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I just finished playing the 10pm po freeroll (or maybe it should be called a point-roll) and I finished in third.
I am very happy with my results especially since I got into a few bad situations where I had about 10 big blinds or less. I made some stupid calls where I probably should of folded instead. These bad situations came before the money when we were down to the final two or three tables so I ended up just barely making it into the money.
Once I got into the money I played pretty much all in or fold and I quickly moved back up to over ten big blinds.
I was eliminated in third position I was on the button and I had ace-ten offsuite or maybe I was in the small blind cause I thought the person I ahead of me limped in. Anyways, I had about ten big blinds and I shoved all in. The guy that called me had queen-7 offsuite and he made a two pair. I started with the better hand and I lost so I didn't lose because I made a stupid decision. I lost because the opponent that called decided to use his much bigger stack to try to eliminate me. I think the opponent had twenty to thirty big blinds and if I were in his position I would of considered doing the same thing.
When I get eliminated in a situation like this I am happy because I got eliminated because of luck, not because of bad decisions on my part.