Seriously? LMFAO he has NO chance in hell of getting elected, for that matter any repub. The people are tired of wealthy distributing it between themselfs.. Trickle down never worked and never will!!
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i really have no idea about when this would be done its not in our hands
im sure if it goes legal in US there will be so many new sights and most probaly will try to cheat you out of your money
they need to hurry got all this crap straight som us usa players have some options for poker rooms
i hope so ... way play poker in casino is legal ?
well i guess well see whats happens it would be nice
I heard some news but know nothing concrete yet.
if legalized it will probably be only 4 usa participants
which is total crap, if theres legalization there will be a second poker boom. guaranteed
your right blah there will be a boom and i will never work again lol