still running hot in DoNs though. heres 3 more wins
Game started at: 2013/12/18 17:18:10
Game ID: 233063326 75/150 $5 Double or Nothing - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 6 is the button
Seat 1: liamferrer (4045).
Seat 2: BigBadBBJ (298).
Seat 4: horse62278 (2098).
Seat 6: Madrnu (2559).
Player liamferrer has small blind (75)
Player BigBadBBJ has big blind (150)
Player liamferrer received a card.
Player liamferrer received a card.
Player BigBadBBJ received a card.
Player BigBadBBJ received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [Qs]
Player horse62278 received card: [3s]
Player Madrnu received a card.
Player Madrnu received a card.
Player horse62278 folds
Player Madrnu calls (150)
Player liamferrer raises (225)
Player BigBadBBJ allin (148)
Player Madrnu calls (150)
*** FLOP ***: [2s Ac 5s]
Player liamferrer checks
Player Madrnu checks
*** TURN ***: [2s Ac 5s] [Jh]
Player liamferrer checks
Player Madrnu checks
*** RIVER ***: [2s Ac 5s Jh] [7h]
Player liamferrer checks
Player Madrnu checks
Player liamferrer mucks cards
Player BigBadBBJ mucks cards
------ Summary ------
Pot: 898. Rake 0
Board: [2s Ac 5s Jh 7h]
Player liamferrer mucks (does not show cards). Bets: 300. Collects: 0. Loses: 300.
Player BigBadBBJ mucks (does not show cards). Bets: 298. Collects: 0. Loses: 298.
Player horse62278 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
*Player Madrnu shows: One pair of 7s [7s 8d]. Bets: 300. Collects: 898. Wins: 598.
Game ended at: 2013/12/18 17:18:32
Game started at: 2013/12/18 17:1:35
Game ID: 233057736 50/100 $3 Double or Nothing - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 1: sm0keal0t420 (2467).
Seat 2: ty21860 (2800).
Seat 5: PlZrUnGuD (1344).
Seat 6: horse62278 (2389).
Player PlZrUnGuD has small blind (50)
Player horse62278 has big blind (100)
Player PlZrUnGuD received a card.
Player PlZrUnGuD received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [7h]
Player horse62278 received card: [8s]
Player sm0keal0t420 received a card.
Player sm0keal0t420 received a card.
Player ty21860 received a card.
Player ty21860 received a card.
Player sm0keal0t420 folds
Player ty21860 folds
Player PlZrUnGuD raises (200)
Player horse62278 calls (150)
*** FLOP ***: [Qh 6h 9s]
Player PlZrUnGuD allin (1094)
Player horse62278 calls (1094)
*** TURN ***: [Qh 6h 9s] [5d]
*** RIVER ***: [Qh 6h 9s 5d] [5s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2688. Rake 0
Board: [Qh 6h 9s 5d 5s]
Player sm0keal0t420 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player ty21860 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player PlZrUnGuD shows: One pair of 5s [Kh Ah]. Bets: 1344. Collects: 0. Loses: 1344.
*Player horse62278 shows: Straight to 9 [7h 8s]. Bets: 1344. Collects: 2688. Wins: 1344.
Game ended at: 2013/12/18 17:2:3
Game started at: 2013/12/18 17:7:6
Game ID: 233059692 50/100 $3 Double or Nothing - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: furion33 (1068).
Seat 2: horse62278 (4663).
Seat 3: iuserags (1535).
Seat 6: Gskpmc (1734).
Player Gskpmc has small blind (50)
Player furion33 has big blind (100)
Player Gskpmc received a card.
Player Gskpmc received a card.
Player furion33 received a card.
Player furion33 received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [2c]
Player horse62278 received card: [3h]
Player iuserags received a card.
Player iuserags received a card.
Player horse62278 folds
Player iuserags folds
Player Gskpmc raises (250)
Player furion33 allin (968)
Player Gskpmc calls (768)
*** FLOP ***: [Qd 3s 5h]
*** TURN ***: [Qd 3s 5h] [Kd]
*** RIVER ***: [Qd 3s 5h Kd] [7d]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2136. Rake 0
Board: [Qd 3s 5h Kd 7d]
Player furion33 shows: High card K [9h 10d]. Bets: 1068. Collects: 0. Loses: 1068.
