u think that zoom is more profitable than cash tables???
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u think that zoom is more profitable than cash tables???
yeah, i think zoom is more profitable
Who cares, lucky euroboxes. lol
Well I played it from time to time (NL10 and NL25) and was doing not too bad.
About 14 days ago I cashed in to get the reload bonus and planned to play it through with Zoom.
I turned up the volume and I did horrible the last 14 days playing NL 25 and NL 10. Lost about 25% of my BR, so I quitted playing it for the moment, because I was tilted and frustrated.
i played alot of zoom poker and i can tell you that is sick...sicker than anything on stars...nonprofitable for me
I played zooooooooooom
only play AA, KK, AK, n maybe QQ n u should be good. Otherwise just keep folding n rack up the VPPs. Thats what i did on FTP RUSH n made it profitable.
zoooom sucks
What the heck is zoom,,,if I may ask ?
I think you a little bit outdated wagon, zoom is like Rush Poker.
If everyone is only playing AA KK AK QQ do you have implied odds to play speculative hands in position once in a while? Since you essentially know they have a monster?
Yes this is what I try to do from time to time.
6-max zoom is good. Tons of varience. Not sure if its profitable or not for me. I havent played too much of it. I think if u play it right u can rack up some big scores. Its quite fun and gets vpp going up quick.
zoom is a very tricky game! a lot of set ups KK vs QQ, AA vs KK and its simply lottery......i think normal cash is more profitable ;)
no good.
i think the zoom is not very profitable ...play FL Holdem or NL holdem thats profitables
zomm is not profitable bicose russian play a lot!!!!!
i played at zoom but its not profitable...i dont like it
yea that seems like all the restt of the new bs they are coming out with...the best was rush poker on ftp but needless to say they arent around haha
i playing zzzzoooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmm
WTH is zoom. I want to try.:cool: Lucky
Ive been doing quite well on zoom. I like it personally. People fold more often so u can steal blinds and you can c-bet every pot because they don't know if u do that regularly. Take advantage of opponents not having info on you. Make the plays and more often than not people will just 'fast fold' and find a better spot in the next hand.
it is profitable, but player play only good cards and every time you play whit some1 in a pot.. thei will almost every time will have a strong hand
zoom is great if u play plo,but holdem nothing beats cash tables
I don't care for zoom. As fast as it should be, seems to be as slow as any sng and way too many loose players...more than normal. Quality play is rare with zoom, in my opinion. :)
zoom and rush poker are just to add more rake for platforms and big holes in players pockets :P
Why is that "zoom" different than a regular game? Can someone explain?
I never played zoom...
i played at zoom but my opinion is ...the zoomis not profitable.
yeah rush poker better .:D
yeah...you sohuld play zoom 0.01/0.02 4 tables...fold any hand but the strong one and you will get some profit
i played at zoom but is not profitable!
zoom is speed tables if u dont like ur hand u simply fold and ull b immediately put on another table with new cards without waiting for the current hand to complete it is fun i like it i had a good run playing somethin similar yesterday 'blaze poker' on ladbrokes
While I didn't get a chance to play it, the version I played on ftp was really exciting. It was fun. I think it rewards tight players.
i play too...i think is very clever...not staying for every hand + you accumulate number of played hands...and gives you i dont know what reward...