ok infiniti tol me two days ago they will be processing cashouts within 48 hours its been another 48 hours and sitll nothing i talk to support this all they say wtf!!!!!!!! scamming pieces of shit
System 10:11:10 AM

Topic: hello was just here got told by support 48 more hours for my cashout still hasnt came

A representative will be connected, please be patient.

Martha enters the chatroom.

Martha 10:11:39 AM

Due to recent reports and overwhelming evidence of multi-accounting, collusion and chip dumping, any player who has taken advantage of our $50 No Deposit Credit incentive offer between the dates of Dec 27th and Dec 28th, may experience delays in withdrawal requests pending our AML team?s investigation. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

tommie merrill 10:11:54 AM

yea u told me this serval times

dude told me 48 hour ago give yall 48 more hours ive been patient and sitll nothing

its been 7 days

its getting outrageous can yall atleast send me 10 bucks on inifniti to play or something???

untill u process mycashout which i was told two days ago it be done today?

Martha 10:14:35 AM

: Due to recent reports and overwhelming evidence of multi-accounting, collusion and chip dumping, any player who has taken advantage of our $50 No Deposit Credit incentive offer between the dates of Dec 27th and Dec 28th, may experience delays in withdrawal requests pending our AML team?s investigation. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

tommie merrill 10:15:08 AM


ive been told this servalk times

its been a week

that is enough time to go threw eveidence

7 days and got told two days ago 48 more hours

so because of cheaters pretty much yall scamming me for cash???

Martha 10:16:59 AM

I am just an agent, please wait until Monday

tommie merrill 10:17:06 AM

no i will not wait

this is bullshit

its been 7 days

ive been pateint

Martha 10:17:42 AM

have a great day

tommie merrill 10:17:58 AM

its ok yall scammed me