3 six max turbo, busted. got outplayed here
Game started at: 2014/8/7 14:54:20
Game ID: 305541911 10/20 $3 Hyper Turbo 6-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 1: jmoser6132 (555).
Seat 2: johnwallin (490).
Seat 3: azntipper (455).
Seat 4: newdaddyhere101 (500).
Seat 5: coorslightlady (500).
Seat 6: BLK KEN (500).
Player azntipper has small blind (10)
Player newdaddyhere101 has big blind (20)
Player azntipper received a card.
Player azntipper received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [2s]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [As]
Player coorslightlady received a card.
Player coorslightlady received a card.
Player BLK KEN received a card.
Player BLK KEN received a card.
Player jmoser6132 received a card.
Player jmoser6132 received a card.
Player johnwallin received a card.
Player johnwallin received a card.
Player coorslightlady folds
Player BLK KEN folds
Player jmoser6132 folds
Player johnwallin folds
Player azntipper raises (50)
Player newdaddyhere101 calls (40)
*** FLOP ***: [2d 8c 2c]
Player azntipper checks
Player newdaddyhere101 bets (60)
Player azntipper calls (60)
*** TURN ***: [2d 8c 2c] [5h]
Player azntipper checks
Player newdaddyhere101 bets (120)
Player azntipper calls (120)
*** RIVER ***: [2d 8c 2c 5h] [6h]
Player azntipper checks
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (260)
Player azntipper allin (215)
Uncalled bet (45) returned to newdaddyhere101
------ Summary ------
Pot: 910. Rake 0
Board: [2d 8c 2c 5h 6h]
Player jmoser6132 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player johnwallin does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
*Player azntipper shows: Full House (8/2) [8s 8h]. Bets: 455. Collects: 910. Wins: 455.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: Three Of Kind of 2s [2s As]. Bets: 455. Collects: 0. Loses: 455.
Player coorslightlady does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player BLK KEN does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Game ended at: 2014/8/7 14:55:38
BR-338.34. Still in plo 300 gur. just bout at the ft
Game started at: 2014/8/7 15:26:41
Game ID: 305551610 20000/40000 TURBO10 - $300 GTD PLO R/A, Table 3 (Omaha)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 4: newdaddyhere101 (365650).
Seat 5: ESCORPION (151252).
Seat 7: olorin (680098).
Player ESCORPION has small blind (20000)
Player olorin has big blind (40000)
Player ESCORPION received a card.
Player ESCORPION received a card.
Player ESCORPION received a card.
Player ESCORPION received a card.
Player olorin received a card.
Player olorin received a card.
Player olorin received a card.
Player olorin received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [10s]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [6h]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [As]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [4s]
Player newdaddyhere101 raises (90000)
Player ESCORPION allin (131252)
Player olorin folds
Player newdaddyhere101 calls (61252)
*** FLOP ***: [8c 3d 5s]
*** TURN ***: [8c 3d 5s] [2h]
*** RIVER ***: [8c 3d 5s 2h] [3h]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 342504. Rake 0
Board: [8c 3d 5s 2h 3h]
*Player newdaddyhere101 shows: Straight to 6 [10s 6h As 4s]. Bets: 151252. Collects: 342504. Wins: 191252.
Player ESCORPION shows: One pair of 3s [7h Ac Kh Jc]. Bets: 151252. Collects: 0. Loses: 151252.
Player olorin does not show cards.Bets: 40000. Collects: 0. Loses: 40000.
Game ended at: 2014/8/7 15:27:13
got 2nd for 56.16 current br-394.50
Game started at: 2014/8/7 15:26:41
Game ID: 305551610 20000/40000 TURBO10 - $300 GTD PLO R/A, Table 3 (Omaha)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 4: newdaddyhere101 (365650).
Seat 5: ESCORPION (151252).
Seat 7: olorin (680098).
Player ESCORPION has small blind (20000)
Player olorin has big blind (40000)
Player ESCORPION received a card.
Player ESCORPION received a card.
Player ESCORPION received a card.
Player ESCORPION received a card.
Player olorin received a card.
Player olorin received a card.
Player olorin received a card.
Player olorin received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [10s]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [6h]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [As]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [4s]
Player newdaddyhere101 raises (90000)
Player ESCORPION allin (131252)
Player olorin folds
Player newdaddyhere101 calls (61252)
*** FLOP ***: [8c 3d 5s]
*** TURN ***: [8c 3d 5s] [2h]
*** RIVER ***: [8c 3d 5s 2h] [3h]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 342504. Rake 0
Board: [8c 3d 5s 2h 3h]
*Player newdaddyhere101 shows: Straight to 6 [10s 6h As 4s]. Bets: 151252. Collects: 342504. Wins: 191252.
Player ESCORPION shows: One pair of 3s [7h Ac Kh Jc]. Bets: 151252. Collects: 0. Loses: 151252.
Player olorin does not show cards.Bets: 40000. Collects: 0. Loses: 40000.
Game ended at: 2014/8/7 15:27:13
bad timing, ticks me off. :) still in 3k and 5 od current Br-324.10
Game started at: 2014/8/7 20:21:5
Game ID: 305651587 100/200 TURBO10 - $1,200 GTD MEGA STACK, Table 5 (Hold'em)
Seat 8 is the button
Seat 1: newdaddyhere101 (6971).
Seat 2: ImALLINagain85 (15090).
Seat 3: supameng (9225).
Seat 4: Blumarum (11715).
Seat 6: CheezGrabhard (9035).
Seat 7: StillEyEs (7148).
Seat 8: LaJune (20340).
Seat 9: Pan (11112).
Player Pan ante (20)
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (20)
Player ImALLINagain85 ante (20)
Player supameng ante (20)
Player Blumarum ante (20)
Player CheezGrabhard ante (20)
Player StillEyEs ante (20)
Player LaJune ante (20)
Player Pan has small blind (100)
Player newdaddyhere101 has big blind (200)
Player Pan received a card.
Player Pan received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [10s]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [10h]
Player ImALLINagain85 received a card.
Player ImALLINagain85 received a card.
Player supameng received a card.
Player supameng received a card.
Player Blumarum received a card.
Player Blumarum received a card.
Player CheezGrabhard received a card.
Player CheezGrabhard received a card.
Player StillEyEs received a card.
Player StillEyEs received a card.
Player LaJune received a card.
Player LaJune received a card.
Player ImALLINagain85 folds
Player supameng calls (200)
Player Blumarum raises (600)
Player CheezGrabhard folds
Player StillEyEs calls (600)
Player LaJune folds
Player Pan folds
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (6751)
Player supameng folds
Player Blumarum allin (11095)
Player StillEyEs folds
Uncalled bet (4744) returned to Blumarum
*** FLOP ***: [5h Jd 8c]
*** TURN ***: [5h Jd 8c] [6c]
*** RIVER ***: [5h Jd 8c 6c] [Ah]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 14962. Rake 0
Board: [5h Jd 8c 6c Ah]
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: One pair of 10s [10s 10h]. Bets: 6971. Collects: 0. Loses: 6971.
Player ImALLINagain85 does not show cards.Bets: 20. Collects: 0. Loses: 20.
Player supameng does not show cards.Bets: 220. Collects: 0. Loses: 220.
*Player Blumarum shows: Three Of Kind of 6s [6s 6d]. Bets: 6971. Collects: 14962. Wins: 7991.
Player CheezGrabhard does not show cards.Bets: 20. Collects: 0. Loses: 20.
Player StillEyEs does not show cards.Bets: 620. Collects: 0. Loses: 620.
Player LaJune does not show cards.Bets: 20. Collects: 0. Loses: 20.
Player Pan does not show cards.Bets: 120. Collects: 0. Loses: 120.
Game ended at: 2014/8/7 20:22:17
after busting in hand i above i did rebuy in the mega. BR-302.10
Game started at: 2014/8/7 21:22:0
Game ID: 305668522 600/1200 TURBO10 - $1,200 GTD MEGA STACK, Table 10 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 1: phyquetwo (11240).
Seat 2: bc_plo8monster (19793).
Seat 3: mikesaari87 (7650).
Seat 4: StackinCheese (40872).
Seat 5: MacheezMO (15933).
Seat 6: newdaddyhere101 (5345).
Seat 8: Pan (23804).
Seat 9: futon8888 (7800).
