This came up at a recent MTT tourney I was playing in. I had raised a few pots in a row and got dealt A-T in the cutoff. I hadn't had to show down any of my previous hands that I raised with either.
I raise 3x BB and the BB re-raised me. Ordinarily I would have folded but I decided to call. For some reason we check it down and I lose to BB's AK.
Then something strange happened a few hands later. I'm on the button and have 7-7 and raise it 3x BB and the BB calls. Flop comes K-T-7 and it all goes in on the flop and my hand holds up. The BB says, "now he wakes up with a hand". BB showed A-T, btw.
So here he is thinking I am a complete noob 'cause I called a re-raise with A-T and couldn't give me credit for a real hand. I ask again, can making and showing mistakes help you table image later ?
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12-12-2010, 12:53 PM #1
Can making mistakes help your table image?