the edge of and keep the boredom at bay. I make sure I maximize the amount of tables I play. I can only play 4 tops, while still properly maintaining my game. Anymore than 4 and I'm at a loss.
i only like to play one or 2 games at the time so can concentrate more
every 1s got a opinion now pick wich 1 too use
I love to multi table but it just too hard to fully pay attention to all the hands and players.. i lose more money doing it. so i try to limit my tables to two. I can focus better just sucks when you get bored which is why you prob used multi tables to begin with like me.
most rational way to build a bankroll...just keep within limits
I will multitable freerolls and one other only at a time.
i hate multi-tabling b.c u cant get good tells on your oponents, such as btting patterns....even to its online there are soo many tells that can give u a big advantage on your opponents....i play mainly 1-2 tables max. no more, I never understood people playing like 16+ table on PS or FT. It was ridiculous. lol
Multi-tabling takes practice, wouldn't do it too much at first. Also would go up in tables very slow. If you are playing a lot of games with the same players, you can get a good read on them, but they also can get a good read on you. Definitely a good idea though if you are trying to be a volume player and want to get a vip level.
Multi-tabling is fine, if you can do it. If you want practice, get in as many .11 bumblebees as you can til you can't handle it. when you find the right amount of tables for that, that is your limit. i'd suggest not playing at your limit all the time, but playing a table or two less would be ok. and as you get used to that amount, break out the .11's again and see how many you can do again, adjust and repeat
theres nothing wrong with multi-tabling just work your way up slowly
Not so sure the short table Bumblebee is conducive for multi-tabling. Little to fast especially for an "all in" SnG with huge variance. Would look for a full table cash game and be very selective on position and hand range. Basically looking to maximize monster hands while trolling for fish. I'd save those Bumblebees for a break in the action or when the bankroll is bleeding but want to keep playing.
Great suggestion on adding tables until you are comfortable and playing on less than your comfort zone.
I can focus enough when im multi tabling regualr games.. pplus ppl look for multi tableers because they are pretty generic with their game style.
u cant stay focused on the game when u try to play on multitables thats my opinion;)
some people can , and for others its hard, there really isnt a rule though, if it works why not
Multi-tabling helps keep me from making stupid plays due to boredom.
I like to play against other players multi-tabling in cash games, then go against them with almost anything when I see emotion taking over their play after a bad beat.
multitabling worked for me great last night but it was in freerolls i would not recommend on cash tables because u have to make quick decisions and can sometimes call a big hand by mistake and lose a lot of cash coz u play in a hurry.
I used to multi 8-12 tables on pstars, but that was limit holdem :) My rule of thumb is try not to overlap tables, keep them all clearly visible at all times. And you should be able to beat the game on 1 table and should be playing a level or two below what you're bankrolled for.
yeah this is difficulte .... ;)
yes it can be tuff to do... i try to just do max 2... lol
i noly do 2 ever max in any cash ga mes,, and 2 tourneys max for me also. or else i cant really focus.:)lately i only like to do one hi lo cash table tho at a time,, casue when i do 2, it al ways seems that I get ahead on one table and down on the other,, then cancels out any profit:( olol,, so lately i just been sticking to one table at a time there tho..
i used to hate multi ttbaling but know I play 2-4 tables at once....its alot more action packed
Tourneys seem to be the easiest to multi-table.
it is not always bad, you can make a lot of money sometimes
Yeah multi tabling is all about playing the probabilities of the hands and I think that takes a lot of the fun out of it for me. If you are trying to make as much money as possible and if you are a solid poker player than I say multi tabling is the way to go for you. Otherwise, I would stick to one table to learn how to play solid poker first.
I never do it.
i agree with \'\'royalpat\'\' playing multi-tables u rlly cant enjoy the game...
i used to think multi tabling is bad, but I know find it easier to play 3-4 tables, win much more $ and earning VIP points way quicker.
i think theres no harm in multitabling on freerolls but if u play buyin tourneys u shud limit urself to 2 or maybe 3 i woudnt push it more than that
Whether multi-tabling is bad i think depends on how good the player is. I know that players who are well-experienced and have a good tracker software, they will profit the most from multitabling. If you are just trying to enjoy the game or learn to improve, then I think that you should stick to 4 or less tables at a time.
Multi table playing is a great way to earn money if your good enough
it is hard to concentrate and sometimes get confiused with other tables
I have been multi-tabling since 1996, and I got to say it is a bad idea if you play live on the side.
multi-tabling is good during freerolls only so even if u sitting out on a couple of tables its fine but wud be nt advisable to play cash games while multitabling unless u r pro player.
jails the shit