Attachment 2630
been running super hot...hope it keeps up!!
Attachment 2630
been running super hot...hope it keeps up!!
78 k 1st place still with 15 plyrs left
103k 13 plyrs left
114k 12 left
two huge knockouts...up big...made the final table 174k and chip leader baby!!
7 left and i have almost half the chips in play
eliminated another one..6 left and up to 194 k
not sure if i should be playing loose or tight with so many literally scared...up to 198k
ill advised combat with 2nd big stack down to 177 k but still chip leader
2nd stack has 113 k, im down to 170k...others are at 61, 21, 15, and 6
eliminated another one with my 94 off and have 176k...nothing like fishing when u have a deep stack
4 left...1st is 217.08 , 2nd is 153.9, 3rd is 113.4, and 4th is 82.62....buyin was 11 bucks :)
3 left...i have 184, 2nd has 143 and 3rd has 65
164, 142, 85...still chip leader
was making bad plays and was on tilt...went all in w ak against aj and hit a straight 2 players left...
down....only 168 vs 220 ill let u know who wins
never played so shitty heads up went all in with garbage...and got creemed....made $153.9 off the 11 dollar investment.
i need to def get better at hu play, cant help but think that i had a great chance at the win and 217...oh well, ill take what i can get.
1st top 3 placing in maybe 100 tournaments lol :)
Attachment 2631
2nd place :)
2 place very nice congrats.. good luck in future tourney