Patience and study lol. I am trying to play micro cash, and am finally earning a fairly consistent win rate. Learning sites like DTB really help! Watch videos and study until your pre-flop and flop play becomes automatic. Once you obtain the "magic" 100 buy-in mark (200$) for 1-2 NL you can start playing 2 plus table at a time and increase your earnings. Good luck!
Progress with building / busting bankroll is very individual. Each player fits better in different stakes so it is up to you where you feel quite confident.
Whatever you do, stay away from the casino gambling, (Like carbon's blackjack) they will rape you $1 at a time :(
take about 10% of your BR and invest it wisely... dont be trying to put your hole BR in a tourney... take small percentages and put them in there and if you win a few of them you can move up to the next level!
I\'ve heard 100Buy-in\'s or more for Tourneys and SNG\'s
10-20buy-ins for cash games.. obviously if your still learning you want to lean to the side of more is better.
Good Luck!
would tourneys be a good way to progress with a small bankroll, say 10-20 dollars? or is that still too small?
bankroll mngment is prob one of the hardest part of the poker life, if you cant maintain it, you will end up RELOADING on a regular basis... like me...
what most people don\'t realize is "bankroll management is irrelevant if you suck at poker"