joined the mega and just busted in 72. Also in 5 9 man turbo sit and go. and Bout to join the 400 six max. Current BR 111.15
Game started at: 2014/8/17 21:17:32
Game ID: 308623757 500/1000 TURBO10 - $1,200 GTD MEGA STACK, Table 3 (Hold'em)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 2: olorin (28548).
Seat 3: FlirtusJackson50 (8728).
Seat 4: newdaddyhere (32631).
Seat 5: 143myLG (14970).
Seat 6: SoFookingHi (30390).
Seat 7: Larry Capinga gt (9795).
Seat 8: Kolorman (8770).
Seat 9: bc_xxxFLIPxxx (81406).
Player 143myLG ante (100)
Player SoFookingHi ante (100)
Player Larry Capinga gt ante (100)
Player Kolorman ante (100)
Player bc_xxxFLIPxxx ante (100)
Player olorin ante (100)
Player FlirtusJackson50 ante (100)
Player newdaddyhere ante (100)
Player 143myLG has small blind (500)
Player SoFookingHi has big blind (1000)
Player 143myLG received a card.
Player 143myLG received a card.
Player SoFookingHi received a card.
Player SoFookingHi received a card.
Player Larry Capinga gt received a card.
Player Larry Capinga gt received a card.
Player Kolorman received a card.
Player Kolorman received a card.
Player bc_xxxFLIPxxx received a card.
Player bc_xxxFLIPxxx received a card.
Player olorin received a card.
Player olorin received a card.
Player FlirtusJackson50 received a card.
Player FlirtusJackson50 received a card.
Player newdaddyhere received card: [Ac]
Player newdaddyhere received card: [Qc]
Player Larry Capinga gt folds
Player Kolorman folds
Player bc_xxxFLIPxxx calls (1000)
Player olorin folds
Player FlirtusJackson50 folds
Player newdaddyhere raises (5000)
Player 143myLG folds
Player SoFookingHi folds
Player bc_xxxFLIPxxx calls (4000)
*** FLOP ***: [9d 2h 3h]
Player bc_xxxFLIPxxx bets (1000)
Player newdaddyhere calls (1000)
*** TURN ***: [9d 2h 3h] [Qh]
Player bc_xxxFLIPxxx checks
Player newdaddyhere bets (6100)
Player bc_xxxFLIPxxx raises (12200)
Player newdaddyhere allin (20431)
Player bc_xxxFLIPxxx calls (14331)
*** RIVER ***: [9d 2h 3h Qh] [Jh]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 67362. Rake 0
Board: [9d 2h 3h Qh Jh]
Player olorin does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
Player FlirtusJackson50 does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
Player newdaddyhere shows: One pair of Qs [Ac Qc]. Bets: 32631. Collects: 0. Loses: 32631.
Player 143myLG does not show cards.Bets: 600. Collects: 0. Loses: 600.
Player SoFookingHi does not show cards.Bets: 1100. Collects: 0. Loses: 1100.
Player Larry Capinga gt does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
Player Kolorman does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
*Player bc_xxxFLIPxxx shows: Flush, A high [7h Ah]. Bets: 32631. Collects: 67362. Wins: 34731.
Game ended at: 2014/8/17 21:18:50
Game started at: 2014/8/17 21:40:38
Game ID: 308630116 150/300 $5 Turbo 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 1: TheGrateful1wonone (2832).
Seat 2: haslock (3070).
Seat 3: old T (2689).
Seat 4: newdaddyhere (1372).
Seat 9: TZN (3537).
Player old T ante (25)
Player newdaddyhere ante (25)
Player TZN ante (25)
Player TheGrateful1wonone ante (25)
Player haslock ante (25)
Player old T has small blind (150)
Player newdaddyhere has big blind (300)
Player old T received a card.
Player old T received a card.
Player newdaddyhere received card: [5h]
Player newdaddyhere received card: [Qh]
Player TZN received a card.
Player TZN received a card.
Player TheGrateful1wonone received a card.
Player TheGrateful1wonone received a card.
Player haslock received a card.
Player haslock received a card.