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (120)
Player Pan ante (120)
Player futon8888 ante (120)
Player phyquetwo ante (120)
Player bc_plo8monster ante (120)
Player mikesaari87 ante (120)
Player StackinCheese ante (120)
Player MacheezMO ante (120)
Player newdaddyhere101 has small blind (600)
Player Pan has big blind (1200)
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Jc]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [As]
Player Pan received a card.
Player Pan received a card.
Player futon8888 received a card.
Player futon8888 received a card.
Player phyquetwo received a card.
Player phyquetwo received a card.
Player bc_plo8monster received a card.
Player bc_plo8monster received a card.
Player mikesaari87 received a card.
Player mikesaari87 received a card.
Player StackinCheese received a card.
Player StackinCheese received a card.
Player MacheezMO received a card.
Player MacheezMO received a card.
Player futon8888 folds
Player phyquetwo folds
Player bc_plo8monster raises (3600)
Player mikesaari87 folds
Player StackinCheese folds
Player MacheezMO folds
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (4625)
Player Pan folds
Player bc_plo8monster calls (1625)
*** FLOP ***: [8c 3h 9h]
*** TURN ***: [8c 3h 9h] [6s]
*** RIVER ***: [8c 3h 9h 6s] [9s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 12610. Rake 0
Board: [8c 3h 9h 6s 9s]
Player phyquetwo does not show cards.Bets: 120. Collects: 0. Loses: 120.
*Player bc_plo8monster shows: Two pairs. 9s and 5s [5c 5h]. Bets: 5345. Collects: 12610. Wins: 7265.
Player mikesaari87 does not show cards.Bets: 120. Collects: 0. Loses: 120.
Player StackinCheese does not show cards.Bets: 120. Collects: 0. Loses: 120.
Player MacheezMO does not show cards.Bets: 120. Collects: 0. Loses: 120.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: One pair of 9s [Jc As]. Bets: 5345. Collects: 0. Loses: 5345.
Player Pan does not show cards.Bets: 1320. Collects: 0. Loses: 1320.
Player futon8888 does not show cards.Bets: 120. Collects: 0. Loses: 120.
Game ended at: 2014/8/7 21:23:11
no cash again in the mega. out in 58th
Game started at: 2014/8/7 21:45:59
Game ID: 305675622 400/800 BIG10 - $3,000 GTD, Table 8 (Hold'em)
Seat 7 is the button
Seat 1: Deyrockz (21783).
Seat 2: Ante-Christ (23102).
Seat 5: billybob09 (48040).
Seat 6: jparks989 (18125).
Seat 7: Quentin (53536).
Seat 8: newdaddyhere101 (9972).
Seat 9: olsnuff23 (3361).
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (75)
Player olsnuff23 ante (75)
Player Deyrockz ante (75)
Player Ante-Christ ante (75)
Player billybob09 ante (75)
Player jparks989 ante (75)
Player Quentin ante (75)
Player newdaddyhere101 has small blind (400)
Player olsnuff23 has big blind (800)
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [9d]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Ad]
Player olsnuff23 received a card.
Player olsnuff23 received a card.
Player Deyrockz received a card.
Player Deyrockz received a card.
Player Ante-Christ received a card.
Player Ante-Christ received a card.
Player billybob09 received a card.
Player billybob09 received a card.
Player jparks989 received a card.
Player jparks989 received a card.
Player Quentin received a card.
Player Quentin received a card.
Player Deyrockz folds
Player Ante-Christ folds
Player billybob09 folds
Player jparks989 folds
Player Quentin raises (4800)
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (9497)
Player olsnuff23 folds
Player Quentin calls (5097)
*** FLOP ***: [10s 7h 4c]
*** TURN ***: [10s 7h 4c] [4s]
*** RIVER ***: [10s 7h 4c 4s] [Qc]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 21119. Rake 0
Board: [10s 7h 4c 4s Qc]
Player Deyrockz does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
Player Ante-Christ does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
Player billybob09 does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
Player jparks989 does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
*Player Quentin shows: Two pairs. 6s and 4s [6d 6h]. Bets: 9972. Collects: 21119. Wins: 11147.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: One pair of 4s [9d Ad]. Bets: 9972. Collects: 0. Loses: 9972.
Player olsnuff23 does not show cards.Bets: 875. Collects: 0. Loses: 875.
Game ended at: 2014/8/7 21:46:54
damn it man 29th. I could have waited to min cash but thought I was gonna b ahead here. Sigh only in the 400 gur six max for 5.50. current Br-296.52
Game started at: 2014/8/7 21:45:59
Game ID: 305675622 400/800 BIG10 - $3,000 GTD, Table 8 (Hold'em)
Seat 7 is the button
Seat 1: Deyrockz (21783).
Seat 2: Ante-Christ (23102).
Seat 5: billybob09 (48040).
Seat 6: jparks989 (18125).
Seat 7: Quentin (53536).
Seat 8: newdaddyhere101 (9972).
Seat 9: olsnuff23 (3361).
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (75)
Player olsnuff23 ante (75)
Player Deyrockz ante (75)
Player Ante-Christ ante (75)
Player billybob09 ante (75)
Player jparks989 ante (75)
Player Quentin ante (75)
Player newdaddyhere101 has small blind (400)
Player olsnuff23 has big blind (800)
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [9d]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Ad]
Player olsnuff23 received a card.
Player olsnuff23 received a card.
Player Deyrockz received a card.
Player Deyrockz received a card.
Player Ante-Christ received a card.
Player Ante-Christ received a card.
Player billybob09 received a card.
Player billybob09 received a card.
Player jparks989 received a card.
Player jparks989 received a card.
Player Quentin received a card.
Player Quentin received a card.
Player Deyrockz folds
Player Ante-Christ folds
Player billybob09 folds
Player jparks989 folds
Player Quentin raises (4800)
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (9497)
Player olsnuff23 folds
Player Quentin calls (5097)
*** FLOP ***: [10s 7h 4c]
*** TURN ***: [10s 7h 4c] [4s]
*** RIVER ***: [10s 7h 4c 4s] [Qc]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 21119. Rake 0
Board: [10s 7h 4c 4s Qc]
Player Deyrockz does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
Player Ante-Christ does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
Player billybob09 does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
Player jparks989 does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
*Player Quentin shows: Two pairs. 6s and 4s [6d 6h]. Bets: 9972. Collects: 21119. Wins: 11147.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: One pair of 4s [9d Ad]. Bets: 9972. Collects: 0. Loses: 9972.
Player olsnuff23 does not show cards.Bets: 875. Collects: 0. Loses: 875.
Game ended at: 2014/8/7 21:46:54
f man not my night. calling it a night after the 30 don im in is done. current br 264.62
opps posted wrong hand above... stand by
Seat 1: dodofizz19 (1405).
Seat 2: fastandfurious (2950).
Seat 3: newdaddyhere101 (514).
Seat 5: johnwallin (2029).
Seat 6: swish1 (2102).
Player fastandfurious has small blind (100)
Player newdaddyhere101 has big blind (200)
Player fastandfurious received a card.
Player fastandfurious received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [10s]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Jh]
Player johnwallin received a card.
Player johnwallin received a card.
Player swish1 received a card.
Player swish1 received a card.
Player dodofizz19 received a card.
Player dodofizz19 received a card.
Player johnwallin folds
Player swish1 calls (200)
Player dodofizz19 folds
Player fastandfurious folds
Player newdaddyhere101 checks
*** FLOP ***: [Ah 5c Qh]
Player newdaddyhere101 checks
Player swish1 bets (200)
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (314)
Player swish1 calls (114)
*** TURN ***: [Ah 5c Qh] [7d]
*** RIVER ***: [Ah 5c Qh 7d] [2d]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 1128. Rake 0
Board: [Ah 5c Qh 7d 2d]
Player dodofizz19 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player fastandfurious does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: High card A [10s Jh]. Bets: 514. Collects: 0. Loses: 514.
Player johnwallin does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
*Player swish1 shows: One pair of Qs [10c Qc]. Bets: 514. Collects: 1128. Wins: 614.
Game ended at: 2014/8/7 22:28:40
man i am done for tonight. lost key hand a few min ago, just not my night. br 264.62
Game started at: 2014/8/8 19:35:8
Game ID: 305925316 25/50 $50 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: NancyReagan (2425).
Seat 2: newdaddyhere101 (950).
Seat 3: DavidOrtiz (2985).
Seat 5: OCKAJI (1215).
Seat 6: TPEHEP (1425).
