yes i downloaded and installed the hotbar toolbar for the first time and i didnt recieve the 207 poker points it was offering. i hope you will fix this thank you
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yes i downloaded and installed the hotbar toolbar for the first time and i didnt recieve the 207 poker points it was offering. i hope you will fix this thank you
I registered for Carbon poker $25 freeroll yesterday and since I had not completed and verified my email I was not able to play. Do I get my 140 points back?
can someone please explain what to do thanks
oops i am trying to get my points back from a tourney that was cancelled
yea surveys don't always credit no matter how hard you try to get them to.
lol everybody got problems with points
yes they do not pay for the surveys you do
Today I watched the bing video, then downloaded the Quixley toolbar for 96 points that I didn't receive. Couldn't screenshot it but the toolbar is showing on top of my browser window. Any suggestions on how I can receive those 96 points?
It never worked for me either. I do not like downloading anything, but tried that once.
Хай! Я провёл небольшое книга сообразно выбору оптимальному процессору в комп, не ведясь ни для какие бренды и имена, я решил понять какой процессор всё-таки лучше подкупать, суть было соответствие цена\качество, я моментально отмёл АМД причинность отроду амд не юзал и связываться с ним не собираюсь, изучал всего процы интел, и на выше созерцание самые оптимальные процы немедленно сообразно цене\качество ни коре2дуо и даже не коре2квад, а процессоры Intel Dual Core, желание, они с меньшим кэшем, но имеют также два ядра точно коре2дуо и последние модели имеют высокую частоту, до 3200 мгц. Рекомендую брать дуал коре!
Вы перестали кому-то доверять? Мы предоставим возможность уличить человека во лжи, путем проверки его интернет переписки
взломать страницу в контакте id - не нужно повторять, что нормальные отношения строятся на доверии, уважении и взаимопонимании.
Когда возникают подозрения и уходит доверие, очень сложно восстановить утраченные взаимоотношения взлом электронной почты - мы работаем без предоплаты, и гарантируем полную анонимность и конфиденциальность.
shit happens! i have done plenty of surveys and didnt get the points....check out the what works
For the past 2 days i've filled out 3 surveys and recieved no points-whats the point of filling out surveys and not getting credit better off getting what I pay for i guess.
I bought some points today and posted some stuff but surveys just aren't working for me today-Manic Monday I guess.
Go Bears!
not all of the surveys work. its stinks but thats the way this site is :)
i did lots of surveys today and still no points earned i am really frustrated its so hard to get points for the freerolls it seems
i just did a survey from supersnc and didn't got the points..
I also made 2 o 3 offers from supersonice the last days and didnīt get points
Taking Surveys is truly pointless-I avoid them now but how many debit cards can 1 person have-lol
i own owned
I don't mind doing the surveys that pertain to my life, or stuff that I'm interested in but I do however hate to site and click on page, after page, until I get to the end and find that I must complete anywhere between 2 and 9 additional offers. This just does NOT seem fair....a waste of time, if you ask me. I live and I learn...
I've done three things yesterday through supersonic and only got the points for one thing. I don't see any email addy for complaints/missing points for supersonic.
I have read the help thread about missing points and realized that Zab posted support emails or support in general for almost everything but Supersonic and that's where I am having trouble. I did one survey and one task and should have earned 1100 points total for both of them but my points are crediting. Does anyone have a support email address or phone number for SuperSonic?
i have done alot of surveys and havent received points for them. I have waited a few days not sure whats going on here
its hard to remember which surveys i have done.alot of them have the same offers and look the same.i spend hours for nothing sometimes.thats why i buy points mostly.
i find that keeping track of emails, adresses, and phone numbers associated with surveys, is the easiest way to
not waste your time,
complete information is more important than correct information
yesterday i bought vista print biz cards off of radium No points yet any one know how long that usually take?
Radium actually did not load at all for me last night. Funny but really it did not
Where is offer status page to getgambit? Where is getgambit? What the heck is going on? I downloaded gamewrangler toolbar through getgambit and received nothing. I have no idea what to do. I don't see any link to getgambit.
I have been missing points several times but just gave up.
join the crowd... im missing a lot of points. i cant seem to get these surveys to work very often
Join MOONit and you will get points directly
I miss about 800 Points from supersonic ones today. Send them all sreenshots. Hope that works
I have send many 90 % off the case they dont pay for