Am I the only one who isn't satisfied by the double ups? lol
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Am I the only one who isn't satisfied by the double ups? lol
today want to try some flhe 9max tabling ;)
so far made a very micro profit of about 12 cents playing a little bit more than 130 hands
but also made some unlucky bets loosing KKs and QQs against A10 and J10
so just made another 1,6 dollars winning AK against jj all inn after flop (K73 rainbow) :) this time 6 max 4nl
nice job samweis keep up the good work
today i reeched my target off 100 points to qualify for the big freerolls, now i can just play some more sngs and cash sessions without any pressure ;)
Keep it up Samweis!
I play Double Up SnG's
today made some cash game, around 150 hands maybe winning about 1,5 dollar, but in the middle of the session i was down to minus 2 dollars so worked out well in the end of the session