kep up end god luck to you in making bm
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kep up end god luck to you in making bm
thanks for all the support means a lot to me, actually could not attend the tourney because i was still on a sports event when it started :/
Cash Game Baby
i will go on to cash game when i have a solid br and then to proper tourneys when the br is strong enough for that...i will see how long it will take ;)
today was not a good but also not a bad day ...
i played around 15 SNGs being in cash 9 times, some bad beats there aa vs kk etc., in addition to that i get itm in 35$ Po freeroll. Finally 10th place, but could have done much better not loosing triple k against triple king higher card just before getting on the final table.
In total it is a plus uf around 3 $, but at least i have solid plus every day again
after some bad days i am done to 15$ on carbon, played not so bad poker but was running constantly in monster hands or getting sucked by donkey bets on the river like qq < 46, nevertheless i think i improved my mtt playing, itm on pokerstars po, another one i was bubble buy ;(, today i made 1 $ buy inn on 888 poker and made 6th out of 180 winning 10 bucks :) so overall it will go on and hopefully i am up to about 75-100$ in the end of the month
Sit and go progressive tourneys prove the ultimate skill and challenge for a player to judge his game. Just sayin'...
just the second final tab?e thios evening, atm i am chip leader first will get 34 $ for 1 $ buy inn....
finished 5th again got pocket pair of 6, then raised from BB getting called
another 6 on the flop together with A and 8 rainbow, shove from me again half my stack, reraise all inn call
he showed A 8, so like i expected on the river the 8 so his full house wins ;(
new Br on 888 poker 19,83$, carbon 14,25, pokerstars 0,7....not to bad but must be improved
back to 19,32 on carbon