Player OCKAJI has small blind (25)
Player TPEHEP has big blind (50)
Player OCKAJI received a card.
Player OCKAJI received a card.
Player TPEHEP received a card.
Player TPEHEP received a card.
Player NancyReagan received a card.
Player NancyReagan received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Kh]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Qd]
Player DavidOrtiz received a card.
Player DavidOrtiz received a card.
Player NancyReagan folds
Player newdaddyhere101 raises (150)
Player DavidOrtiz folds
Player OCKAJI allin (1190)
Player TPEHEP folds
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (800)
Uncalled bet (265) returned to OCKAJI
*** FLOP ***: [4c 7s Ah]
*** TURN ***: [4c 7s Ah] [8d]
*** RIVER ***: [4c 7s Ah 8d] [Jc]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 1950. Rake 0
Board: [4c 7s Ah 8d Jc]
Player NancyReagan does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: High card A [Kh Qd]. Bets: 950. Collects: 0. Loses: 950.
Player DavidOrtiz does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
*Player OCKAJI shows: One pair of 10s [10c 10h]. Bets: 950. Collects: 1950. Wins: 1000.
Player TPEHEP does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Game ended at: 2014/8/8 19:35:44
shit dude, this was third time he re raised me. Just happen to be at same table with him in OD and also the 3k. ugh anyhow, I just didn't hit. Shitty start.
And just busted in the fing 3k. It just seems nuts to me how many have re-raised me in the matter of half hour i been on. just is strange to me, so think i'll b sticking to the small stakes tonight compared to what i been playing.
Game started at: 2014/8/8 19:37:59
Game ID: 305926467 75/150 BIG10 - $3,000 GTD, Table 5 (Hold'em)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: newdaddyhere101 (2570).
Seat 2: Shipit75 (15880).
Seat 4: Blackwhisper (6809).
Seat 5: crossingspro (19975).
Seat 6: Tcrowley (16709).
Seat 7: osoyogui (5000).
Seat 8: dbrinker (5743).
Seat 9: Modistone (1968).
Player crossingspro ante (15)
Player Tcrowley ante (15)
Player osoyogui ante (15)
Player dbrinker ante (15)
Player Modistone ante (15)
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (15)
Player Shipit75 ante (15)
Player Blackwhisper ante (15)
Player crossingspro has small blind (75)
Player Tcrowley has big blind (150)
Player crossingspro received a card.
Player crossingspro received a card.
Player Tcrowley received a card.
Player Tcrowley received a card.
Player osoyogui received a card.
Player osoyogui received a card.
Player dbrinker received a card.
Player dbrinker received a card.
Player Modistone received a card.
Player Modistone received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Jh]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [As]
Player Shipit75 received a card.
Player Shipit75 received a card.
Player Blackwhisper received a card.
Player Blackwhisper received a card.
Player osoyogui folds
Player dbrinker folds
Player Modistone folds
Player newdaddyhere101 raises (450)
Player Shipit75 raises (875)
Player Blackwhisper folds
Player crossingspro folds
Player Tcrowley folds
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (2105)
Player Shipit75 calls (1680)
*** FLOP ***: [5s 3s 4h]
*** TURN ***: [5s 3s 4h] [9c]
*** RIVER ***: [5s 3s 4h 9c] [8s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 5455. Rake 0
Board: [5s 3s 4h 9c 8s]
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: High card A [Jh As]. Bets: 2570. Collects: 0. Loses: 2570.
*Player Shipit75 shows: One pair of As [Ac Ad]. Bets: 2570. Collects: 5455. Wins: 2885.
Player Blackwhisper does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player crossingspro does not show cards.Bets: 90. Collects: 0. Loses: 90.
Player Tcrowley does not show cards.Bets: 165. Collects: 0. Loses: 165.
Player osoyogui does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player dbrinker does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player Modistone does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Game ended at: 2014/8/8 19:39:4
br-172.92 :(
Game started at: 2014/8/8 19:37:59
Game ID: 305926467 75/150 BIG10 - $3,000 GTD, Table 5 (Hold'em)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: newdaddyhere101 (2570).
Seat 2: Shipit75 (15880).
Seat 4: Blackwhisper (6809).
Seat 5: crossingspro (19975).
Seat 6: Tcrowley (16709).
Seat 7: osoyogui (5000).
Seat 8: dbrinker (5743).
Seat 9: Modistone (1968).
Player crossingspro ante (15)
Player Tcrowley ante (15)
Player osoyogui ante (15)
Player dbrinker ante (15)
Player Modistone ante (15)
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (15)
Player Shipit75 ante (15)
Player Blackwhisper ante (15)
Player crossingspro has small blind (75)
Player Tcrowley has big blind (150)
Player crossingspro received a card.
Player crossingspro received a card.
Player Tcrowley received a card.
Player Tcrowley received a card.
Player osoyogui received a card.
Player osoyogui received a card.
Player dbrinker received a card.
Player dbrinker received a card.
Player Modistone received a card.
Player Modistone received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Jh]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [As]
Player Shipit75 received a card.
Player Shipit75 received a card.
Player Blackwhisper received a card.
Player Blackwhisper received a card.
Player osoyogui folds
Player dbrinker folds
Player Modistone folds
Player newdaddyhere101 raises (450)
Player Shipit75 raises (875)
Player Blackwhisper folds
Player crossingspro folds
Player Tcrowley folds
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (2105)
Player Shipit75 calls (1680)
*** FLOP ***: [5s 3s 4h]
*** TURN ***: [5s 3s 4h] [9c]
*** RIVER ***: [5s 3s 4h 9c] [8s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 5455. Rake 0
Board: [5s 3s 4h 9c 8s]
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: High card A [Jh As]. Bets: 2570. Collects: 0. Loses: 2570.
*Player Shipit75 shows: One pair of As [Ac Ad]. Bets: 2570. Collects: 5455. Wins: 2885.
Player Blackwhisper does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player crossingspro does not show cards.Bets: 90. Collects: 0. Loses: 90.
Player Tcrowley does not show cards.Bets: 165. Collects: 0. Loses: 165.
Player osoyogui does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player dbrinker does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player Modistone does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Game ended at: 2014/8/8 19:39:4
with my rebuy after last post in the 3k and joined the mega and the following win my BR-185.17
damn it last hand was wrong post. not that hand. stand by....
this was the hand that I crippled him to few hundred chips so just show this one.
Game started at: 2014/8/8 20:33:6
Game ID: 305946303 100/200 $20 Turbo 6-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 2: MononokeHime (3485).
Seat 5: newdaddyhere101 (5515).
Player MononokeHime ante (25)
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (25)
Player newdaddyhere101 has small blind (100)
Player MononokeHime has big blind (200)
Player MononokeHime received a card.
Player MononokeHime received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Jh]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [9d]
Player newdaddyhere101 raises (400)
Player MononokeHime calls (300)
*** FLOP ***: [Ks 10s 9h]
Player MononokeHime checks
Player newdaddyhere101 checks
*** TURN ***: [Ks 10s 9h] [Qh]
Player MononokeHime checks
Player newdaddyhere101 bets (700)
Player MononokeHime calls (700)
*** RIVER ***: [Ks 10s 9h Qh] [6c]
Player MononokeHime checks
Player newdaddyhere101 bets (1900)
Player MononokeHime calls (1900)
Player MononokeHime mucks cards
------ Summary ------
Pot: 6250. Rake 0
Board: [Ks 10s 9h Qh 6c]
Player MononokeHime mucks (does not show cards). Bets: 3125. Collects: 0. Loses: 3125.
*Player newdaddyhere101 shows: Straight to K [Jh 9d]. Bets: 3125. Collects: 6250. Wins: 3125.
Game ended at: 2014/8/8 20:34:18
damn mega, not sure how he calls there, only hand i had played pretty much.
Game started at: 2014/8/8 20:42:12
Game ID: 305949526 200/400 TURBO10 - $1,200 GTD MEGA STACK, Table 4 (Hold'em)
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 1: FatPOT420 (20784).
Seat 2: newdaddyhere101 (8545).
Seat 3: Juice4Me (8900).
Seat 4: Monkeemidget (2993).
Seat 5: heavystack (9965).
Seat 6: LaJune (15092).
Seat 7: gogreek99 (11795).
Seat 8: cags13 (16217).
Seat 9: AtillaTheHun (6443).