Player TZN folds
Player TheGrateful1wonone calls (300)
Player haslock folds
Player old T folds
Player newdaddyhere checks
*** FLOP ***: [Kc Jd 10d]
Player newdaddyhere checks
Player TheGrateful1wonone bets (300)
Player newdaddyhere allin (1047)
Player TheGrateful1wonone calls (747)
*** TURN ***: [Kc Jd 10d] [6c]
*** RIVER ***: [Kc Jd 10d 6c] [7h]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2969. Rake 0
Board: [Kc Jd 10d 6c 7h]
*Player TheGrateful1wonone shows: One pair of Js [Jh 9c]. Bets: 1372. Collects: 2969. Wins: 1597.
Player haslock does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player old T does not show cards.Bets: 175. Collects: 0. Loses: 175.
Player newdaddyhere shows: High card K [5h Qh]. Bets: 1372. Collects: 0. Loses: 1372.
Player TZN does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Game ended at: 2014/8/17 21:41:22
busted in the sit and go but still in the 400 six max
finished 17th in the 400 six max for 7.92. Also in 15 don Current BR-99.77
Game started at: 2014/8/17 22:20:28
Game ID: 308640211 500/1000 TURBO10 - $400 GTD 6-Max, Table 3 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 1: MachiavellianSuperStar (58792).
Seat 2: olorin (40162).
Seat 3: redhawk (26746).
Seat 5: AcesHigh717 (26235).
Seat 6: newdaddyhere (26481).
Player newdaddyhere ante (100)
Player MachiavellianSuperStar ante (100)
Player olorin ante (100)
Player redhawk ante (100)
Player AcesHigh717 ante (100)
Player newdaddyhere has small blind (500)
Player MachiavellianSuperStar has big blind (1000)
Player newdaddyhere received card: [8s]
Player newdaddyhere received card: [8h]
Player MachiavellianSuperStar received a card.
Player MachiavellianSuperStar received a card.
Player olorin received a card.
Player olorin received a card.
Player redhawk received a card.
Player redhawk received a card.
Player AcesHigh717 received a card.
Player AcesHigh717 received a card.
Player olorin folds
Player redhawk calls (1000)
Player AcesHigh717 folds
Player newdaddyhere calls (500)
Player MachiavellianSuperStar checks
*** FLOP ***: [2d 7c 7d]
Player newdaddyhere bets (2334)
Player MachiavellianSuperStar folds
Player redhawk calls (2334)
*** TURN ***: [2d 7c 7d] [Jc]
Player newdaddyhere checks
Player redhawk bets (4084)
Player newdaddyhere allin (23047)
Player redhawk calls (18963)
*** RIVER ***: [2d 7c 7d Jc] [5c]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 54262. Rake 0
Board: [2d 7c 7d Jc 5c]
Player MachiavellianSuperStar does not show cards.Bets: 1100. Collects: 0. Loses: 1100.
Player olorin does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
*Player redhawk shows: Two pairs. Js and 7s [10d Jd]. Bets: 26481. Collects: 54262. Wins: 27781.
Player AcesHigh717 does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
Player newdaddyhere shows: Two pairs. 8s and 7s [8s 8h]. Bets: 26481. Collects: 0. Loses: 26481.
Game ended at: 2014/8/17 22:22:37
damn river got me. current BR-97.77
Game started at: 2014/8/17 22:52:14
Game ID: 308646683 150/300 $15 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 6 is the button
Seat 1: newdaddyhere (780).
Seat 2: Vuesday (2109).
Seat 3: ace3d (1893).
Seat 4: teach2172 (2070).
Seat 5: JK5150 (646).
Seat 6: nfsb2bo (1502).
Player newdaddyhere ante (25)
Player Vuesday ante (25)
Player ace3d ante (25)
Player teach2172 ante (25)
Player JK5150 ante (25)
Player nfsb2bo ante (25)
Player newdaddyhere has small blind (150)
Player Vuesday has big blind (300)
Player newdaddyhere received card: [2c]
Player newdaddyhere received card: [2d]
Player Vuesday received a card.
Player Vuesday received a card.
Player ace3d received a card.
Player ace3d received a card.
Player teach2172 received a card.
Player teach2172 received a card.
Player JK5150 received a card.
Player JK5150 received a card.
Player nfsb2bo received a card.
Player nfsb2bo received a card.
Player ace3d folds
Player teach2172 folds
Player JK5150 folds
Player nfsb2bo allin (1477)
Player newdaddyhere allin (605)
Player Vuesday calls (1177)
*** FLOP ***: [6s Qh 7h]
*** TURN ***: [6s Qh 7h] [4s]
*** RIVER ***: [6s Qh 7h 4s] [5s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 3859. Rake 0
Board: [6s Qh 7h 4s 5s]
Player newdaddyhere shows: One pair of 2s [2c 2d]. Bets: 780. Collects: 0. Loses: 780.
