Me and vt going to stake 4 in the 500 gtd on bcp 60/40 plus sb and 50.50 no sb if top 3..........lets see some apps
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Me and vt going to stake 4 in the 500 gtd on bcp 60/40 plus sb and 50.50 no sb if top 3..........lets see some apps
do you just want sharkscope graphs? if so lookup mafiawarwalter on fulltilt
Hey it's jayyy32 on BCP for sn. Looking for that redemption vtriclone and get something started on BCP! hmu....
Not sure if this is what you are looking for but here : Attachment 2280
any other ppl wanting to play tonight?
ill play but im new on bcp .
I agree to all terms and conditions. Lets get some money.
applying but not gonna get in til 1 hour late or so. gotta shower n put my girl to bed
im down lets run this shit
dpad agree to the terms
and pls let us know in the thread when u rcvd the funds.
I agree to the terms. thanks guys. lets do it :)
got the funds as well instant already registered
recieved the funds and signed up for the tourney. I hope to see all PO players at the FT!!
would of agreed i finally got some time to play.. best of luck to all
i want in if you still is optimusprime7
all horses please post but hand ty and gl
hey i agree to the terms and conditions :)
thats messed up
i agree that sitting out once accepting a stake is bad form, further mroe i would appreciate if u return the money for the amount of the buy in. thank you in advance.
the sitting thing IS kinda jacked. How'd you guys do?Make any money off ur horses?
lost 3/4 stack with k 10 spades on a board of k 5 5 2 into K Q with a short stack allin preflop. was a pot i didnt need to be in and it got way too big preflop. then bust hand was a6 clubs limper pot 7 ways flop 9 6 2.. knew i didnt wanna get involved this many players but i check guy bets 100 damn chips everyone calls i call.. turn 9.. same thing..river 9.. i ship allin in first position thinking no one has 77, 88 or 10 10 here.. definitely no one had jacks and above.. therefore only way im beat is if theres a 9 out there and sure enough 9 6 off :/
yes my power went out ill submit a refund tommorrow , nothing i can do about that if my internet isn't working..
thank u for the stake , ill ship it back to the sender
sorry about that
4th for 68.20 couldnt win a flip
Game started at: 2013/9/27 5:46:50
Game ID: 202681823 2000/4000 $500 GTD, Table 4 (Hold'em)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 2: CRYSTAL CLEAR (387740).
Seat 4: corsario86 (310804).
Seat 7: horse62278 (65225).
Seat 9: AJ_Butts (116231).
Player horse62278 ante (400)
Player AJ_Butts ante (400)
Player CRYSTAL CLEAR ante (400)
Player corsario86 ante (400)
Player horse62278 has small blind (2000)
Player AJ_Butts has big blind (4000)
Player horse62278 received card: [Jh]
Player horse62278 received card: [Qc]
Player AJ_Butts received a card.
Player AJ_Butts received a card.
Player CRYSTAL CLEAR received a card.
Player CRYSTAL CLEAR received a card.
Player corsario86 received a card.
Player corsario86 received a card.
Player CRYSTAL CLEAR folds
Player corsario86 raises (12000)
Player horse62278 allin (62825)
Player AJ_Butts folds
Player corsario86 calls (52825)
*** FLOP ***: [5d 2h 2s]
*** TURN ***: [5d 2h 2s] [8s]
*** RIVER ***: [5d 2h 2s 8s] [9h]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 135250. Rake 0
Board: [5d 2h 2s 8s 9h]
Player CRYSTAL CLEAR does not show cards.Bets: 400. Collects: 0. Loses: 400.
*Player corsario86 shows: Two pairs. 6s and 2s [6s 6d]. Bets: 65225. Collects: 135250. Wins: 70025.
Player horse62278 shows: One pair of 2s [Jh Qc]. Bets: 65225. Collects: 0. Loses: 65225.
Player AJ_Butts does not show cards.Bets: 4400. Collects: 0. Loses: 4400.
Game ended at: 2013/9/27 5:47:14
nice job. :)