My skills and what I can help with is mainly anything besides MAC OS, no helping that.
Technical Skills
IBM Corporation
Software Engineering Co-op, DB2 Cubing Services / Cognos ROLAP
? Prototyped new scalability enhancements for ROLAP server?s internal data cache
? Researched alternative cache-update policies, analyzing the performance benefits of each
? Effectively marketed these proposals to senior architects and upper level management
? Java, Ruby
? PHP, Python, Perl
? Mathematica, MATLAB
Platforms & Tools
Math / Research
? OS X, Linux
? LAMP, Rails
? DB2, MySQL, SQLite
? Git, Bash, Eclipse
? Finite Element Analysis
? Genetic Algorithms
Education / Research Experience
? Developed Mathematica-based Finite Element Analysis software in a team of 3
? Automatically parallelizes on adhoc cluster of Mathematica workstations
? Applied load-balancing techniques to solve complex problems with only a handful of machines
Hobbies / Interests
? K-5 Math Education
? Conversing in Spanish
? Canoeing, Fishing, Climbing & Camping