Player Vuesday shows: High card A [10d Ac]. Bets: 1502. Collects: 0. Loses: 1502.
Player ace3d does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player teach2172 does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player JK5150 does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
*Player nfsb2bo shows: One pair of 5s [5h Ad]. Bets: 1502. Collects: 3859. Wins: 2357.
Game ended at: 2014/8/17 22:52:42
So late Reg. for the 10.75 morning Ko tourney. Got no kos(due to all the big stacks) but was able to cash in 11th for 12 bucks. lol, top 12 got paid. Anyhow with that a 15 don I'm playing and also reg for 20 don mycurrent BR-61.92
Game started at: 2014/8/18 11:0:54
Game ID: 308725777 600/1200 $400 GTD TURBO KO, Table 3 (Hold'em)
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: OhHaiMark (48204).
Seat 3: Casey45 (9992).
Seat 4: Collar (5384).
Seat 6: newdaddyhere (8775).
Seat 8: fabricio87 (23482).
Seat 9: SuckaChips69 (22639).
Player Collar ante (100)
Player newdaddyhere ante (100)
Player fabricio87 ante (100)
Player SuckaChips69 ante (100)
Player OhHaiMark ante (100)
Player Casey45 ante (100)
Player Collar has small blind (600)
Player newdaddyhere has big blind (1200)
Player Collar received a card.
Player Collar received a card.
Player newdaddyhere received card: [Jh]
Player newdaddyhere received card: [Jd]
Player fabricio87 received a card.
Player fabricio87 received a card.
Player SuckaChips69 received a card.
Player SuckaChips69 received a card.
Player OhHaiMark received a card.
Player OhHaiMark received a card.
Player Casey45 received a card.
Player Casey45 received a card.
Player fabricio87 folds
Player SuckaChips69 raises (2400)
Player OhHaiMark folds
Player Casey45 folds
Player Collar calls (1800)
Player newdaddyhere allin (7475)
Player SuckaChips69 calls (6275)
Player Collar allin (2884)
*** FLOP ***: [4d 8h 7c]
*** TURN ***: [4d 8h 7c] [Qd]
*** RIVER ***: [4d 8h 7c Qd] [Qc]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 23234. Rake 0
Board: [4d 8h 7c Qd Qc]
Player OhHaiMark does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
Player Casey45 does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
Player Collar shows: Two pairs. Qs and 8s [8c Ac]. Bets: 5384. Collects: 0. Loses: 5384.
Player newdaddyhere shows: Two pairs. Qs and Js [Jh Jd]. Bets: 8775. Collects: 0. Loses: 8775.
Player fabricio87 does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
*Player SuckaChips69 shows: Two pairs. Ks and Qs [Ks Kd]. Bets: 8775. Collects: 23234. Wins: 14459.
Game ended at: 2014/8/18 11:1:32
damn it
Game started at: 2014/8/18 11:18:26
Game ID: 308730228 150/300 $15 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 1: caipiloco (1465).
Seat 2: assistantpro (1693).
Seat 4: 1swifty3 (2125).
Seat 5: newdaddyhere (1467).
Seat 6: TPEHEP (2250).
Player TPEHEP ante (25)
Player caipiloco ante (25)
Player assistantpro ante (25)
Player 1swifty3 ante (25)
Player newdaddyhere ante (25)
Player TPEHEP has small blind (150)
Player caipiloco has big blind (300)
Player TPEHEP received a card.
Player TPEHEP received a card.
Player caipiloco received a card.
Player caipiloco received a card.
Player assistantpro received a card.
Player assistantpro received a card.
Player 1swifty3 received a card.
Player 1swifty3 received a card.
Player newdaddyhere received card: [6h]
Player newdaddyhere received card: [Kh]
Player assistantpro folds
Player 1swifty3 folds
Player newdaddyhere allin (1442)
Player TPEHEP folds
Player caipiloco allin (1140)
Uncalled bet (2) returned to newdaddyhere
*** FLOP ***: [9s Jh 3d]
*** TURN ***: [9s Jh 3d] [7s]
*** RIVER ***: [9s Jh 3d 7s] [3h]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 3155. Rake 0
Board: [9s Jh 3d 7s 3h]
*Player caipiloco shows: One pair of 3s (kicker A) [Ac 8c]. Bets: 1465. Collects: 3155. Wins: 1690.