Player Juice4Me ante (40)
Player Monkeemidget ante (40)
Player heavystack ante (40)
Player LaJune ante (40)
Player gogreek99 ante (40)
Player cags13 ante (40)
Player AtillaTheHun ante (40)
Player FatPOT420 ante (40)
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (40)
Player Juice4Me has small blind (200)
Player Monkeemidget has big blind (400)
Player Juice4Me received a card.
Player Juice4Me received a card.
Player Monkeemidget received a card.
Player Monkeemidget received a card.
Player heavystack received a card.
Player heavystack received a card.
Player LaJune received a card.
Player LaJune received a card.
Player gogreek99 received a card.
Player gogreek99 received a card.
Player cags13 received a card.
Player cags13 received a card.
Player AtillaTheHun received a card.
Player AtillaTheHun received a card.
Player FatPOT420 received a card.
Player FatPOT420 received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [6s]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [6h]
Player heavystack calls (400)
Player LaJune folds
Player gogreek99 folds
Player cags13 folds
Player AtillaTheHun folds
Player FatPOT420 folds
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (8505)
Player Juice4Me folds
Player Monkeemidget folds
Player heavystack calls (8105)
*** FLOP ***: [7d Qc 3s]
*** TURN ***: [7d Qc 3s] [Qd]
*** RIVER ***: [7d Qc 3s Qd] [Ad]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 17970. Rake 0
Board: [7d Qc 3s Qd Ad]
Player FatPOT420 does not show cards.Bets: 40. Collects: 0. Loses: 40.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: Two pairs. Qs and 6s [6s 6h]. Bets: 8545. Collects: 0. Loses: 8545.
Player Juice4Me does not show cards.Bets: 240. Collects: 0. Loses: 240.
Player Monkeemidget does not show cards.Bets: 440. Collects: 0. Loses: 440.
*Player heavystack shows: Two pairs. As and Qs [As 9s]. Bets: 8545. Collects: 17970. Wins: 9425.
Player LaJune does not show cards.Bets: 40. Collects: 0. Loses: 40.
Player gogreek99 does not show cards.Bets: 40. Collects: 0. Loses: 40.
Player cags13 does not show cards.Bets: 40. Collects: 0. Loses: 40.
Player AtillaTheHun does not show cards.Bets: 40. Collects: 0. Loses: 40.
Game ended at: 2014/8/8 20:43:10
Game started at: 2014/8/8 20:42:45
Game ID: 305949703 200/400 BIG10 - $3,000 GTD, Table 2 (Hold'em)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 2: CartaDiSqualo (4140).
Seat 3: Modistone (7725).
Seat 4: AdoreDinero (9619).
Seat 6: Konami573 (13639).
Seat 7: newdaddyhere101 (3815).
Seat 8: blackout17 (5960).
Seat 9: kjlegend (19837).
Player Konami573 ante (50)
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (50)
Player blackout17 ante (50)
Player kjlegend ante (50)
Player CartaDiSqualo ante (50)
Player Modistone ante (50)
Player AdoreDinero ante (50)
Player Konami573 has small blind (200)
Player newdaddyhere101 has big blind (400)
Player Konami573 received a card.
Player Konami573 received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [4c]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Kh]
Player blackout17 received a card.
Player blackout17 received a card.
Player kjlegend received a card.
Player kjlegend received a card.
Player CartaDiSqualo received a card.
Player CartaDiSqualo received a card.
Player Modistone received a card.
Player Modistone received a card.
Player AdoreDinero received a card.
Player AdoreDinero received a card.
Player blackout17 folds
Player kjlegend folds
Player CartaDiSqualo folds
Player Modistone folds
Player AdoreDinero folds
Player Konami573 allin (13389)
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (3365)
Uncalled bet (9824) returned to Konami573
*** FLOP ***: [Jd Jh 6c]
*** TURN ***: [Jd Jh 6c] [7s]
*** RIVER ***: [Jd Jh 6c 7s] [Qh]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 7880. Rake 0
Board: [Jd Jh 6c 7s Qh]
Player CartaDiSqualo does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player Modistone does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player AdoreDinero does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
*Player Konami573 shows: One pair of Js (kicker A) [Ad 10s]. Bets: 3815. Collects: 7880. Wins: 4065.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: One pair of Js [4c Kh]. Bets: 3815. Collects: 0. Loses: 3815.
Player blackout17 does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player kjlegend does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Game ended at: 201
tried to make a move no go. br stil at -185.17
Game started at: 2014/8/8 20:55:33
Game ID: 305953866 15/30 $20 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 1: newdaddyhere101 (805).
Seat 2: alwaysWINkler (1525).
Seat 3: sandymar (1490).
Seat 4: ousooner23 (1430).
Seat 5: Kolorman (2422).
Seat 6: Menace007 (1328).
Player Menace007 has small blind (15)
Player newdaddyhere101 has big blind (30)
Player Menace007 received a card.
Player Menace007 received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [As]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [10d]
Player alwaysWINkler received a card.
Player alwaysWINkler received a card.
Player sandymar received a card.
Player sandymar received a card.
Player ousooner23 received a card.
Player ousooner23 received a card.
Player Kolorman received a card.
Player Kolorman received a card.
Player alwaysWINkler folds
Player sandymar raises (60)
Player ousooner23 folds
Player Kolorman folds
Player Menace007 calls (45)
Player newdaddyhere101 calls (30)
*** FLOP ***: [3d 7h 3c]
Player Menace007 checks
Player newdaddyhere101 bets (120)
Player sandymar calls (120)
Player Menace007 folds
*** TURN ***: [3d 7h 3c] [2c]
Player newdaddyhere101 bets (280)
Player sandymar allin (1310)
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (345)
Uncalled bet (685) returned to sandymar
*** RIVER ***: [3d 7h 3c 2c] [8c]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 1670. Rake 0
Board: [3d 7h 3c 2c 8c]
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: One pair of 3s [As 10d]. Bets: 805. Collects: 0. Loses: 805.
Player alwaysWINkler does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
*Player sandymar shows: Two pairs. 6s and 3s [6s 6h]. Bets: 805. Collects: 1670. Wins: 865.
Player ousooner23 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player Kolorman does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player Menace007 does not show cards.Bets: 60. Collects: 0. Loses: 60.
Game ended at: 2014/8/8 20:57:0
br 152.87 still in mega
Game started at: 2014/8/8 21:21:15
Game ID: 305961534 600/1200 TURBO10 - $1,200 GTD MEGA STACK, Table 3 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 2: wayofthegunU (21880).
Seat 3: newdaddyhere101 (30694).
Seat 4: mykul9250 (25815).
Seat 5: ThaBoogieMan83 (14325).
Seat 6: Oakness Monster (11180).
Seat 7: EezeePeezee (8450).
Seat 8: bly65 (17334).
Seat 9: cptplayer (27675).
Player Oakness Monster ante (120)
Player EezeePeezee ante (120)
Player bly65 ante (120)
Player cptplayer ante (120)
Player wayofthegunU ante (120)
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (120)
Player mykul9250 ante (120)
Player ThaBoogieMan83 ante (120)
Player Oakness Monster has small blind (600)
Player EezeePeezee has big blind (1200)
Player Oakness Monster received a card.
Player Oakness Monster received a card.
Player EezeePeezee received a card.
Player EezeePeezee received a card.
Player bly65 received a card.
Player bly65 received a card.
Player cptplayer received a card.
Player cptplayer received a card.
Player wayofthegunU received a card.
Player wayofthegunU received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Ac]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [3c]
Player mykul9250 received a card.
Player mykul9250 received a card.
Player ThaBoogieMan83 received a card.
Player ThaBoogieMan83 received a card.
Player bly65 folds
Player cptplayer folds
Player wayofthegunU is timed out.
Player wayofthegunU folds
Player newdaddyhere101 raises (3600)
Player mykul9250 calls (3600)
Player ThaBoogieMan83 folds
Player Oakness Monster folds
Player EezeePeezee allin (7130)
Player newdaddyhere101 calls (4730)
Player mykul9250 calls (4730)
*** FLOP ***: [4s 3s 3h]
Player newdaddyhere101 checks
Player mykul9250 bets (8850)
Player newdaddyhere101 calls (8850)
*** TURN ***: [4s 3s 3h] [5h]
Player newdaddyhere101 bets (3950)
Player mykul9250 allin (8515)
Player newdaddyhere101 calls (4565)
*** RIVER ***: [4s 3s 3h 5h] [2s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 61280. Rake 0
Board: [4s 3s 3h 5h 2s]
Player wayofthegunU does not show cards.Bets: 120. Collects: 0. Loses: 120.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: Straight to 5 [Ac 3c]. Bets: 25815. Collects: 0. Loses: 25815.
