Against a very agro player cash table what would you rather have and why
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Against a very agro player cash table what would you rather have and why
kq off, so many plrs call with that hand, it can't be all bad? get a tie break ain't nothing to complain about unless ur paying rake
910s By A long shot! Cant easily fold KQ when Paired and are dominated by most good players ranges but 910 is just setting up a monster!
im taking the bigger cards just saying i wonder what the odds are looks kinda even 55/45 my guess
KQ is setting you up to lose a big pot with a weak kicker...assuming you think your hand is good when it hits.
The agro player will likely back off of a board with kings and queens on it if he didn't hit..KQ looks a lot like big pairs in early position. win small pot or lose big pot...KQ is more likely to be a hand an agro player is wanting to play against...
9 10 suited is way more versatile...easy fold if you miss...nines and tens on the board= c-bet for an agro
better chance at winning a big pot with 9 10
I like 910 against an agro showing up with KQ seems like showing up to a gun fight with a rubber least 910 suited is a knife and gives you a chance.
kq off two over cards.
9,10,K,Q cause im playing Omaha hi. Weeeeeeee
I'm probably folding both of these hands, but if I had to play one I'd rather have KQ off because flush draws already end up costing me chips
I'll take the K-Q off any day. Case closed.
gotta go with KQ, but do like the 109sooted
Against a guy who plays a lot of hands both look pretty good... but paint always looks nice even if I have lost more money from them in these scenarios haha. Retrospectively, 9Ts, being the donk I am, KQ off
Edit: grammar
kq if hes super aggro we beat a ton more hands,,,,, we cant beat jack 2 with 910
King queen off.
I hate playing lower suited connectors.
910s is easier to trap an aggro with, KQo he could easily hit the board similar as you and outdraw you, i could easily see them goin with J10 on a KQx board (or worse a JKK board holding JJ), no way getting outta that hand, where 910s much easier to fold or trap depending on board texture. Overall obv i'd want KQo, but if at a table with super aggros, best way to make some serious money is to widen your range to all suited connector down to 56 in mid pos 910 in early (after 2nd utg in 9man after utg in 6man), and non suited to 78 mid pos 10J early, all PP in mid pos, 44 or 55+ in early (all the way to utg). Obv play cautious that loose, but dont be afraid to gamble either, payoffs against aggros will be HUGE, plus likelihood too tilt him will be much greater, even better for you
kq is the one i would pick has great call equity in a limp pot two pairs alot and still can win without hitting it
u also look at ten nine suited can get beat flush wise. u really need nut str8 to be could with it and two pair can get tricky
doesnt really matter your cards if your playing the player and making a move against him tbh.....
:eek:The 9-10 suited for me, although the KQ has the high position before the flop. A flush is likely to give you a bigger payoff, IMHO.
9 10 suited too many people play kq
I'll take KQ in almost all circumstances because it is a slight favorite. 910 suited maybe on the button?
KQ off. I'm going with the odds. KQ off is 61% v a random hand. I will win more often v an Aggro. Against a tight predictable player, give me the SC.
kq becase he is agro so most off the time its beter hand
it depends but I'm probably taking the KQ off, if he's really super aggr I'm taking the 910 suited tho
vs a super nit 910s vs laggy boy kqo, brah will 3barrell me if its a Jhigh flop and turn brings K bet bet bet
910 i think, i like those cards very very much :) good luck at tables
Yes depends on opposition but in most games I will take the high cards.
Easy decision to me kq is better than 9 10, I win more often with kq anyways I take kq
Id probably take the suited connectors rather than the un-suited ones I guess...
I would take the suited with more draws. I rather have more outs if I am going to flip.
Poker Stove gives KQoff 59.9% vs 10/9 suited so I guess logic says to choose that. Honestly, though, you can hit so many great hands with suited connectors that I would probably pick that instead.
You have to pick kq but 910 suited its probly pretty close.
I would personaly take KQ off. I just really like that hand. :-)
Yeah its just a toss up, really depending on the type of player your against
KQ all day because its bigger than any trash aggro boy is ghoing to try to win with.
10-9 I like for some odd reason it seems that you have better odds of making a straight, and the straight cards on the low end look less threatening on the board. 2 me anyway....
Just keep playing to win cause losing comes with the winning.
If you are on Carbon it doesnt matter.
I like KQ, much better hand imo
9-10 suited. because K/Q off is just as vulnerable against any A high hand or suited Ace hand... with 9-10 suited you increase your chances of hitting 2 pair, trips, Fullhouse, Flush and Straight Flush possibilities and even a royal so overall its a better starting hand...