Player assistantpro does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player 1swifty3 does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player newdaddyhere shows: One pair of 3s [6h Kh]. Bets: 1465. Collects: 0. Loses: 1465.
Player TPEHEP does not show cards.Bets: 175. Collects: 0. Loses: 175.
Game ended at: 2014/8/18 11:19:10
Game started at: 2014/8/18 11:27:42
Game ID: 308732151 30/60 $5 Holdem Turbo - On Demand, Table 3 (Hold'em)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: gulka (1095).
Seat 2: bc_KRKMiner (1450).
Seat 3: gesert420 (2125).
Seat 4: Maui_Phish (1430).
Seat 5: LizLemAn (3900).
Seat 6: newdaddyhere (1490).
Player bc_KRKMiner ante (5)
Player gesert420 ante (5)
Player Maui_Phish ante (5)
Player LizLemAn ante (5)
Player newdaddyhere ante (5)
Player gulka ante (5)
Player bc_KRKMiner has small blind (30)
Player gesert420 has big blind (60)
Player bc_KRKMiner received a card.
Player bc_KRKMiner received a card.
Player gesert420 received a card.
Player gesert420 received a card.
Player Maui_Phish received a card.
Player Maui_Phish received a card.
Player LizLemAn received a card.
Player LizLemAn received a card.
Player newdaddyhere received card: [3c]
Player newdaddyhere received card: [3h]
Player gulka received a card.
Player gulka received a card.
Player Maui_Phish raises (120)
Player LizLemAn folds
Player newdaddyhere calls (120)
Player gulka folds
Player bc_KRKMiner folds
Player gesert420 folds
*** FLOP ***: [8s 5h 9s]
Player Maui_Phish bets (240)
Player newdaddyhere allin (1365)
Player Maui_Phish allin (1065)
Uncalled bet (60) returned to newdaddyhere
*** TURN ***: [8s 5h 9s] [Kh]
*** RIVER ***: [8s 5h 9s Kh] [5s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2970. Rake 0
Board: [8s 5h 9s Kh 5s]
Player gulka does not show cards.Bets: 5. Collects: 0. Loses: 5.
Player bc_KRKMiner does not show cards.Bets: 35. Collects: 0. Loses: 35.
Player gesert420 does not show cards.Bets: 65. Collects: 0. Loses: 65.
*Player Maui_Phish shows: Two pairs. 9s and 5s [9h Ad]. Bets: 1430. Collects: 2970. Wins: 1540.
Player LizLemAn does not show cards.Bets: 5. Collects: 0. Loses: 5.
Player newdaddyhere shows: Two pairs. 5s and 3s [3c 3h]. Bets: 1430. Collects: 0. Loses: 1430.
Game ended at: 2014/8/18 11:28:33
still in 20 don Current BR-56.42
freking sucks
Game started at: 2014/8/18 11:38:10
Game ID: 308734318 100/200 $20 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 6 is the button
Seat 1: newdaddyhere (1430).
Seat 2: ThunderB (1795).
Seat 3: Cregggar (1790).
Seat 4: bkr71763 (2755).
Seat 6: TPEHEP (1230).
Player newdaddyhere has small blind (100)
Player ThunderB has big blind (200)
Player newdaddyhere received card: [Qc]
Player newdaddyhere received card: [Qd]
Player ThunderB received a card.
Player ThunderB received a card.
Player Cregggar received a card.
Player Cregggar received a card.
Player bkr71763 received a card.
Player bkr71763 received a card.
Player TPEHEP received a card.
Player TPEHEP received a card.
Player Cregggar folds
Player bkr71763 folds
Player TPEHEP folds
Player newdaddyhere raises (400)
Player ThunderB calls (300)
*** FLOP ***: [9s 8s 5s]
Player newdaddyhere allin (930)
Player ThunderB calls (930)
*** TURN ***: [9s 8s 5s] [7s]
*** RIVER ***: [9s 8s 5s 7s] [9c]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2860. Rake 0
Board: [9s 8s 5s 7s 9c]
Player newdaddyhere shows: Two pairs. Qs and 9s [Qc Qd]. Bets: 1430. Collects: 0. Loses: 1430.
