Game started at: 2013/7/7 21:43:14
Game ID: 177632087 125/250 $3,500 GTD, Table 18 (Hold'em)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: ChinoPus (1645).
Seat 2: Jaytodd28 (1900).
Seat 3: jacoballen08 (9925).
Seat 4: check4 (5190).
Seat 5: krushurdreams (8345).
Seat 7: Danny356 (2975).
Seat 8: bruinhockey8 (2490).
Seat 9: Jackharper (7087).
Player krushurdreams ante (25)
Player Danny356 ante (25)
Player bruinhockey8 ante (25)
Player Jackharper ante (25)
Player ChinoPus ante (25)
Player Jaytodd28 ante (25)
Player jacoballen08 ante (25)
Player check4 ante (25)
Player krushurdreams has small blind (125)
Player Danny356 has big blind (250)
Player krushurdreams received a card.
Player krushurdreams received a card.
Player Danny356 received a card.
Player Danny356 received a card.
Player bruinhockey8 received a card.
Player bruinhockey8 received a card.
Player Jackharper received a card.
Player Jackharper received a card.
Player ChinoPus received a card.
Player ChinoPus received a card.
Player Jaytodd28 received card: [8d]
Player Jaytodd28 received card: [8s]
Player jacoballen08 received a card.
Player jacoballen08 received a card.
Player check4 received a card.
Player check4 received a card.
Player bruinhockey8 folds
Player Jackharper folds
Player ChinoPus folds
Player Jaytodd28 allin (1875)
Player jacoballen08 folds
Player check4 folds
Player krushurdreams allin (8195)
Player Danny356 folds
Uncalled bet (6445) returned to krushurdreams
*** FLOP ***: [7h 2h 4c]
*** TURN ***: [7h 2h 4c] [Kh]
*** RIVER ***: [7h 2h 4c Kh] [9c]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 4200. Rake 0
Board: [7h 2h 4c Kh 9c]
Player ChinoPus does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player Jaytodd28 shows: One pair of 8s [8d 8s]. Bets: 1900. Collects: 0. Loses: 1900.
Bust hand, 2 hrs, nothing, thanks for the stake!! Had a tough hand some time after 1st break could have bet me up to 10K had 10's against A J and QK and lost :(
Game started at: 2013/7/7 21:19:51
Game ID: 177623235 75/150 $3,500 GTD, Table 18 (Hold'em)
Seat 7 is the button
Seat 1: ChinoPus (2935).
Seat 2: Jaytodd28 (5040).
Seat 3: jacoballen08 (2725).
Seat 4: check4 (3535).
Seat 5: krushurdreams (7719).
Seat 7: Je suis king (2050).
Seat 8: bruinhockey8 (6285).
Seat 9: HeadBallCoach (1768).
Player bruinhockey8 ante (15)
Player HeadBallCoach ante (15)
Player ChinoPus ante (15)
Player Jaytodd28 ante (15)
Player jacoballen08 ante (15)
Player check4 ante (15)
Player krushurdreams ante (15)
Player Je suis king ante (15)
Player bruinhockey8 has small blind (75)
Player HeadBallCoach has big blind (150)
Player bruinhockey8 received a card.
Player bruinhockey8 received a card.
Player HeadBallCoach received a card.
Player HeadBallCoach received a card.
Player ChinoPus received a card.
Player ChinoPus received a card.
Player Jaytodd28 received card: [10h]
Player Jaytodd28 received card: [10s]
Player jacoballen08 received a card.
Player jacoballen08 received a card.
Player check4 received a card.
Player check4 received a card.
Player krushurdreams received a card.
Player krushurdreams received a card.
Player Je suis king received a card.
Player Je suis king received a card.