*Player mykul9250 shows: Full House (4/3) [4d 4h]. Bets: 25815. Collects: 61280. Wins: 35465.
Player ThaBoogieMan83 does not show cards.Bets: 120. Collects: 0. Loses: 120.
Player Oakness Monster does not show cards.Bets: 720. Collects: 0. Loses: 720.
Player EezeePeezee shows: One pair of 3s [10c 9h]. Bets: 8450. Collects: 0. Loses: 8450.
Player bly65 does not show cards.Bets: 120. Collects: 0. Loses: 120.
Player cptplayer does not show cards.Bets: 120. Collects: 0. Loses: 120.
Game ended at: 2014/8/8 21:23:32
hand crippled me in the dman mega, shit. out in 63
Game started at: 2014/8/8 21:27:59
Game ID: 305963479 125/250 TURBO10 - $400 GTD 6-Max, Table 3 (Hold'em)
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 2: newdaddyhere101 (4782).
Seat 3: Kolokee (16516).
Seat 4: Pinball Pete (9214).
Seat 6: jy dawg (8541).
Player Kolokee ante (25)
Player Pinball Pete ante (25)
Player jy dawg ante (25)
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (25)
Player Kolokee has small blind (125)
Player Pinball Pete has big blind (250)
Player Kolokee received a card.
Player Kolokee received a card.
Player Pinball Pete received a card.
Player Pinball Pete received a card.
Player jy dawg received a card.
Player jy dawg received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [9s]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [9h]
Player jy dawg raises (1000)
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (4757)
Player Kolokee folds
Player Pinball Pete folds
Player jy dawg calls (3757)
*** FLOP ***: [6s 2d Ad]
*** TURN ***: [6s 2d Ad] [Kh]
*** RIVER ***: [6s 2d Ad Kh] [5d]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 9989. Rake 0
Board: [6s 2d Ad Kh 5d]
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: One pair of 9s [9s 9h]. Bets: 4782. Collects: 0. Loses: 4782.
Player Kolokee does not show cards.Bets: 150. Collects: 0. Loses: 150.
Player Pinball Pete does not show cards.Bets: 275. Collects: 0. Loses: 275.
*Player jy dawg shows: One pair of As [Ah 9c]. Bets: 4782. Collects: 9989. Wins: 5207.
Game ended at: 2014/8/8 21:28:32
shit out of the 6 max. ugh br still 130.97.
out of 15 six max
Game started at: 2014/8/8 21:29:9
Game ID: 305963800 100/200 $15 Turbo 6-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 3: DontWantNONE (3650).
Seat 5: newdaddyhere101 (633).
Seat 6: budmud (4717).
Player budmud has small blind (100)
Player DontWantNONE has big blind (200)
Player budmud received a card.
Player budmud received a card.
Player DontWantNONE received a card.
Player DontWantNONE received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [10d]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Js]
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (633)
Player budmud folds
Player DontWantNONE calls (433)
*** FLOP ***: [6h 7s 6s]
*** TURN ***: [6h 7s 6s] [3d]
*** RIVER ***: [6h 7s 6s 3d] [2s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 1366. Rake 0
Board: [6h 7s 6s 3d 2s]
*Player DontWantNONE shows: One pair of 6s (kicker A) [10h Ac]. Bets: 633. Collects: 1366. Wins: 733.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: One pair of 6s [10d Js]. Bets: 633. Collects: 0. Loses: 633.
Player budmud does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
Game ended at: 2014/8/8 21:29:26
Good Luck Buddy, see you had a terrible day yesterday, Hey we all have them man, keep ya head up and gl when u start again :)
started tonight off with 30 don and took it down. Also in 15 six max turbo and mega stack. Current br-131.67
Game ID: 306225507 100/200 $30 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 2: ousooner23 (2858).
Seat 3: DavidOrtiz (1317).
Seat 4: newdaddyhere101 (2375).
Seat 5: Blg Bad W0lf (2450).
Player ousooner23 has small blind (100)
Player DavidOrtiz has big blind (200)
Player ousooner23 received a card.
Player ousooner23 received a card.
Player DavidOrtiz received a card.
Player DavidOrtiz received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Ac]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [6s]
Player Blg Bad W0lf received a card.
Player Blg Bad W0lf received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 folds
Player Blg Bad W0lf folds
Player ousooner23 allin (2758)
Player DavidOrtiz allin (1117)
Uncalled bet (1541) returned to ousooner23
*** FLOP ***: [Qs 10h 5s]
*** TURN ***: [Qs 10h 5s] [7s]
*** RIVER ***: [Qs 10h 5s 7s] [Jc]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2634. Rake 0
Board: [Qs 10h 5s 7s Jc]
*Player ousooner23 shows: One pair of Qs [3h Qd]. Bets: 1317. Collects: 2634. Wins: 1317.
Player DavidOrtiz shows: One pair of 7s [7d Ad]. Bets: 1317. Collects: 0. Loses: 1317.
Player newdaddyhere101 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player Blg Bad W0lf does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Game ended at: 2014/8/9 20:23:3
Winning hand above
guy just got me to fold two hands earlier to same situation, just didn't scream monster to me. Than that flop and thought I was good. Anyhow I did re enter and current roll is 120.67
Game started at: 2014/8/9 20:28:33
Game ID: 306227479 125/250 TURBO10 - $1,200 GTD MEGA STACK, Table 5 (Hold'em)
Seat 7 is the button
Seat 1: newdaddyhere101 (10118).
Seat 2: bonkerz (9430).
Seat 3: DOMINATINGYOU (13015).
Seat 4: nutznutz (1480).
Seat 5: fabricio87 (10155).
Seat 7: Oakness Monster (8680).
Seat 8: tagnis (18550).
Seat 9: sanctuary (34379).
Player tagnis ante (25)
Player sanctuary ante (25)
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (25)
Player bonkerz ante (25)
Player DOMINATINGYOU ante (25)
Player nutznutz ante (25)
Player fabricio87 ante (25)
Player Oakness Monster ante (25)
Player tagnis has small blind (125)
Player sanctuary has big blind (250)
Player tagnis received a card.
Player tagnis received a card.
Player sanctuary received a card.
Player sanctuary received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [7d]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [7h]
Player bonkerz received a card.
Player bonkerz received a card.
Player DOMINATINGYOU received a card.
Player DOMINATINGYOU received a card.
Player nutznutz received a card.
Player nutznutz received a card.
Player fabricio87 received a card.
Player fabricio87 received a card.
Player Oakness Monster received a card.
Player Oakness Monster received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 raises (650)
Player bonkerz folds
Player nutznutz folds
Player fabricio87 raises (2250)
Player Oakness Monster folds
Player tagnis folds
Player sanctuary folds
Player newdaddyhere101 calls (1600)
*** FLOP ***: [6c 8c 5h]
Player newdaddyhere101 bets (3384)
Player fabricio87 allin (7880)
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (4459)
Uncalled bet (37) returned to fabricio87
*** TURN ***: [6c 8c 5h] [Jc]
*** RIVER ***: [6c 8c 5h Jc] [7c]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 20761. Rake 0
Board: [6c 8c 5h Jc 7c]
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: Three Of Kind of 7s [7d 7h]. Bets: 10118. Collects: 0. Loses: 10118.
Player bonkerz does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player DOMINATINGYOU does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player nutznutz does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
*Player fabricio87 shows: Flush, A high [Ac Kc]. Bets: 10118. Collects: 20761. Wins: 10643.
Player Oakness Monster does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player tagnis does not show cards.Bets: 150. Collects: 0. Loses: 150.
Player sanctuary does not show cards.Bets: 275. Collects: 0. Loses: 275.
Game ended at: 2014/8/9 20:30:5
hand from post above, forgot to post
Game started at: 2014/8/9 20:48:33
Game ID: 306233513 250/500 TURBO10 - $1,200 GTD MEGA STACK, Table 4 (Hold'em)
Seat 7 is the button
Seat 1: TheCrusherrr (10862).
Seat 2: wayofthegunU (9908).
Seat 3: riverme123 (17069).
Seat 5: nmlobo58 (26915).
Seat 6: CartaDiSqualo (20594).