Player horse62278 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player iuserags does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
*Player Gskpmc shows: Flush, A high [3d Ad]. Bets: 1068. Collects: 2136. Wins: 1068.
Game ended at: 2013/12/18 17:7:32
BR 76.30
finally lost one :(
Game started at: 2013/12/18 18:20:28
Game ID: 233087010 15/30 $5 Double or Nothing - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 1: MacheezMO (2455).
Seat 2: furion33 (2078).
Seat 3: ElBadBeatero (1077).
Seat 4: horse62278 (1180).
Seat 5: 1swifty3 (1470).
Seat 6: mikeba (740).
Player ElBadBeatero has small blind (15)
Player horse62278 has big blind (30)
Player ElBadBeatero received a card.
Player ElBadBeatero received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [Kc]
Player horse62278 received card: [10c]
Player 1swifty3 received a card.
Player 1swifty3 received a card.
Player mikeba received a card.
Player mikeba received a card.
Player MacheezMO received a card.
Player MacheezMO received a card.
Player furion33 received a card.
Player furion33 received a card.
Player 1swifty3 folds
Player mikeba folds
Player MacheezMO folds
Player furion33 raises (120)
Player ElBadBeatero folds
Player horse62278 allin (1150)
Player furion33 calls (1060)
*** FLOP ***: [7d 7s 5h]
*** TURN ***: [7d 7s 5h] [2s]
*** RIVER ***: [7d 7s 5h 2s] [6s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2375. Rake 0
Board: [7d 7s 5h 2s 6s]
Player MacheezMO does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
*Player furion33 shows: One pair of 7s (kicker A) [Ad Jc]. Bets: 1180. Collects: 2375. Wins: 1195.
Player ElBadBeatero does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player horse62278 shows: One pair of 7s [Kc 10c]. Bets: 1180. Collects: 0. Loses: 1180.
Player 1swifty3 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player mikeba does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Game ended at: 2013/12/18 18:21:18
back on track. 10$ DoN here
Game started at: 2013/12/18 18:36:1
Game ID: 233094848 100/200 $10 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 1: liltig077 (1651).
Seat 2: horse62278 (3317).
Seat 4: 1swifty3 (1300).
Seat 5: PA1NKiLLer (2732).
Player liltig077 ante (25)
Player horse62278 ante (25)
Player 1swifty3 ante (25)
Player PA1NKiLLer ante (25)
Player liltig077 has small blind (100)
Player horse62278 has big blind (200)
Player liltig077 received a card.
Player liltig077 received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [As]
Player horse62278 received card: [Kd]
Player 1swifty3 received a card.
Player 1swifty3 received a card.
Player PA1NKiLLer received a card.
Player PA1NKiLLer received a card.
Player 1swifty3 folds
Player PA1NKiLLer folds
Player liltig077 raises (300)
Player horse62278 allin (3092)
Player liltig077 allin (1226)
Uncalled bet (1666) returned to horse62278
*** FLOP ***: [9d 3c Kh]
*** TURN ***: [9d 3c Kh] [4d]
*** RIVER ***: [9d 3c Kh 4d] [Kc]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 3352. Rake 0
Board: [9d 3c Kh 4d Kc]
Player liltig077 shows: Two pairs. Ks and 10s [10s 10d]. Bets: 1651. Collects: 0. Loses: 1651.
*Player horse62278 shows: Three Of Kind of Ks [As Kd]. Bets: 1651. Collects: 3352. Wins: 1701.
Player 1swifty3 does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player PA1NKiLLer does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Game ended at: 2013/12/18 18:36:27
BR 80.40
fuck!!!!! running so good too
Game started at: 2013/12/18 19:55:5
Game ID: 233130428 50/100 $10 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: krmtdwy (2619).
Seat 2: badriver (1093).
Seat 3: joyride41 (2305).
Seat 4: 1swifty3 (1293).
Seat 6: horse62278 (1690).
Player horse62278 has small blind (50)
Player krmtdwy has big blind (100)
Player horse62278 received card: [As]
Player horse62278 received card: [4c]
Player krmtdwy received a card.
