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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Nov 2012

    Don't Understand Why $25

    I will put it like this to all of you guys, Have no idea why the guy did it to me after doing nothing but help the man, Basicly Dpadgett was looking to spend 25 thru paypal for poker money, he couldnt find anybody to give him any deals, he was wanting like 35 or 40 for his 25 paypal, he wanted BCP funds or Juicy Funds, well I knew Dalsue was selling at the moment and Dpadgett had informed me that he didnt like Dalsue's Rates, basicly he couldnt get the 40 or w/e he was looking for at the moment, Dpadgett sent me the $25 on paypal to have me try and get him what he was looking for being, ive done multiple transactions with people on here, I message Dalsue on chat and got $35 Juicy for his $25 via paypal, well a day or 2 after this transaction had happened, I happen to log into my paypal and it shows my paypal balance as -25$, I waited for him to ship me the money first b4 I could do the transaction with Dalsue, it showed on my paypal completed at first, then a day or 2 later It shows in my paypal as being HELD, which inturn makes me -25$!! Not really sure Why you would do this over $25 makes no since to me, especially after Me helping you out like I have, dont understand...... I kno we all feen at times to play poker and are down n out at times, but really there is NO reason to ruin your REP here over $25 doesnt make much since to me!! I guess maybe I could be in the wrong for getting him the funds myself, I was trying to be helpful, guess I wont do that again, Ive been screwed over a lil $5 here n there and $10 once as well on paypal when ive sold, by it just showing pending and never going thru, guessing that jus means the person cancel's their payment or disputes it after they get what they want, im not really sure, I just never happen to try n throw people under the bus like that, Im not that guy!! Like, I mentioned b4 I kno we all feen at times and just wanna play, but that isnt a way to go about things!! So, not cool!!
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  2. #2
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    There is probably 5 ppl I would trust with paypal around here, what he did was crappy.
    As a heads up, anyone who constantly begs for stakes and loans, is usually a risk.
    You should dispute back, some ppl have gotten those reversed.
    Good luck
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  3. #3
    Experienced Member WhoreBot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooffyFooffy View Post
    As a heads up, anyone who constantly begs for stakes and loans, is usually a risk.
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  4. #4
    Gods' God's God PokeYourFace's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    yea, damn... doesnt look good at all.
    Why cant one just grind surveys and freerolls for poker money
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  5. #5
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Nov 2012
    I've never had to dispute anything or never have chose to dispute anything I guess you should say, how exactly would I go about that!!
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  6. #6
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaytodd28 View Post
    I've never had to dispute anything or never have chose to dispute anything I guess you should say, how exactly would I go about that!!
    lol that I am not sure of as I don't really touch paypal with members here, but I have seen it in threads, I will see if I can find a thread, I think marlias was successful but I could be wrong, I will link it here.
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  7. #7
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaytodd28 View Post
    I've never had to dispute anything or never have chose to dispute anything I guess you should say, how exactly would I go about that!!
    I will say that what goes around comes back around. I have been on here between 1-2 years. I hit a bad stretch and tried to burn someone on a different site with a PP transaction as well. Thing is, a while later Speedychips burned me on a similar deal. Karma is a bitch. He will get repaid somehow. You will get an email from PP telling you that the transaction has been disputed. Might be tough on your part, unless you have some tangible proof. I really can't throw rocks @ Dpad here. I just hope that he does the right thing and that you get your $$$ back.
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  8. #8
    PokerOwned Demi-God gimmeabrew's Avatar
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    sorry you got scammed jaytodd but always get atleast 2 trusted people to vouch for someone when trading PP
    "Heard you're looking for a stud. Well, I got the S-T-D. All I need is you. " - Rooster
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  9. #9
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Jan 2013
    I don't trust anyone anymore, and it makes me sad that it is this way. what happened to the days when you could take a man's word and a hand shake!!!

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  10. #10
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Dpad came in a couple days ago talking about $25 missing from his paypal. He said he withrew it to his bank account but they have no record of it and its just gone. He said he had like $70 in the account but kept saying that he got $25 of madjek. I found it really strange that he would say he had like $70 in the account but emphasize that he got $25 of madjek. He said he complained and they locked his account. I said to one of the mods at the time that i bet this is a pre-emptive story to some scam/dispute that is gonna happen soon. Looks like i was right.
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