Seat 7: pmpdemonic (50143).
Seat 8: newdaddyhere101 (3186).
Seat 9: cheesehead11 (11430).
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (50)
Player cheesehead11 ante (50)
Player TheCrusherrr ante (50)
Player wayofthegunU ante (50)
Player riverme123 ante (50)
Player nmlobo58 ante (50)
Player CartaDiSqualo ante (50)
Player pmpdemonic ante (50)
Player newdaddyhere101 has small blind (250)
Player cheesehead11 has big blind (500)
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [3h]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [3c]
Player cheesehead11 received a card.
Player cheesehead11 received a card.
Player TheCrusherrr received a card.
Player TheCrusherrr received a card.
Player wayofthegunU received a card.
Player wayofthegunU received a card.
Player riverme123 received a card.
Player riverme123 received a card.
Player nmlobo58 received a card.
Player nmlobo58 received a card.
Player CartaDiSqualo received a card.
Player CartaDiSqualo received a card.
Player pmpdemonic received a card.
Player pmpdemonic received a card.
Player TheCrusherrr folds
Player wayofthegunU folds
Player riverme123 folds
Player nmlobo58 folds
Player CartaDiSqualo raises (1000)
Player pmpdemonic folds
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (2886)
Player cheesehead11 folds
Player CartaDiSqualo calls (2136)
*** FLOP ***: [10h 6h Qd]
*** TURN ***: [10h 6h Qd] [Ac]
*** RIVER ***: [10h 6h Qd Ac] [2d]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 7172. Rake 0
Board: [10h 6h Qd Ac 2d]
Player TheCrusherrr does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player wayofthegunU does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player riverme123 does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player nmlobo58 does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
*Player CartaDiSqualo shows: Two pairs. As and Qs [Ad Qh]. Bets: 3186. Collects: 7172. Wins: 3986.
Player pmpdemonic does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: One pair of 3s [3h 3c]. Bets: 3186. Collects: 0. Loses: 3186.
Player cheesehead11 does not show cards.Bets: 550. Collects: 0. Loses: 550.
Game ended at: 2014/8/9 20:49:26
short stack went with the 33 no go still in a 20 don and 15 six max
Game started at: 2014/8/9 21:8:15
Game ID: 306238698 100/200 $20 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: bonkerz (1535).
Seat 2: wantaction (1115).
Seat 3: newdaddyhere101 (3630).
Seat 4: 69Grinder (2720).
Player 69Grinder has small blind (100)
Player bonkerz has big blind (200)
Player 69Grinder received a card.
Player 69Grinder received a card.
Player bonkerz received a card.
Player bonkerz received a card.
Player wantaction received a card.
Player wantaction received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Qc]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Ad]
Player wantaction allin (1115)
Player newdaddyhere101 calls (1115)
Player 69Grinder folds
Player bonkerz folds
*** FLOP ***: [4h 3c 9s]
*** TURN ***: [4h 3c 9s] [Ah]
*** RIVER ***: [4h 3c 9s Ah] [4c]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2530. Rake 0
Board: [4h 3c 9s Ah 4c]
Player bonkerz does not show cards.Bets: 200. Collects: 0. Loses: 200.
Player wantaction shows: One pair of 4s [Jh Kh]. Bets: 1115. Collects: 0. Loses: 1115.
*Player newdaddyhere101 shows: Two pairs. As and 4s [Qc Ad]. Bets: 1115. Collects: 2530. Wins: 1415.
Player 69Grinder does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
Game ended at: 2014/8/9 21:8:44
after this win and reg for 30 don and 15 six max current roll-74.67
f man of course. I thk maybe a few days off, not sure yet. but yeah out of the 15 six max and i unreg from the 30 don. current br 106.47
Game started at: 2014/8/9 21:24:32
Game ID: 306243569 25/50 $15 Turbo 6-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: boom0808 (985).
Seat 2: alonzo86 (1498).
Seat 3: Shipit75 (1440).
Seat 4: thimk (3023).
Seat 5: newdaddyhere101 (687).
Seat 6: wantaction (1367).
Player thimk has small blind (25)
Player newdaddyhere101 has big blind (50)
Player thimk received a card.
Player thimk received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Kh]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [9h]
Player wantaction received a card.
Player wantaction received a card.
Player boom0808 received a card.
Player boom0808 received a card.
Player alonzo86 received a card.
Player alonzo86 received a card.
Player Shipit75 received a card.
Player Shipit75 received a card.
Player wantaction folds
Player boom0808 folds
Player alonzo86 raises (100)
Player Shipit75 folds
Player thimk folds
Player newdaddyhere101 calls (50)
*** FLOP ***: [Qc 9d Ks]
Player newdaddyhere101 checks
Player alonzo86 bets (100)
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (587)
Player alonzo86 calls (487)
*** TURN ***: [Qc 9d Ks] [8h]
*** RIVER ***: [Qc 9d Ks 8h] [4s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 1399. Rake 0
Board: [Qc 9d Ks 8h 4s]
Player boom0808 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
*Player alonzo86 shows: Two pairs. Ks and Qs [Qs Kd]. Bets: 687. Collects: 1399. Wins: 712.
Player Shipit75 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player thimk does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: Two pairs. Ks and 9s [Kh 9h]. Bets: 687. Collects: 0. Loses: 687.
Player wantaction does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Game ended at: 2014/8/9 21:25:28
Just fyi I'm done for night on acr gonna head to my bcp play some cash game with my little roll on bcp. sn is newdaddyhere
just got off of work few min ago. Had a good day off of and was ready to play. jumped in the 5 OD in late reg. looks like i will win it so update br in a few. started at 106.
Game started at: 2014/8/11 23:5:18
Game ID: 306909721 400/800 $5 Holdem Turbo - On Demand, Table 2 (Hold'em)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 2: sheesh21 (7610).
Seat 4: newdaddyhere101 (23890).
Player sheesh21 ante (100)
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (100)
Player newdaddyhere101 has small blind (400)
Player sheesh21 has big blind (800)
Player sheesh21 received a card.
Player sheesh21 received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [10s]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Ad]
Player newdaddyhere101 raises (1200)
Player sheesh21 allin (6710)
Player newdaddyhere101 calls (5910)
*** FLOP ***: [2s 4s Ah]
*** TURN ***: [2s 4s Ah] [7c]
*** RIVER ***: [2s 4s Ah 7c] [4d]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 15220. Rake 0
Board: [2s 4s Ah 7c 4d]
Player sheesh21 shows: Two pairs. Js and 4s [Jd Js]. Bets: 7610. Collects: 0. Loses: 7610.
*Player newdaddyhere101 shows: Two pairs. As and 4s [10s Ad]. Bets: 7610. Collects: 15220. Wins: 7610.
Game ended at: 2014/8/11 23:5:40
so after that win of 42 dollars my current br is-143.07
On our way back up I hope
slow night no ones joining so gonna call it a night. BR-143.07
c what happens tomorrow....
12 hyper turbo heads up, just won that match . brings our currents BR-154.82
Game started at: 2014/8/12 13:18:33
Game ID: 307022827 20/40 $12 Hyper Turbo Heads-up, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: newdaddyhere101 (884).
Seat 2: BornBetter (116).
Player newdaddyhere101 has small blind (20)
Player BornBetter has big blind (40)
Player BornBetter received a card.
Player BornBetter received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Qd]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [10h]
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (864)
Player BornBetter allin (76)
Uncalled bet (768) returned to newdaddyhere101
*** FLOP ***: [4h Kc 3c]
*** TURN ***: [4h Kc 3c] [As]
*** RIVER ***: [4h Kc 3c As] [4s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 232. Rake 0
Board: [4h Kc 3c As 4s]
*Player newdaddyhere101 shows: One pair of 4s (kicker Q) [Qd 10h]. Bets: 116. Collects: 232. Wins: 116.
Player BornBetter shows: One pair of 4s [Jh 8h]. Bets: 116. Collects: 0. Loses: 116.
Game ended at: 2014/8/12 13:18:48
ya current BR-154.82
just got into the 30 3k and busted right away. shit man
Game started at: 2014/8/12 19:37:49
Game ID: 307152487 75/150 BIG10 - $3,000 GTD, Table 6 (Hold'em)
Seat 6 is the button
Seat 2: newdaddyhere101 (5000).
Seat 3: mera123 (4680).
Seat 4: clairexbear (25075).
Seat 6: LooseCille (4305).
