just remember that if your going to limp in and wait for someone to raise pre flop then re-raise them you better be ready to go all in because 8 out of 10 times once it gets back to the original raiser after you limped/re-raised he/she is probably going to shove..this is online poker after all..lol
It has not worked for me to be a limper with any playable hand, you loose the ability to predict what you are up against after the flop.
I often times find myself limping in with AA or KK, just so I can get someone else to bet, so then I can re raise on them. I just hate starting off with a bet with one of those hands, and havin everyone folding
It depends on the kind of table you are at. Good players will mix it up, bad ones will play the same. In the beginnings of tournaments playing tight is pretty much a must though.
I would say that this kind of play is really useful with KK or AA but less useful with QQ because alot of the time you will be facing AK and thus the hand is a coin flip.
I would suggest to never limp early in the tournament. If the blinds get bigger you can do it more often with a big hand. I agree with s810car that you would only be holding big hands like AA, KK, QQ or even AK. AK i would even fold to a raise and reraise, most of the time. Depends on my own stack and the reraise. I would not be shoving over the top with it. Also limping can most of the time only be good when your either "under the gun" or very early position (more chance that someone raises).