Player krmtdwy received a card.
Player badriver received a card.
Player badriver received a card.
Player joyride41 received a card.
Player joyride41 received a card.
Player 1swifty3 received a card.
Player 1swifty3 received a card.
Player badriver folds
Player joyride41 folds
Player 1swifty3 folds
Player horse62278 allin (1640)
Player krmtdwy calls (1590)
*** FLOP ***: [Qc 5h 10c]
*** TURN ***: [Qc 5h 10c] [6c]
*** RIVER ***: [Qc 5h 10c 6c] [2h]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 3380. Rake 0
Board: [Qc 5h 10c 6c 2h]
*Player krmtdwy shows: High card A (kicker K) [Ad Ks]. Bets: 1690. Collects: 3380. Wins: 1690.
Player badriver does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player joyride41 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player 1swifty3 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player horse62278 shows: High card A [As 4c]. Bets: 1690. Collects: 0. Loses: 1690.
Game ended at: 2013/12/18 19:55:34
eh 3rd
Game started at: 2013/12/18 20:15:19
Game ID: 233138204 100/200 $5 Turbo 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 7 is the button
Seat 3: Bronco1999 (5843).
Seat 6: horse62278 (308).
Seat 7: OoPrime (7349).
Player Bronco1999 ante (25)
Player horse62278 ante (25)
Player OoPrime ante (25)
Player Bronco1999 has small blind (100)
Player horse62278 has big blind (200)
Player Bronco1999 received a card.
Player Bronco1999 received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [9h]
Player horse62278 received card: [5s]
Player OoPrime received a card.
Player OoPrime received a card.
Player OoPrime raises (400)
Player Bronco1999 folds
Player horse62278 allin (83)
Uncalled bet (117) returned to OoPrime
*** FLOP ***: [Ks 2s 6c]
*** TURN ***: [Ks 2s 6c] [7h]
*** RIVER ***: [Ks 2s 6c 7h] [4c]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 741. Rake 0
Board: [Ks 2s 6c 7h 4c]
Player Bronco1999 does not show cards.Bets: 125. Collects: 0. Loses: 125.
Player horse62278 shows: High card K [9h 5s]. Bets: 308. Collects: 0. Loses: 308.
*Player OoPrime shows: One pair of 7s [7d Jc]. Bets: 308. Collects: 741. Wins: 433.
Game ended at: 2013/12/18 20:15:41
br 73.40
gl tommy hang in ther, i know your a very good player
goal is 100$ on this from a 33$ roll. backer has been very lenient on the games i play. ty for allowing me to pick n choose. trying not to play too high but have jumped in a few 11$ games with moderate success
why is this moron in with j8??? i dont understand ppl at all sometimes really
Game started at: 2013/12/18 21:51:0
Game ID: 233177069 300/600 $300 GTD TURBO Deep Stack, Table 3 (Hold'em)
Seat 6 is the button
Seat 1: siberianex (2545).
Seat 3: sparky743 (15510).
Seat 4: johnny88 (10780).
Seat 5: horse62278 (6575).
Seat 6: mrhunglow (12255).
Seat 7: iGotAbite (4605).
Seat 8: oiyoiy (5600).
Seat 9: tedy120 (9147).
Player iGotAbite ante (75)
Player oiyoiy ante (75)
Player tedy120 ante (75)
Player siberianex ante (75)
Player sparky743 ante (75)
Player johnny88 ante (75)
Player horse62278 ante (75)
Player mrhunglow ante (75)
Player iGotAbite has small blind (300)
Player oiyoiy has big blind (600)
Player iGotAbite received a card.
Player iGotAbite received a card.
Player oiyoiy received a card.
Player oiyoiy received a card.
Player tedy120 received a card.
Player tedy120 received a card.
Player siberianex received a card.
Player siberianex received a card.
Player sparky743 received a card.
Player sparky743 received a card.
Player johnny88 received a card.
Player johnny88 received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [Qd]
Player horse62278 received card: [Ks]
Player mrhunglow received a card.
Player mrhunglow received a card.
