started 10k.. had 8900 had 99 in the big blind.. 10's raised from the cutoff
flop AJ 5.. we both check.. turn J.. i check he bets.. i flat.. ( tryin to slow rep aces full) I had only played 5 hands of the first 62.. river 7.. he checks i fire 2400 (2/3 pot) perfect bet he calls with 10s... he can beat anything but a bluff on a board of A JJ 7 5 with 10 10..
oh well though right put me at 4800 half stack.. was down to 4200 then had a9 off on the button.. same idiot limped for 200.. i raised to 600 blinds fold.. flop a87.. he bets pot of 1500 i ship in 2800 more and he calls me with 55.. exact call i want pot was $9100 wouldve had me almost to starting stack and ready to keep grinding.. turn 5
gg me fkn donks oh well i had a good week plus $650 off a stake for 5.50 from credsfan.. but as soon as i cashed out i went down.. $500 down since then and most of it was on whack ass shit just like the way i just busted.. oh well i dont have the internet at home anyway fuck it might be a long time before u see me again especailly since juicy cashouts are taking a long time.
thanks for the fun times guys but ive had enough of this starbucks shit anyways. ill see u guys around soon enough