*Player ThunderB shows: Flush, 10 high [Ac 10s]. Bets: 1430. Collects: 2860. Wins: 1430.
Player Cregggar does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player bkr71763 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player TPEHEP does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Game ended at: 2014/8/18 11:38:48
man unreal was chip leader with 4 left , and than sucked out on river D giving one dude flush. Left me with 250 chhips and following hand.
also in 15 don and 5 OD. current BR-29.67
Game started at: 2014/8/18 15:29:41
Game ID: 308796009 100/200 $5 Turbo 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 4: newdaddyhere (225).
Seat 5: gulka (7542).
Seat 8: ShrimpFarmer (2680).
Seat 9: heliosheath (3053).
Player ShrimpFarmer ante (25)
Player heliosheath ante (25)
Player newdaddyhere ante (25)
Player gulka ante (25)
Player ShrimpFarmer has small blind (100)
Player heliosheath has big blind (200)
Player ShrimpFarmer received a card.
Player ShrimpFarmer received a card.
Player heliosheath received a card.
Player heliosheath received a card.
Player newdaddyhere received card: [Ah]
Player newdaddyhere received card: [Kc]
Player gulka received a card.
Player gulka received a card.
Player newdaddyhere allin (200)
Player gulka folds
Player ShrimpFarmer calls (100)
Player heliosheath checks
*** FLOP ***: [Ac 2s 6s]
Player ShrimpFarmer bets (200)
Player heliosheath calls (200)
*** TURN ***: [Ac 2s 6s] [8h]
Player ShrimpFarmer bets (280)
Player heliosheath calls (280)
*** RIVER ***: [Ac 2s 6s 8h] [4s]
Player ShrimpFarmer bets (480)
Player heliosheath allin (2348)
Player ShrimpFarmer allin (1495)
Uncalled bet (373) returned to heliosheath
------ Summary ------
Pot: 5610. Rake 0
Board: [Ac 2s 6s 8h 4s]
Player newdaddyhere shows: One pair of As [Ah Kc]. Bets: 225. Collects: 0. Loses: 225.
Player gulka does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player ShrimpFarmer shows: Flush, 7 high [7s 3s]. Bets: 2680. Collects: 0. Loses: 2680.
*Player heliosheath shows: Flush, A high [As Qs]. Bets: 2680. Collects: 5610. Wins: 2930.
Game ended at: 2014/8/18 15:30:35
fuckin lame, can a hand of mine hold the fuck up
Game started at: 2014/8/18 15:32:33
Game ID: 308796898 100/200 $15 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 2: AcnupuH4uK (2520).
Seat 3: ILikeBonuses (2055).
Seat 4: Lie and Wait (1745).
Seat 5: newdaddyhere (963).
Seat 6: LouisD60 (1717).
Player LouisD60 ante (25)
Player AcnupuH4uK ante (25)
Player ILikeBonuses ante (25)
Player Lie and Wait ante (25)
Player newdaddyhere ante (25)
Player LouisD60 has small blind (100)
Player AcnupuH4uK has big blind (200)
Player LouisD60 received a card.
Player LouisD60 received a card.
Player AcnupuH4uK received a card.
Player AcnupuH4uK received a card.
Player ILikeBonuses received a card.
Player ILikeBonuses received a card.
Player Lie and Wait received a card.
Player Lie and Wait received a card.
Player newdaddyhere received card: [6h]
Player newdaddyhere received card: [6c]
Player ILikeBonuses folds
Player Lie and Wait allin (1720)
Player newdaddyhere allin (938)
Player LouisD60 folds
Player AcnupuH4uK folds
Uncalled bet (782) returned to Lie and Wait
*** FLOP ***: [Jd 8s 7h]
*** TURN ***: [Jd 8s 7h] [Jc]
*** RIVER ***: [Jd 8s 7h Jc] [Js]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2301. Rake 0
Board: [Jd 8s 7h Jc Js]
Player AcnupuH4uK does not show cards.Bets: 225. Collects: 0. Loses: 225.
Player ILikeBonuses does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
*Player Lie and Wait shows: Full House (J/7) [7s Ac]. Bets: 963. Collects: 2301. Wins: 1338.
Player newdaddyhere shows: Full House (J/6) [6h 6c]. Bets: 963. Collects: 0. Loses: 963.
Player LouisD60 does not show cards.Bets: 125. Collects: 0. Loses: 125.
Game ended at: 2014/8/18 15:33:10