devinmesaraco: i have up to $55 on bcp for sale
Me: im lookin for $5.50 i have PO pts
Me: 2750 cool?
devinmesaraco: yeah thats fine
devinmesaraco: ok its up
devinmesaraco: let me know your bcp name when you release ill send
Me: escrowed turtleboooyjr1
Me: i need u to send the bcp then i press the release button....they are in escrow now
Me: are u new with trades?
devinmesaraco: please release, im sending now
devinmesaraco: i just want speedy trade i have someone else wanting the points
Me: once i get the bcp $ then i release
Me: ive been scammed bro
Me: and ur newer
devinmesaraco: ok shipped, please release
devinmesaraco: ty
Me: ty...once i get it then i will release
Me: i will let u know second i get it
Me: i check every 2 secconds lol
devinmesaraco: they take their time somtimes, can you please just release,
devinmesaraco: i dont want to have to ask again..
Me: be patient bro
devinmesaraco: k
Me: still nothin yet
Me: ive been scammed and am not goin through that shit again
devinmesaraco: whatever
Me: did the 5.50 leave ur account?
devinmesaraco: yep
Me: k
devinmesaraco: just awaiting my points
devinmesaraco: nothing yet
devinmesaraco: cmon
Me: nothing yet
devinmesaraco: im going to contact live chat and ask them to cancel it if you wont release
Me: go right ahead then...90% chance u didnt even send lol
Me: grow up and be patient if u sent it
Me: takes less than 15 min

Im not tryin to point fingers and say he is tryin to scam me but i still have no bcp and this guy is new and this guy just joined this site less than hrs ago and hes tryin to make me release early (which i didnt) Its been about an hour and they guy left and i checked and i still have 0 bcp.... He might be new to this whole proccess but i dont know.. Please Zab refund my 2750 pts and this will be over.