Player tedy120 calls (600)
Player siberianex folds
Player sparky743 folds
Player johnny88 folds
Player horse62278 raises (1800)
Player mrhunglow folds
Player iGotAbite folds
Player oiyoiy calls (1200)
Player tedy120 calls (1200)
*** FLOP ***: [10c 3s 9d]
Player oiyoiy allin (3725)
Player tedy120 calls (3725)
Player horse62278 allin (4700)
Player tedy120 calls (975)
*** TURN ***: [10c 3s 9d] [Qh]
*** RIVER ***: [10c 3s 9d Qh] [9c]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 19425. Rake 0
Board: [10c 3s 9d Qh 9c]
Player siberianex does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
Player sparky743 does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
Player johnny88 does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
Player horse62278 shows: Two pairs. Qs and 9s [Qd Ks]. Bets: 6575. Collects: 0. Loses: 6575.
Player mrhunglow does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
Player iGotAbite does not show cards.Bets: 375. Collects: 0. Loses: 375.
Player oiyoiy shows: Three Of Kind of 9s [9h 8s]. Bets: 5600. Collects: 0. Loses: 5600.
*Player tedy120 shows: Straight to Q [8d Jd]. Bets: 6575. Collects: 19425. Wins: 12850.
Game ended at: 2013/12/18 21:51:58
BR 67.90
16th in 1.2k for 20.40
Game started at: 2013/12/19 1:21:56
Game ID: 233251935 3500/7000 TURBO10 - $1,200 GTD MEGA STACK, Table 4 (Hold'em)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: dantheman1987 (138533).
Seat 2: Jabonzier (139057).
Seat 3: horse62278 (106512).
Seat 4: discharged (60892).
Seat 5: ForTheNguyen (69318).
Seat 7: cbbeard (48938).
Seat 8: Moe.Ron (58568).
Seat 9: Clownz (151530).
Player ForTheNguyen ante (700)
Player cbbeard ante (700)
Player Moe.Ron ante (700)
Player Clownz ante (700)
Player dantheman1987 ante (700)
Player Jabonzier ante (700)
Player horse62278 ante (700)
Player discharged ante (700)
Player ForTheNguyen has small blind (3500)
Player cbbeard has big blind (7000)
Player ForTheNguyen received a card.
Player ForTheNguyen received a card.
Player cbbeard received a card.
Player cbbeard received a card.
Player Moe.Ron received a card.
Player Moe.Ron received a card.
Player Clownz received a card.
Player Clownz received a card.
Player dantheman1987 received a card.
Player dantheman1987 received a card.
Player Jabonzier received a card.
Player Jabonzier received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [Ks]
Player horse62278 received card: [Qh]
Player discharged received a card.
Player discharged received a card.
Player Moe.Ron folds
Player Clownz folds
Player dantheman1987 folds
Player Jabonzier raises (14000)
Player horse62278 allin (105812)
Player discharged folds
Player ForTheNguyen folds
Player cbbeard folds
Player Jabonzier calls (91812)
*** FLOP ***: [7d 2s 7h]
*** TURN ***: [7d 2s 7h] [6d]
*** RIVER ***: [7d 2s 7h 6d] [2d]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 227724. Rake 0
Board: [7d 2s 7h 6d 2d]
Player dantheman1987 does not show cards.Bets: 700. Collects: 0. Loses: 700.
*Player Jabonzier shows: Two pairs. As and 7s [Ad Ac]. Bets: 106512. Collects: 227724. Wins: 121212.
Player horse62278 shows: Two pairs. 7s and 2s [Ks Qh]. Bets: 106512. Collects: 0. Loses: 106512.
Player discharged does not show cards.Bets: 700. Collects: 0. Loses: 700.
Player ForTheNguyen does not show cards.Bets: 4200. Collects: 0. Loses: 4200.
Player cbbeard does not show cards.Bets: 7700. Collects: 0. Loses: 7700.
Player Moe.Ron does not show cards.Bets: 700. Collects: 0. Loses: 700.
Player Clownz does not show cards.Bets: 700. Collects: 0. Loses: 700.
