Are there still PokerOwned Freerolls on Pokerstars?
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Are there still PokerOwned Freerolls on Pokerstars?
They should increase the point buyins for pokerowned freerolls and make in a 100$ gt not 20$ and 25$ that be awesome
I just registered today, can I play in the PLO free roll on ACR?
you should b able to play the PLO on bcp or acr. Should give u the choice to play on either site. gl to u man
congrats man. Keep up the good work
Yea, I love this site.
Got 3rd on my second freeroll goinf for 1st tonight
Gonna try a FR today, hopefully it goes well.
that sounds great keep it up and dont donk off the money too fast. lol
which tourney did u cash in was it at brovada acp or black poker