OK TY tommy,, hope i can keep up my streak of cashing in these and going even further now too...... .. :) will try bestest
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OK TY tommy,, hope i can keep up my streak of cashing in these and going even further now too...... .. :) will try bestest
Good luck guys pitty tommy thought I was posting just for points.
First break 2169 n chips not hit any hands yet but still alive.
2869 chips cant play any good hands cuz preflop aggro so high
2573 adn still in also... i lost a b ig hand ea lrier,, to board pairing river... was down to like 1300 but made a cmback and now have thid amount again.... tabel was very aggro fro a while but seems to have calmed down now// gl to ussss
lilg too late oh well gl horses :p
good job everyone. you all made it to 1st break. now new goal is to make it to next break
one point is,,, i guess i ,m playing a little tighter than usual since for tommy,,,, so i folded a hand i mite normally have played earlier on,,, and then the set came and 2 people went all in,, i woild tripled up early on, lol aw but o welllll.... they were all being too aggro aggressive that early on tho.. ok back to game now:)
at 4k chipz. some luck and will be runnin good
2nd break 3104 in chips not the best but still hope!!!