wow lilg just calm down, i dont know the situation but you should have shared ur opinion in private instead of main chat.............just sayin
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wow lilg just calm down, i dont know the situation but you should have shared ur opinion in private instead of main chat.............just sayin
Zab, please ignore the above post.
I was the "noob" that lilg posted about, and while I made a mistake not knowing the transfer rates, I still went through with the deal after being made aware. I stood by my word, agreeing to the trade agreement made prior to my knowledge of the exchange rates. TrueOC even added an extra $10 to make it a trade of his $30 Lock for my $15 BCP. I am not upset about it, and don't see it as a scam on True's part. As the one receiving Lock funds, I think a 10-1 exchange rate is absurd, and am completely fine with the deal made.
I honestly don't care about the money enough to sweat a bad deal, and I don't think lilg should either. LilG getting banned from the chat didn't help the situation, because he was trying to help out. He is a good member of this site, and I do appreciate his input.
Ya thanks park.
Delete this thread....nonsense just starting problems. LIlg has nothing to do with it and just starting a problem where there is none
all this coming from the guy that costed zab 10k real money form your multia ccounting/scamming offers?????
HAHAHAHA and you werent doing thesame?
bybye loser you sound retarded
i could understand if u did it back in the day shit who didnt do it but u did it wrongly and costed zab so much moneya nd blames it on bc7flacon yea ok
as someone who is never on this site. /everyoneneeds2stfu
its ok i will be pming xzab with the details of your scams