defoooo soundsss like a prob for zab is allll,, but rcket has neer tr ied to cheat me tho,, but gl to u all
defoooo soundsss like a prob for zab is allll,, but rcket has neer tr ied to cheat me tho,, but gl to u all
maybe you should stop staking him then? i loan to rckt all the time and he always pays on time or early...i know we're not talking about loans, but just adding that he usually does what he says.
it is sad that zab has to even get involed
you where staked for 3 games... only played one of them... that leaves 2k you owe me.... you gave me back 700 of the 1000 that was refunded for the game you played.... I also staked you yesterday and you won a lastlonger bet for 800 and .60 but i recieved nothing... You seem to be a sad person... or maybe just a 14 year old....
he didn't play 2 of the games... and 1k was returned because someone missed in a lastlonger bet... so if you stak a guy for 2 games that he doesn't play does he owe you back??? i think yes.. and thanks zab for handling this....
This has been resolved..