Seat 7: realingthemin (2994).
Seat 8: bc_Ghadafi (7019).
Seat 9: Bouwmeester019 (6270).
Player realingthemin ante (15)
Player bc_Ghadafi ante (15)
Player Bouwmeester019 ante (15)
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (15)
Player mera123 ante (15)
Player clairexbear ante (15)
Player LooseCille ante (15)
Player realingthemin has small blind (75)
Player bc_Ghadafi has big blind (150)
Player realingthemin received a card.
Player realingthemin received a card.
Player bc_Ghadafi received a card.
Player bc_Ghadafi received a card.
Player Bouwmeester019 received a card.
Player Bouwmeester019 received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Ad]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Qs]
Player mera123 received a card.
Player mera123 received a card.
Player clairexbear received a card.
Player clairexbear received a card.
Player LooseCille received a card.
Player LooseCille received a card.
Player Bouwmeester019 folds
Player newdaddyhere101 raises (350)
Player mera123 calls (350)
Player clairexbear folds
Player LooseCille folds
Player realingthemin allin (2904)
Player bc_Ghadafi folds
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (4635)
Player mera123 allin (4315)
Uncalled bet (320) returned to newdaddyhere101
*** FLOP ***: [8h 4d 2c]
*** TURN ***: [8h 4d 2c] [Jc]
*** RIVER ***: [8h 4d 2c Jc] [3d]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 12564. Rake 0
Board: [8h 4d 2c Jc 3d]
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: High card A [Ad Qs]. Bets: 4680. Collects: 0. Loses: 4680.
*Player mera123 shows: One pair of 8s [8s 5s]. Bets: 4680. Collects: 12564. Wins: 7884.
Player clairexbear does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player LooseCille does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player realingthemin shows: High card A [Kc Ah]. Bets: 2994. Collects: 0. Loses: 2994.
Player bc_Ghadafi does not show cards.Bets: 165. Collects: 0. Loses: 165.
Player Bouwmeester019 does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Game ended at: 2014/8/12 19:38:29
current BR121.82 I really want to reneter the tourney. think I might..... stay tuned
did reneter just cant castch a break. So back to grinding it up
Game started at: 2014/8/12 20:7:22
Game ID: 307162348 100/200 BIG10 - $3,000 GTD, Table 2 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 1: Kolorman (3930).
Seat 3: lolICM (18607).
Seat 4: JustRebuyLoL (13373).
Seat 5: LaJune (7811).
Seat 6: glightfoot1974 (8845).
Seat 7: AtillaTheHun (3099).
Seat 9: newdaddyhere101 (6240).
Player glightfoot1974 ante (20)
Player AtillaTheHun ante (20)
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (20)
Player Kolorman ante (20)
Player lolICM ante (20)
Player JustRebuyLoL ante (20)
Player LaJune ante (20)
Player glightfoot1974 has small blind (100)
Player AtillaTheHun has big blind (200)
Player glightfoot1974 received a card.
Player glightfoot1974 received a card.
Player AtillaTheHun received a card.
Player AtillaTheHun received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [8c]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [8d]
Player Kolorman received a card.
Player Kolorman received a card.
Player lolICM received a card.
Player lolICM received a card.
Player JustRebuyLoL received a card.
Player JustRebuyLoL received a card.
Player LaJune received a card.
Player LaJune received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 raises (800)
Player Kolorman folds
Player lolICM folds
Player JustRebuyLoL folds
Player LaJune allin (7791)
Player glightfoot1974 folds
Player AtillaTheHun folds
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (5420)
Uncalled bet (1571) returned to LaJune
*** FLOP ***: [4d As Jh]
*** TURN ***: [4d As Jh] [3c]
*** RIVER ***: [4d As Jh 3c] [7h]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 12880. Rake 0
Board: [4d As Jh 3c 7h]
Player Kolorman does not show cards.Bets: 20. Collects: 0. Loses: 20.
Player lolICM does not show cards.Bets: 20. Collects: 0. Loses: 20.
Player JustRebuyLoL does not show cards.Bets: 20. Collects: 0. Loses: 20.
*Player LaJune shows: One pair of As [Qs Ac]. Bets: 6240. Collects: 12880. Wins: 6640.
Player glightfoot1974 does not show cards.Bets: 120. Collects: 0. Loses: 120.
Player AtillaTheHun does not show cards.Bets: 220. Collects: 0. Loses: 220.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: One pair of 8s [8c 8d]. Bets: 6240. Collects: 0. Loses: 6240.
Game ended at: 2014/8/12 20:8:22
current BR- 88.82
Game started at: 2014/8/12 20:50:36
Game ID: 307178401 250/500 TURBO10 - $1,200 GTD MEGA STACK, Table 3 (Hold'em)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: ImALLINagain85 (19810).
Seat 2: kraftsingle (12844).
Seat 3: RyanGray421 (6435).
Seat 4: Reeder1986 (9760).
Seat 5: FishyDonk (6690).
Seat 6: glittertime34 (20197).
Seat 7: JAYMELIMA (16000).
Seat 8: HowusayBet (6504).
Seat 9: newdaddyhere101 (10605).
Player kraftsingle ante (50)
Player RyanGray421 ante (50)
Player Reeder1986 ante (50)
Player FishyDonk ante (50)
Player glittertime34 ante (50)
Player JAYMELIMA ante (50)
Player HowusayBet ante (50)
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (50)
Player ImALLINagain85 ante (50)
Player kraftsingle has small blind (250)
Player RyanGray421 has big blind (500)
Player kraftsingle received a card.
Player kraftsingle received a card.
Player RyanGray421 received a card.
Player RyanGray421 received a card.
Player Reeder1986 received a card.
Player Reeder1986 received a card.
Player FishyDonk received a card.
Player FishyDonk received a card.
Player glittertime34 received a card.
Player glittertime34 received a card.
Player JAYMELIMA received a card.
Player JAYMELIMA received a card.
Player HowusayBet received a card.
Player HowusayBet received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [9h]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [9s]
Player ImALLINagain85 received a card.
Player ImALLINagain85 received a card.
Player Reeder1986 raises (1111)
Player FishyDonk folds
Player glittertime34 folds
Player JAYMELIMA folds
Player HowusayBet folds
Player newdaddyhere101 raises (2944)
Player ImALLINagain85 folds
Player kraftsingle allin (12544)
Player RyanGray421 folds
Player Reeder1986 folds
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (7611)
Uncalled bet (2239) returned to kraftsingle
*** FLOP ***: [3c Kc Qs]
*** TURN ***: [3c Kc Qs] [2c]
*** RIVER ***: [3c Kc Qs 2c] [Kd]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 23171. Rake 0
Board: [3c Kc Qs 2c Kd]
Player ImALLINagain85 does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
*Player kraftsingle shows: Full House (Q/K) [Qc Qd]. Bets: 10605. Collects: 23171. Wins: 12566.
Player RyanGray421 does not show cards.Bets: 550. Collects: 0. Loses: 550.
Player Reeder1986 does not show cards.Bets: 1161. Collects: 0. Loses: 1161.
Player FishyDonk does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player glittertime34 does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player JAYMELIMA does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player HowusayBet does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: Two pairs. Ks and 9s [9h 9s]. Bets: 10605. Collects: 0. Loses: 10605.
Game ended at: 2014/8/12 20:52:7
Man what can I say ugh still in the 400 six max but with this loss my my br 72.72. ugh under the hundred mark. once again will prob b done tonight so i can start fresh tomorrow night. I will get this back up to 300
Game ID: 307198351 100/200 $15 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: Snakebait (3349).
Seat 3: Jed_America (2308).
Seat 5: newdaddyhere101 (2433).
Seat 6: miketheactorontilt (910).
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (25)
Player miketheactorontilt ante (25)
Player Snakebait ante (25)
Player Jed_America ante (25)
Player newdaddyhere101 has small blind (100)
Player miketheactorontilt has big blind (200)
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [8c]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Qh]
Player miketheactorontilt received a card.
Player miketheactorontilt received a card.
Player Snakebait received a card.
Player Snakebait received a card.
Player Jed_America received a card.
Player Jed_America received a card.
Player Snakebait folds
Player Jed_America folds
Player newdaddyhere101 raises (400)
Player miketheactorontilt folds
Uncalled bet (300) returned to newdaddyhere101
Player newdaddyhere101 mucks cards
------ Summary ------
Pot: 500. Rake 0
Player Snakebait does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player Jed_America does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
*Player newdaddyhere101 mucks (does not show cards). Bets: 225. Collects: 500. Wins: 275.
