This will be the Final Bounty Tourney I host this year ...

IF you are a BOUNTY .. please lmk WHO took you out

The Bounties are : Zab : 1000 pts ( if Zab shows up, I will stick him with the Bill )
Poof : 500 pts ( a work night = too chicken to play)
lilg : 300 pts ( too much of a putz to play)
CKC1UNV : 300 pts ( will try to play)
BigBadJohn : 300 pts ( will play)
rrickir : 150 pts ( because i can)
steveg78 : 150 pts ( won the most Bounty Points)
RcktWrangler : 150 pts ( won too many Games)

I will be Adding more !!!

***** GET 3 Bounties = 1000 Point Bonus !!! *****