Game 4 $5.45
3rd place
Game started at: 2013/10/12 14:6:38
Game ID: 208000155 150/300 $5 Turbo 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Etoile26 (6545).
Seat 5: BluffnMyNutz (710).
Seat 7: rockstinky (6245).
Player BluffnMyNutz ante (25)
Player rockstinky ante (25)
Player Etoile26 ante (25)
Player BluffnMyNutz has small blind (150)
Player rockstinky has big blind (300)
Player BluffnMyNutz received card: [5s]
Player BluffnMyNutz received card: [5d]
Player rockstinky received a card.
Player rockstinky received a card.
Player Etoile26 received a card.
Player Etoile26 received a card.
Player Etoile26 folds
Player BluffnMyNutz allin (535)
Player rockstinky calls (385)
*** FLOP ***: [9d 2d 9h]
*** TURN ***: [9d 2d 9h] [Ah]
*** RIVER ***: [9d 2d 9h Ah] [3s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 1445. Rake 0
Board: [9d 2d 9h Ah 3s]
Player Etoile26 does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player BluffnMyNutz shows: Two pairs. 9s and 5s [5s 5d]. Bets: 710. Collects: 0. Loses: 710.
*Player rockstinky shows: Two pairs. As and 9s [7h Ad]. Bets: 710. Collects: 1445. Wins: 735.
Game ended at: 2013/10/12 14:7:0