Game ended at: 2013/12/19 1:22:30
jesus motherfucking goddamn christ
Game started at: 2013/12/19 1:50:15
Game ID: 233259894 15/30 $5 Regular 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: thousands495 (775).
Seat 2: pelletgun (1319).
Seat 3: Badmiracles (1596).
Seat 4: GokuBraclets (2218).
Seat 5: horse62278 (231).
Seat 6: surferjd (1600).
Seat 7: dOOkiewhO (1787).
Seat 8: trappermike (1800).
Seat 9: AWEBB333 (2174).
Player horse62278 has small blind (15)
Player surferjd has big blind (30)
Player horse62278 received card: [Kc]
Player horse62278 received card: [Qc]
Player surferjd received a card.
Player surferjd received a card.
Player dOOkiewhO received a card.
Player dOOkiewhO received a card.
Player trappermike received a card.
Player trappermike received a card.
Player AWEBB333 received a card.
Player AWEBB333 received a card.
Player thousands495 received a card.
Player thousands495 received a card.
Player pelletgun received a card.
Player pelletgun received a card.
Player Badmiracles received a card.
Player Badmiracles received a card.
Player GokuBraclets received a card.
Player GokuBraclets received a card.
Player dOOkiewhO folds
Player trappermike folds
Player AWEBB333 folds
Player thousands495 folds
Player pelletgun folds
Player Badmiracles raises (60)
Player GokuBraclets calls (60)
Player horse62278 allin (216)
Player surferjd folds
Player Badmiracles folds
Player GokuBraclets calls (171)
*** FLOP ***: [9s 3c 5d]
*** TURN ***: [9s 3c 5d] [8c]
*** RIVER ***: [9s 3c 5d 8c] [2h]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 552. Rake 0
Board: [9s 3c 5d 8c 2h]
Player thousands495 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player pelletgun does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player Badmiracles does not show cards.Bets: 60. Collects: 0. Loses: 60.
*Player GokuBraclets shows: One pair of 5s [Ah 5h]. Bets: 231. Collects: 552. Wins: 321.
Player horse62278 shows: High card K [Kc Qc]. Bets: 231. Collects: 0. Loses: 231.
Player surferjd does not show cards.Bets: 30. Collects: 0. Loses: 30.
Player dOOkiewhO does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player trappermike does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player AWEBB333 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Game ended at: 2013/12/19 1:51:6
BR 71.85
lil luck in a hyper turbo
Game started at: 2013/12/19 2:17:4
Game ID: 233266189 75/150 $5 Hyper Turbo 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: horse62278 (3885).
Seat 5: CleaningYouOut (615).
Player horse62278 has small blind (75)
Player CleaningYouOut has big blind (150)
Player CleaningYouOut received a card.
Player CleaningYouOut received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [Qs]
Player horse62278 received card: [4d]
Player horse62278 raises (525)
Player CleaningYouOut allin (465)
Player horse62278 calls (15)
*** FLOP ***: [2c Jd Qh]
*** TURN ***: [2c Jd Qh] [Kh]
*** RIVER ***: [2c Jd Qh Kh] [Qd]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 1230. Rake 0
Board: [2c Jd Qh Kh Qd]
*Player horse62278 shows: Three Of Kind of Qs [Qs 4d]. Bets: 615. Collects: 1230. Wins: 615.
Player CleaningYouOut shows: Two pairs. Ks and Qs [5s Ks]. Bets: 615. Collects: 0. Loses: 615.
Game ended at: 2013/12/19 2:17:23
losin flips damn it
Game started at: 2013/12/19 2:33:45
Game ID: 233269375 25/50 $5 Regular 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 8 is the button
Seat 1: Grimstarrr (2366).
Seat 2: pokercowboy42 (2730).
Seat 3: CleaningYouOut (1298).
Seat 5: Ch!pTowerz (2086).
Seat 6: fshman78 (2015).
Seat 8: rickerpro (1500).
Seat 9: horse62278 (1505).
Player horse62278 has small blind (25)
Player Grimstarrr has big blind (50)
Player horse62278 received card: [Jd]
Player horse62278 received card: [Jh]
Player Grimstarrr received a card.
Player Grimstarrr received a card.
Player pokercowboy42 received a card.
