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  1. #1
    PokerOwned God greengiant's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Best Pokerowned cash game and tourney players...

    Ok so there has been alot of discussion about who is best tourney player on Pokerowned and I wouldn't feel right talking best without throwing the name lilG97 out there. he is about to go on a run of gold soon I believe. I think to be a best cash game player you need a flexible schedule and have reading ability to boot. Tourney top notch I believe is lilg97(not to say there isn't other great players on this site). The more work you put in the better the results. I believe a young scolar named DK12 said it best, "success is a science, master it". GL all!!!

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Is lilg a good tourney player? Yes. but in order to be called the best you have to be able to play your best throughout the whole tourney, this is lilg's pitfall. He has a habit of building a big stack early and then bubbling.

    I think that s810car has proved that he is the best/most consistent tourney player here.
    Honestly I think that I am the best SNG player here. I cash in them at will, if i was more focused on them I would be rich. I have no doubt that I would place higher than Phil Ivey in 9/10 single table sngs.
    I don't play enough cash to speak intelligently about who the best cash game player would be, is sure as hell seems like asutb always has a huge stack in the client tho.
    lilg97: sup
    Me: nm u?
    lilg97: nada bored
    lilg97: tryna find some folsk to menot r cant fin dnon eSad

  3. #3
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Here are 6 people in no particular order (except for #1)

    1. JayTodd (killing it lately)
    2-6. s810, HesTheWorst, RyanGray, IDoThisFor (I believe he's our only hi-5 champ) and Newdaddy (makes a LOT of FTs)

    Honorable mention to TheCol, he just hasn't been around.

    Best Poets of All time<br/>

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    okay i'll admit it, I was joking about being better than Phil Ivey.
    lilg97: sup
    Me: nm u?
    lilg97: nada bored
    lilg97: tryna find some folsk to menot r cant fin dnon eSad

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