Player miketheactorontilt does not show cards.Bets: 225. Collects: 0. Loses: 225.
Game ended at: 2014/8/12 22:0:36
with this win in the 15 don and still in the 400 six max current BR-86.52
just busted in the 400 6 smax in 11th place
tried to find hand but for some reason it's not working for me right now, so will look again to post hand in morning. current br-96.52
ok jumped into the mega stack and gonna do few 15 or 20 don. current br-85.82
Game started at: 2014/8/13 20:30:47
Game ID: 307449723 100/200 $15 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 2: mikemd19 (1768).
Seat 3: ILikeBonuses (1375).
Seat 4: newdaddyhere101 (3122).
Seat 5: CoWbOyzrock (2735).
Player mikemd19 has small blind (100)
Player ILikeBonuses has big blind (200)
Player mikemd19 received a card.
Player mikemd19 received a card.
Player ILikeBonuses received a card.
Player ILikeBonuses received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [3h]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Kh]
Player CoWbOyzrock received a card.
Player CoWbOyzrock received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 folds
Player CoWbOyzrock folds
Player mikemd19 allin (1668)
Player ILikeBonuses allin (1175)
Uncalled bet (393) returned to mikemd19
*** FLOP ***: [Kd 4c 7h]
*** TURN ***: [Kd 4c 7h] [Ac]
*** RIVER ***: [Kd 4c 7h Ac] [8h]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2750. Rake 0
Board: [Kd 4c 7h Ac 8h]
*Player mikemd19 shows: One pair of As [6c Ah]. Bets: 1375. Collects: 2750. Wins: 1375.
Player ILikeBonuses shows: One pair of 10s [10c 10d]. Bets: 1375. Collects: 0. Loses: 1375.
Player newdaddyhere101 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player CoWbOyzrock does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Game ended at: 2014/8/13 20:31:8
with this win in the 15 don my br is -99.72 still in mega gonna join another don not sure what size yet
f this hand 5 hyper turbo six max nothing i can do there. Ugh still in mega and 20 don just started. br- 57.32
Game ID: 307453562 10/20 $5 Hyper Turbo 6-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: To0_NaSty (530).
Seat 2: johnwallin (490).
Seat 3: newdaddyhere101 (470).
Seat 4: rajahs (480).
Seat 5: Kenbtoo (500).
Seat 6: Myturn2win (530).
Player rajahs has small blind (10)
Player Kenbtoo has big blind (20)
Player rajahs received a card.
Player rajahs received a card.
Player Kenbtoo received a card.
Player Kenbtoo received a card.
Player Myturn2win received a card.
Player Myturn2win received a card.
Player To0_NaSty received a card.
Player To0_NaSty received a card.
Player johnwallin received a card.
Player johnwallin received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Ad]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Ah]
Player Myturn2win folds
Player To0_NaSty folds
Player johnwallin folds
Player newdaddyhere101 raises (40)
Player rajahs folds
Player Kenbtoo calls (20)
*** FLOP ***: [5d Qc 8d]
Player Kenbtoo checks
Player newdaddyhere101 bets (60)
Player Kenbtoo raises (120)
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (370)
Player Kenbtoo calls (310)
*** TURN ***: [5d Qc 8d] [Ks]
*** RIVER ***: [5d Qc 8d Ks] [Kd]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 950. Rake 0
Board: [5d Qc 8d Ks Kd]
Player To0_NaSty does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player johnwallin does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: Two pairs. As and Ks [Ad Ah]. Bets: 470. Collects: 0. Loses: 470.
Player rajahs does not show cards.Bets: 10. Collects: 0. Loses: 10.
*Player Kenbtoo shows: Flush, K high [Qd 7d]. Bets: 470. Collects: 950. Wins: 480.
Player Myturn2win does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Game ended at: 2014/8/13 20:43:44
Game started at: 2014/8/13 21:10:57
Game ID: 307462369 450/900 TURBO10 - $1,200 GTD MEGA STACK, Table 13 (Hold'em)
Seat 9 is the button
Seat 2: bc_Themitten (12994).
Seat 3: bitternsweet (25119).
Seat 4: CallThisBet (40724).
Seat 5: Blackwhisper (33132).
Seat 6: Humboldtwolf (9910).
Seat 7: bc_getmesome2 (29108).
Seat 8: Davecl61 (12120).
Seat 9: newdaddyhere101 (6756).
Player bc_Themitten ante (90)
Player bitternsweet ante (90)
Player CallThisBet ante (90)
Player Blackwhisper ante (90)
Player Humboldtwolf ante (90)
Player bc_getmesome2 ante (90)
Player Davecl61 ante (90)
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (90)
Player bc_Themitten has small blind (450)
Player bitternsweet has big blind (900)
Player bc_Themitten received a card.
Player bc_Themitten received a card.
Player bitternsweet received a card.
Player bitternsweet received a card.
Player CallThisBet received a card.
Player CallThisBet received a card.
Player Blackwhisper received a card.
Player Blackwhisper received a card.
Player Humboldtwolf received a card.
Player Humboldtwolf received a card.
Player bc_getmesome2 received a card.
Player bc_getmesome2 received a card.
Player Davecl61 received a card.
Player Davecl61 received a card.
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Ad]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Qc]
Player CallThisBet folds
Player Blackwhisper folds
Player Humboldtwolf folds
Player bc_getmesome2 raises (2700)
Player Davecl61 folds
Player newdaddyhere101 allin (6666)
Player bc_Themitten folds
Player bitternsweet folds
Player bc_getmesome2 calls (3966)
*** FLOP ***: [8c 9s 4h]
*** TURN ***: [8c 9s 4h] [7h]
*** RIVER ***: [8c 9s 4h 7h] [3d]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 15402. Rake 0
Board: [8c 9s 4h 7h 3d]
Player bc_Themitten does not show cards.Bets: 540. Collects: 0. Loses: 540.
Player bitternsweet does not show cards.Bets: 990. Collects: 0. Loses: 990.
Player CallThisBet does not show cards.Bets: 90. Collects: 0. Loses: 90.
Player Blackwhisper does not show cards.Bets: 90. Collects: 0. Loses: 90.
Player Humboldtwolf does not show cards.Bets: 90. Collects: 0. Loses: 90.
*Player bc_getmesome2 shows: Three Of Kind of 8s [8h 8s]. Bets: 6756. Collects: 15402. Wins: 8646.
Player Davecl61 does not show cards.Bets: 90. Collects: 0. Loses: 90.
Player newdaddyhere101 shows: High card A [Ad Qc]. Bets: 6756. Collects: 0. Loses: 6756.
Game ended at: 2014/8/13 21:11:46
my bust hand in mega.
also won a 20 don
Game started at: 2014/8/13 21:22:6
Game ID: 307465958 100/200 $20 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 1: newdaddyhere101 (3475).
Seat 3: Winchester70 (625).
Seat 4: ILikeBonuses (1775).
Seat 5: 1swifty3 (3125).
Player newdaddyhere101 ante (25)
Player Winchester70 ante (25)
Player ILikeBonuses ante (25)
Player 1swifty3 ante (25)
Player newdaddyhere101 has small blind (100)
Player Winchester70 has big blind (200)
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [Qd]
Player newdaddyhere101 received card: [As]
Player Winchester70 received a card.
Player Winchester70 received a card.
Player ILikeBonuses received a card.
Player ILikeBonuses received a card.
Player 1swifty3 received a card.
Player 1swifty3 received a card.
Player ILikeBonuses folds
Player 1swifty3 folds
Player newdaddyhere101 raises (700)
Player Winchester70 allin (400)
Uncalled bet (200) returned to newdaddyhere101
*** FLOP ***: [7h Ac Jd]
*** TURN ***: [7h Ac Jd] [Qc]
*** RIVER ***: [7h Ac Jd Qc] [2d]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 1300. Rake 0
Board: [7h Ac Jd Qc 2d]
*Player newdaddyhere101 shows: Two pairs. As and Qs [Qd As]. Bets: 625. Collects: 1300. Wins: 675.
Player Winchester70 shows: High card A [3s 6s]. Bets: 625. Collects: 0. Loses: 625.
Player ILikeBonuses does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player 1swifty3 does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Game ended at: 2014/8/13 21:22:33
with the win br is -107.62 still in 5 od