Player pokercowboy42 received a card.
Player CleaningYouOut received a card.
Player CleaningYouOut received a card.
Player Ch!pTowerz received a card.
Player Ch!pTowerz received a card.
Player fshman78 received a card.
Player fshman78 received a card.
Player rickerpro received a card.
Player rickerpro received a card.
Player pokercowboy42 folds
Player CleaningYouOut folds
Player Ch!pTowerz calls (50)
Player fshman78 folds
Player rickerpro raises (250)
Player horse62278 raises (625)
Player Grimstarrr folds
Player Ch!pTowerz folds
Player rickerpro allin (1250)
Player horse62278 calls (850)
*** FLOP ***: [9h Ah 5s]
*** TURN ***: [9h Ah 5s] [Qd]
*** RIVER ***: [9h Ah 5s Qd] [5d]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 3100. Rake 0
Board: [9h Ah 5s Qd 5d]
Player Grimstarrr does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player pokercowboy42 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player CleaningYouOut does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player Ch!pTowerz does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player fshman78 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
*Player rickerpro shows: Two pairs. As and 5s [As Ks]. Bets: 1500. Collects: 3100. Wins: 1600.
Player horse62278 shows: Two pairs. Js and 5s [Jd Jh]. Bets: 1500. Collects: 0. Loses: 1500.
Game ended at: 2013/12/19 2:34:41
Game started at: 2013/12/19 2:35:39
Game ID: 233269727 25/50 $5 Regular 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Grimstarrr (2266).
Seat 2: pokercowboy42 (2680).
Seat 3: CleaningYouOut (1298).
Seat 5: Ch!pTowerz (2136).
Seat 6: fshman78 (2015).
Seat 8: rickerpro (3100).
Seat 9: horse62278 (5).
Player pokercowboy42 has small blind (25)
Player CleaningYouOut has big blind (50)
Player pokercowboy42 received a card.
Player pokercowboy42 received a card.
Player CleaningYouOut received a card.
Player CleaningYouOut received a card.
Player Ch!pTowerz received a card.
Player Ch!pTowerz received a card.
Player fshman78 received a card.
Player fshman78 received a card.
Player rickerpro received a card.
Player rickerpro received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [Kd]
Player horse62278 received card: [6h]
Player Grimstarrr received a card.
Player Grimstarrr received a card.
Player Ch!pTowerz calls (50)
Player fshman78 folds
Player rickerpro folds
Player horse62278 allin (5)
Player Grimstarrr calls (50)
Player pokercowboy42 calls (25)
Player CleaningYouOut checks
*** FLOP ***: [3h 9s 3c]
Player pokercowboy42 checks
Player CleaningYouOut checks
Player Ch!pTowerz checks
Player Grimstarrr checks
*** TURN ***: [3h 9s 3c] [As]
Player pokercowboy42 checks
Player CleaningYouOut checks
Player Ch!pTowerz bets (225)
Player Grimstarrr folds
Player pokercowboy42 calls (225)
Player CleaningYouOut folds
*** RIVER ***: [3h 9s 3c As] [8d]
Player pokercowboy42 bets (437)
Player Ch!pTowerz calls (437)
Player Ch!pTowerz mucks cards
Player horse62278 mucks cards
------ Summary ------
Pot: 1529. Rake 0
Board: [3h 9s 3c As 8d]
Player Grimstarrr does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
*Player pokercowboy42 shows: Full House (9/3) [9c 9d]. Bets: 712. Collects: 1529. Wins: 817.
Player CleaningYouOut does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player Ch!pTowerz mucks (does not show cards). Bets: 712. Collects: 0. Loses: 712.
Player fshman78 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player rickerpro does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player horse62278 mucks (does not show: [Kd 6h]). Bets: 5. Collects: 0. Loses: 5.
Game ended at: 2013/12/19 2:37:36
BR 83.50
got cocky n tried to get over the hundo mark on 20$ DoN. -21.40. not sure where the HH is. its not in my shit
BR 62.10
Game started at: 2013/12/19 16:30:55
Game ID: 233388308 50/100 BIG10 - $1,000 GTD, Table 5 (Hold'em)
Seat 7 is the button
Seat 1: TheKrokin (9788).
