First off hes the best way I can put my stats since BCP doesn't track
s810car - Poker Player

That obv doesn't say my misses, only big enough tourney cashes, however that's only since January, so IMO a decent amount of cashing not including my SNG an cash game play (for instance won a $50 DON 10 min ago, another $50 in the pocket )

I am offering the chance to stake me in ANY OSS game that I'll be home to play, before I choose to buy in with my own roll. I am ALWAYS home from work at around 5:30 PST (server time on BCP 8:30), I will play any game from that time on, and I usually buy in late to most games I play, so I'm comfortable offering makeup in any game I'm staked in that starts by server time of 7:00pm (non turbo) or 8:00pm (turbo). I will be doing 60/40 + stakeback, 60% to staker, or 50/50 + stakeback at min place of 18th or better, so I'm giving the staker a much better deal at min cashing, so no regrets (either get good deal at min cash or makeup if I bubble or worse, can't go wrong!)

I will also be posting in here any games I do buyin, and what I'll charge per % of action. To eliminate confusion of last time, I will be offering that up to level 8 (non turbo) or level 12 (turbo) of blinds, NO CREDIT TAKEN. The % will be from what is cashed, no stakeback, but the % will be done to where as long as I min cash, the staker will be making money as well. Makeup will be offered on this as well.

Post in here if you decide to buyin to my play, and ship to s810car on BCP, or s10car on ACR (I will play either one, and ship back from site I play on). Any questions please post, and gl to us if you choose to stake a winner