loose 50$ at cashgame at carboon with KK vs 2 other Players..allin preflop they had kk and qq..
sure hard to loose vs same hand..the other kk hit flush..
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loose 50$ at cashgame at carboon with KK vs 2 other Players..allin preflop they had kk and qq..
sure hard to loose vs same hand..the other kk hit flush..
It sucks, but it happens. I've had it happen a few times. Best advice is shrug it off and play again, as there was nothing you could do
Like Magyk says, you've got to shrug it off. You went in with the best hand. That's all you can do.
it happens all the time...it sucks..but thats life....
It happens mas times of what we think ... it gives many wrangle
it is the3 carbon software it always gets u on thenriver qnd i;ve been loosing to flushes all week
in my case always lose with kk or aa gl in the next tournament
AA and KK sometimes lose vs. .hit hands...
thats things of lucky or unlucky :(
it happens all the time.. its luck
ouchy..that sucks...all in pre too....i would do the same with kk ....who wouldnt...unless ya got a really good read on an AA...i think i folded kk once...but that was on a satty bubble tho...so that don't count
variance can be a real killer....you seen this one from the wsop a few years back...???
G2GPOKER.COM (AAAA vs Royal Flush 2008 WSOP MAIN EVENT) - YouTube
sometimes yer the dog...sometimes yer the hydrant....hope ya run good and make it up..:)
all the best and glgl
it happens at least it wasnt 1000 so you should be happy
Always win ;DDD
most of the time I win with KK, and lose with AA. So I prefer playing KK than AA
Sucks, sometimes the cowboys can't out gun them everytime.
It sucks, but it happens.. gl boy
it happens man, thats the game.. gL
omg thats kinda insane ;S but anyway better then other guy hited Q, hate when lower pair hit it :/
KK is the toughest hand to fold, almost impossible.
all in!!!!!!
I rarely fold KK, almost never!
" It sucks, but it happens.. gl boy "
i never go all in preflop with KK it's a very good hand but..
very unlucky and so sick
Whatever says KK is not a hand to fold,so all-in!
Gotta love this game we play! Bad beats hurt especially in cash games but if things happened like they should every time this game would be sooooo boring.
very true, tough break there
i lost allin on kk so often but still love to see it specially during start of tourney u wud mostly win with it but towards end no gurante.
it happens all the time...it sucks..but thats life.
lol i lost having KK vs 2 7 rainbow :D because flop was 2 7, and bullshit
in my case always lose with kk or aa gl in the next tournament +11111
it just cooler dont make you tilt you make god play just dont have luck in this hand,
with kk almost never lose, even preflop i make a big raise, to see if somebody follows. I got a problem with AA. When i go all in preflop, the haf of the times, somebody makes two pairs, or a straight.
Usually raise and re-raise with KK, but all-in? Only in select situations, after all, it's only one pair.
Think about the poor guy with Q,Q who expected to be in good shape and then both of you flipped over kings!
sure it sucks , better lose to that than J6 off
huy that bad but nothing to play for luck recover