Seat 2: JoAnne7777 (4940).
Seat 3: 70moparman (6198).
Seat 5: JEFFREY 1741 (10724).
Seat 6: horse62278 (4800).
Seat 7: SPINIERCASH (16182).
Seat 8: lesterdrugs (8851).
Seat 9: MSEPT690 (7154).
Player lesterdrugs ante (10)
Player MSEPT690 ante (10)
Player TheKrokin ante (10)
Player JoAnne7777 ante (10)
Player 70moparman ante (10)
Player JEFFREY 1741 ante (10)
Player horse62278 ante (10)
Player SPINIERCASH ante (10)
Player lesterdrugs has small blind (50)
Player MSEPT690 has big blind (100)
Player lesterdrugs received a card.
Player lesterdrugs received a card.
Player MSEPT690 received a card.
Player MSEPT690 received a card.
Player TheKrokin received a card.
Player TheKrokin received a card.
Player JoAnne7777 received a card.
Player JoAnne7777 received a card.
Player 70moparman received a card.
Player 70moparman received a card.
Player JEFFREY 1741 received a card.
Player JEFFREY 1741 received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [Ah]
Player horse62278 received card: [6h]
Player SPINIERCASH received a card.
Player SPINIERCASH received a card.
Player TheKrokin folds
Player JoAnne7777 folds
Player 70moparman folds
Player JEFFREY 1741 folds
Player horse62278 raises (300)
Player SPINIERCASH folds
Player lesterdrugs folds
Player MSEPT690 allin (7044)
Player horse62278 allin (4490)
Uncalled bet (2354) returned to MSEPT690
*** FLOP ***: [10h 3s 5c]
*** TURN ***: [10h 3s 5c] [4h]
*** RIVER ***: [10h 3s 5c 4h] [9c]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 9710. Rake 0
Board: [10h 3s 5c 4h 9c]
Player TheKrokin does not show cards.Bets: 10. Collects: 0. Loses: 10.
Player JoAnne7777 does not show cards.Bets: 10. Collects: 0. Loses: 10.
Player 70moparman does not show cards.Bets: 10. Collects: 0. Loses: 10.
Player JEFFREY 1741 does not show cards.Bets: 10. Collects: 0. Loses: 10.
Player horse62278 shows: High card A [Ah 6h]. Bets: 4800. Collects: 0. Loses: 4800.
Player SPINIERCASH does not show cards.Bets: 10. Collects: 0. Loses: 10.
Player lesterdrugs does not show cards.Bets: 60. Collects: 0. Loses: 60.
*Player MSEPT690 shows: High card A (kicker K) [Kc As]. Bets: 4800. Collects: 9710. Wins: 4910.
Game ended at: 2013/12/19 16:31:39
br 56.60
funny thing about this 10$ don they had me to 95 chips with blinds at 75/150 and i come back to cash
Game started at: 2013/12/19 19:39:38
Game ID: 233457348 75/150 $10 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 6 is the button
Seat 2: Obamaphone (1107).
Seat 3: BLK KEN (1235).
Seat 4: horse62278 (1295).
Seat 6: SMcConeghy (5363).
Player Obamaphone has small blind (75)
Player BLK KEN has big blind (150)
Player Obamaphone received a card.
Player Obamaphone received a card.
Player BLK KEN received a card.
Player BLK KEN received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [10c]
Player horse62278 received card: [10s]
Player SMcConeghy received a card.
Player SMcConeghy received a card.
Player horse62278 allin (1295)
Player SMcConeghy folds
Player Obamaphone allin (1032)
Player BLK KEN folds
Uncalled bet (188) returned to horse62278
*** FLOP ***: [9c 7s Qh]
*** TURN ***: [9c 7s Qh] [2h]
*** RIVER ***: [9c 7s Qh 2h] [10h]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2364. Rake 0
Board: [9c 7s Qh 2h 10h]
Player Obamaphone shows: High card A [Ah Jd]. Bets: 1107. Collects: 0. Loses: 1107.
Player BLK KEN does not show cards.Bets: 150. Collects: 0. Loses: 150.
