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  1. #1
    Its 2016. Poker is Dead NeilZelkin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Let's open the Vault!!! Back to 2012

    With the New Year rapidly approaching I would like to revisit a post I made several years ago on this very site. Through the vitriol and snark I never in my wildest dreams though, did I think when it wrote it that years later our nation would be no closer to the goal of total legalization of ONLINE POKER!!!! So read it and enjoy...

    As some of you may or may not know, I occasionally utilize my text box for some inane chatter. It breaks up the monotony that for the poker owned regulars can become a bit of a grind after awhile.

    Tonight I will utilize the forum to rant during play.

    For me at least, I feel that since our Nazi government seriously dented online poker over a year ago with black Friday, all that is left now is this merge and a reshaped Bodog I mean Bovada, that personally I think sucks with anonymous poker. Oh and about a thousand US poker players, if not more, that were stiffed by those fucking looters at Full Tilt to the tune of not one, not two, but hundreds of millions of dollars. The royal flush of all frauds by a group that previously hunted flushes on the felt not in cyberspace. Yeah I am talking to you Chris "Jesus" Ferguson and you doughboy motherfucker you, Howie "The Professor" Lederer. You would think that a professor coupled with a guy that has the balls to not only refer to himself as the most famous man of all, Jesus, you think you would have been in good hands. But they, just like the US government, have woefully let us down.

    While the internet gets paved, repaved and paved fucking again!!!!, Millions of American poker players, some good, some bad but all stuck in the same boat, drifting slowly down stream back into the dark ages where online poker is sketchy due to inaction and an inability by those who we elected to regulate the damn thing.

    So we, no offense Zab, have settled for $35 freerolls to satiate our desire for halfway decent poker. Why? Because ever since black Friday I have deemed all real money online action to be as valuable as the bills I can find inside my son's box containing the timeless "Monopoly." I have friends who literally got crushed, both mentally and financially due to the unscrupulous ways of full tilt. Luckily, I was fortunate; I was a Poker Stars man due to an earlier disagreement with FT circa 2009. But my friends and all the others were the real victims of a government's pursuit to outlaw something that they have no right to outlaw in the first place. How was screwing their own citizens out of millions and screwing millions of online poker out of any viable options to pursue their right at fortune on the online felt, ever adopted as policy by the greatest nation on Earth? Especially in an economy in this country that is currently set up to cater to those with the riches who in turn are those who we generally elect to representing us in government. Like the jokers who passed UIGEA in the first place. Robust fruit for a few but mostly rotten for the rest of us. Why is it that I can do everything but (I hear there is an app in development) butt scratching online, but have the opportunity to turn $20 into 2k in one night with a little luck? And then have faith that I would be rewarded with a prompt payment. Not 4-6 weeks after a DNA sample.

    Why? Why? Why?

    The clock is ticking. Its gonna be 2013 before we know it. What the Fuck is taking so long? I am tired of waiting for Online poker to be legal in this country. If you are like me then you are to. So join me in???????????? That is the problem. What can I, a little man from Chicago do to change this gross injustice? A travesty if you will. That is the fucking problem. Our country is so big, like a huge octopus, the channels of government its tentacles flying around, swallowing up everything it gets a hold of.

    The end result is, whether its healthcare reform, the debt ceiling, or regulating online poker nothing gets done in Washington. The only thing they do it appears in Washington is just print more money. It's a good time to be a purveyor of the paper the treasury department prints its money on but not much else is growing at such a positive pace.

    Just some thoughts while I am grinding it out here in Poker Owned's Friday night $40 feature currently sitting with a touch over 8k in chips. I am in 4th looking for a win and that juicy 1st place prize of $12. Or one yellow colored bill and two white ones. Just like in Monopoly.
    I suck at Poker. You suck at Life. Swallow That...

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Love ya bruddah

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