Ok sent vanilla code for bcp dont have bcp and not responding to anything.
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Ok sent vanilla code for bcp dont have bcp and not responding to anything.
Copy of bubble:
Me: trade is up in off site
i8joemoma: ok ima accept
i8joemoma: why does it say watch out when dealing with you ?
i8joemoma: u have anegative feedback ?
Me: i have no idea
Me: ask dal lilg anyone i trade with them all the time
Me: do a background check
i8joemoma: ok as long as you send first we st8 bro
i8joemoma: you here ?
Me: you have to hit accept
Me: in trade
i8joemoma: i di
Me: hmmmm i didnt get notified
Me: you got my bcp name?
i8joemoma: my bad i hit details not accept
i8joemoma: no not yet
Me: lol details
i8joemoma: ok i accepted
Me: ok
Me: chipsgobyebye on bcp
Me: code # is *********
i8joemoma: haha i played u many times!
Me: you beat me too
Me: lol
Me: everyone beats me
Me: lol
Me: the cards hate me
i8joemoma: is that netspend ?
i8joemoma: lol i know the feeling i shiped tourny last night
Me: vanilla
Me: you can use it for net though
i8joemoma: ooo wow
i8joemoma: lmao
Me: send?
i8joemoma: thats a vanilla relod right
Me: yup
Me: ?
i8joemoma: ok just went thru
i8joemoma: name again refreshed the page lost the convo
Me: chipsgobyebye
Me: sent?
Me: ?
Me: hello?
you shouldnt send first man, the ticker was kinna funny this morning. i had a feeling about possible scam when i saw the tickers.
ugh, after he asked if it was cool to trade with you.... and negative feedback could be anything... I imagine I have some even though I do legit trades and loans.
how much you gopt scamm for ustolemychips?
trogers was just bubbling me about possibly getting dinged by the bastard.
Well, he just bubble me and told me he sent so im gonna wait and see and if eveything is ok i will update this.
i feel bad for you ustole. fuck these dead beat scum scammers. I FUCKING BREAK YOUR LEG if i see you on the streets broke ass thieves.
i used off site trading
keep ur head up bud... I got like a dollar on bcp and you can have it for all I care