Windows XP
Printable View
Windows XP
nice thread bro....this will help mods a lot ..... Attachment 1693
very nice thread...very helpful...going to see if we cant get zab to link it in chat when typing the words screenshot....This will save us time from explaining to the thread great job man
thank u i have needed to know this for a long time thanks again
Great job of explaining this.
Figured this might help, I like how it is different for every version of windows. Makes getting a new computer fun and exciting and frustrating as all hell. Actually the Windows 8 is very nice and easy to use. If you miss the snipping tool from Windows 7 here ya go
Great job of explaining this. Thanks
u rock thanks much
Thanks a lot guys. I was having trouble, but I understand it now!
Nice job on the thread. I'm sure this will be useful to a lot of people.
unzip, get phone, press take photo!!!
very good thread, i had a brain fart last night, but i remembered after i talked to aces, lmao
Can someone help with my surveys? I dont complete it. Is that doing my country lithuania??
ty very helpful i appreciate it!
another quick way for windows 7...if your table is up with the hand you want to save, hit PRINT SCREEN. then click the windows icon and in the searchbox type in MSPAINT. once paint is open, click clipboard, then paste, your screenshot will come up, then save the picture(use ping, is the best)
haven't read the thread, but all you do is hit the print screen button on your keyboard, than you paste it to the paintbrush program. good luck
always wondered how to do it thanks for info helpful
snipping tool is bulit into most OS microsoft if not look it up on google easy tool for screenshots
well done decssiz, thanks for taking the time for us computer slacking fools.
To dumb it down.. Just click the Print Screen button on your keyboard. Then open Paint and click Edit/Paste. Save it.
just click on start in search box type snipe and done.
Just download snipping tool....quick and easy!!
thank you for the info on screen shot was always wondering how too do it.
I just use a program. The pictures come out good and on the browser I print the screen and save the image. :cool:
how do you get screenshot up to print it?
This is a great thread made for screenshots. This will help alot of people...
Thanks for the tips guys
very helpful. lol Now if only I can get a hand to print.
muchas gracias hace tiempo que queria saber como se hacia , ya lo intentare hacer , gracias a todos por las informaciones ,, que tengan buen dia , saludos ,,,,,,,,,,,
Yeah, you pess "Prt Scr" button and them you have to open Paint and there you should pree Ctrl+V. Save it and you will have a screenshot. Easy !
simply click on print screen and afterwards paste it in paint and save as ==> ..
thank u i have needed to know this for a long time thanks again
very useful thread i may have to reference in the near future if need, thank you