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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jan 2013
    im scared to put any of my pwn $$ on any of these sites cause since imm in the us who knows if I will ever get my winners...I just downloaded bcp last night and so far I feel its better then carbon..but that just after 1 night of playing..never tried bovada but if I do I will leave you my thoughts about it here

  2. #12
    Seasoned Veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Whats the best waay to setup Bovada?
    I keep "screwing IT up" Evens.......

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by PokerMaster View Post
    I play on Bovada and I think it's great. Cashout fees are really high though. Min cashout $100. Fee for cashout $50. That's bullshit, but if you win more it's ok I guess. Of course the fees go up too.
    im pretty sure you get 1 free cashout a month and it's only a 20 min withdrawal by check
    I'm gonna give that bitch a freeroll, bitches love freerolls.

  4. #14
    Seasoned Veteran
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    May 2012
    I have heard good things about Bovada but don't like the anon setup being an owner of HM2
    Notable FTs-2/7/2011 $55 12.5K FTP (8th-$378) 3/23/2011- 3.30 8max 1.5k Stars (1st-$434)-5/02/2012 5.50r/a $2500 True (2nd-$306)

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jan 2013
    sorry but what do you mean by "anon setup" and "HM2" ?...I guess im kinda ignorant to a lot of these poker site

  6. #16
    Seasoned Veteran
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    May 2012
    The anon setup is the fact that at the table you dont have a name just a player number that is different every game. By HM2 I mean Hold'em Manager 2 which is a hud software that keeps track of people I have been in hands against and gives me info based on playes they have made before
    Notable FTs-2/7/2011 $55 12.5K FTP (8th-$378) 3/23/2011- 3.30 8max 1.5k Stars (1st-$434)-5/02/2012 5.50r/a $2500 True (2nd-$306)

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jan 2013
    ewww..I don't like the idea of just being a number.. especially one that changes every time you play...and that HM2 seems kinda awesome! that something anyone can dl to there computer?..sry to bother you about all this but this will be my last question about it

  8. #18
    Experienced Member
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    Dec 2013
    Word of advice..I been playing on bovada for months. If you can handle crazy crazy variance go for it. You will see action flops you will win on the river big but mostly lose on the river big. I am switching over to pokerhost after this last cashout from bovada.

  9. #19
    PokerOwned God
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    Apr 2012
    bcp f'd me by transferring money to someone when I clearly wrote in an email to not do so...

    they end up saying nothing they can do. I must contact the other person to get the funds.

    total bullshit. bcp owes me, at least throw me a dam free ticket bastards.

    think I will contact them the next time I am angry.

  10. #20
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I like it and I don't. I do like the fact that no one can track you but I have trouble trusting that everything is legit.

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