Player ChinoPus folds
Player Jaytodd28 raises (425)
Player jacoballen08 calls (425)
Player check4 folds
Player krushurdreams folds
Player Je suis king folds
Player bruinhockey8 folds
Player HeadBallCoach allin (1603)
Player Jaytodd28 allin (4600)
Player jacoballen08 allin (2285)
Uncalled bet (2315) returned to Jaytodd28
*** FLOP ***: [Kh 3h Qh]
*** TURN ***: [Kh 3h Qh] [6d]
*** RIVER ***: [Kh 3h Qh 6d] [Jc]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 7368. Rake 0
Board: [Kh 3h Qh 6d Jc]
Player ChinoPus does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player Jaytodd28 shows: One pair of 10s [10h 10s]. Bets: 2725. Collects: 0. Loses: 2725.
*Player jacoballen08 shows: Flush, A high [Jh Ah]. Bets: 2725. Collects: 7368. Wins: 4643.
Player check4 does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player krushurdreams does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player Je suis king does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player bruinhockey8 does not show cards.Bets: 90. Collects: 0. Loses: 90.
Player HeadBallCoach shows: Two pairs. Ks and Qs [Qd Ks]. Bets: 1768. Collects: 0. Loses: 1768.
Game ended at: 2013/7/7 21:20:41
There was my 10's hand
29/190 2nd break.... Got a good feeling about this one
just regged this 1 min ago, and doubled already
Blah.... 80/180 @ the 2nd break. Seriously 1 guy named Snoop123 has been the main culprit. Dude has flatted 2 EP raises by me with garbage out of the BB. He flatted 89 1x and the flop was 855. I bet because I am sure I am good, and I don't want him to pick up equity ott, that he can use to bet into me on two streets. I really don't wanna have to hero in spots like that. So I cbet and he calls. The turn is another 5, but I am sure he has an 8 or small pp that he isn't folding to that safe card. The river is a K, and he quickly checks. I realize he is hoping I bluff, so ((( SIGH ))) I check and he rolls over 89 obv. Another EP raise and he defends the BB. I made it bigger than normal, to get more dead $$$ in the pot. Ofc I cbet the Q 82 board 2 clubs, and he bombs AI. I had AK. Then the fucker kills me with a LP limp. I have been fairly active, so ofc my raise is seen as being opportunistic. I get flatted otb, and the flop is Axx completely uncoordinated. Goes check/check/check. Ofc muppet boy Snoop123 the limper called to go 3way 2 the flop. The turn is another A, and Snoop leads 1k into 4300 pot. I have QQ, and interpret his hand as a small PP. I call and then the bttn piles for a turn semi-overjam. Just so frustrating, as Snoop123 the noob snap folds and I kinda have to as well. This freaking guy is not only BB defending and outflopping me, he is also inflating pots and causing me to lose lots of chips with QQ. So stupid, as I am writing this 10:07 est, I have 6400 chips and am getting slowly shorter and shorter. I really hope I get to stack him.
Kinda got the shaft with this Snoop123 player. He defended his blinds way to liberally, and outflopped my EP raises. Then I jam JJ over another guy who all of a sudden likes limping LP/ just so bad. 2 hands later I have 23bbs, and UTG wakes up with 2.8x open. I have 10s and just jammed. Then UTG+2 the LP new fishy limper raises AI for 14bbs. I have 10s and I think I need JJ+AK/AK. Idk in all honesty.... I mean loose/passive fish who all of a sudden jam over an UTG raise should be pretty strong. I think releasing 10s given the dynamic is pretty good. Then I get a bttn after the blinds go up with 10s again. It is folded around to me and I cram a now 14bb stack. My chip stack never moved from a few hands earlier when I had 23bbs and folded 10s; but the blinds made my stack 14bbs. I jammed the button, and BB snaps of AK and the board runs out AK6Kx river.... drawing dead ott. Really just some weird dynamics and a little unlucky. ((( SIGH )))
dbled again, sittin 108/130, 99 cash... hope i make it
600 entrants, 99 get paid, i only been playing 25 mins. LOL
Lets get ittttttttttttt
21 players till the monayyy
yay min cash, been playing 45 mins. LMAO