Yep, a sit-n-go pro is the smartest player in my book... I wanna be able to play one with a $1,000,000 buy in... take first everytime
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Yep, a sit-n-go pro is the smartest player in my book... I wanna be able to play one with a $1,000,000 buy in... take first everytime
sit n goes are good to make a bankroll if you can sit through ti
I've recently gotten into knockout tourneys!!! Great way to win some cash to almost x3 for 1st place
you will probably lose it all before you make anything substanital
SNG and bankroll management is a great way to start building your bankroll. I did it on fulltilt for a while until i got more into cash games. Just dont play out of your bankroll and you should be fine!
Avoid downswings with keeping in mind BR management and take a rest sometimes to start each day fresh and from beginning.
Agreed. If you're reasonable you can build up with SNGs. Lower variance, less opponents, don't have to commit that much time.... I guess I prefer SNGs above everything else.
SNGs are a fine thing, at the moment i play a little more cash than sngs, but today it is sng time again, lets see how it works :)
under the topic connection SNG. What roll do you recommend to play the $ 1.5 9os non turbo?