I don't understand it, I fancy myself as a pretty intelligent guy but even after reading the guides on here, I cannot get paid on the MATOMY quizes, in particular the 239 point ones (there are a bunch). I've used different emails (all registered to me and REAL), made sure I selected yes on a couple of the little thumbnail offers and then left those windows open as I proceeded...I go through page after page, and then always come to the whole silver, gold, platinum section, so I click 2 of the offers on the silver (as it says), leave those open and wait a minute, then continue to gold, click 2 of those offers, leave them open, wait a minute or two, proceed to platinum, choose 4 random offers, wait a couple minutes while the offers pages are left open, proceed and CONGRATS I've completed yatayayaya....but it never gives me points, and if I click continue for the optional BONUS PRIZE, it wont let me continue unless I install some coupon toolbar! This is bogus, it makes no sense, unless I'm missing something, that it would say in the offering just to get to where your email is submitted to complete, that I would have to install the toolbar. Am I missing something or is that the key??? If so why wouldn't it say "completed after coupon toolbar is installed" or something to that effect. SO FRUSTRATING!!!