*Player horse62278 shows: Three Of Kind of 10s [10c 10s]. Bets: 1107. Collects: 2364. Wins: 1257.
Player SMcConeghy does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Game ended at: 2013/12/19 19:39:53
Game started at: 2013/12/19 19:21:48
Game ID: 233449709 75/150 $5 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: horse62278 (1612).
Seat 3: finessing (2887).
Seat 4: Almost Pat (1125).
Seat 5: grannysandy (3376).
Player Almost Pat has small blind (75)
Player grannysandy has big blind (150)
Player Almost Pat received a card.
Player Almost Pat received a card.
Player grannysandy received a card.
Player grannysandy received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [Qd]
Player horse62278 received card: [10d]
Player finessing received a card.
Player finessing received a card.
Player horse62278 folds
Player finessing folds
Player Almost Pat raises (225)
Player grannysandy raises (300)
Player Almost Pat allin (825)
Player grannysandy calls (675)
*** FLOP ***: [7s Ad Kh]
*** TURN ***: [7s Ad Kh] [6s]
*** RIVER ***: [7s Ad Kh 6s] [Jh]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2250. Rake 0
Board: [7s Ad Kh 6s Jh]
Player horse62278 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player finessing does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player Almost Pat shows: High card A [Qc 8c]. Bets: 1125. Collects: 0. Loses: 1125.
*Player grannysandy shows: Three Of Kind of As [As Ac]. Bets: 1125. Collects: 2250. Wins: 1125.
Game ended at: 2013/12/19 19:22:15
Game started at: 2013/12/19 19:23:46
Game ID: 233450511 75/150 $5 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 2: boberr (2153).
Seat 3: finessing (933).
Seat 4: Obamaphone (1115).
Seat 6: horse62278 (4799).
Player Obamaphone has small blind (75)
Player horse62278 has big blind (150)
Player Obamaphone received a card.
Player Obamaphone received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [Ac]
Player horse62278 received card: [Kd]
Player boberr received a card.
Player boberr received a card.
Player finessing received a card.
Player finessing received a card.
Player boberr folds
Player finessing allin (933)
Player Obamaphone folds
Player horse62278 calls (783)
*** FLOP ***: [Qs Jc 10s]
*** TURN ***: [Qs Jc 10s] [5d]
*** RIVER ***: [Qs Jc 10s 5d] [5s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 1941. Rake 0
Board: [Qs Jc 10s 5d 5s]
Player boberr does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player finessing shows: Two pairs. 6s and 5s [6h 6c]. Bets: 933. Collects: 0. Loses: 933.
Player Obamaphone does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
*Player horse62278 shows: Straight to A [Ac Kd]. Bets: 933. Collects: 1941. Wins: 1008.
Game ended at: 2013/12/19 19:24:4
BR 75.45
yuck pretty much a break even on this set won the 10$ lost 2 5$
Game started at: 2013/12/19 20:58:1
Game ID: 233488136 75/150 $10 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Justinawe12 (2105).
Seat 2: SHUTTERS (2380).
Seat 3: enable2shyne (1150).
Seat 4: horse62278 (3365).
Player SHUTTERS has small blind (75)
Player enable2shyne has big blind (150)
Player SHUTTERS received a card.
Player SHUTTERS received a card.
Player enable2shyne received a card.
Player enable2shyne received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [5d]
Player horse62278 received card: [Kc]
Player Justinawe12 received a card.
Player Justinawe12 received a card.
Player horse62278 folds
Player Justinawe12 folds
Player SHUTTERS allin (2305)
Player enable2shyne allin (1000)
Uncalled bet (1230) returned to SHUTTERS
*** FLOP ***: [8c 6d 9d]
*** TURN ***: [8c 6d 9d] [7s]
*** RIVER ***: [8c 6d 9d 7s] [Qc]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2300. Rake 0
Board: [8c 6d 9d 7s Qc]
Player Justinawe12 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
*Player SHUTTERS shows: High card A (kicker J) [Jd Ac]. Bets: 1150. Collects: 2300. Wins: 1150.
Player enable2shyne shows: High card A [3s As]. Bets: 1150. Collects: 0. Loses: 1150.
Player horse62278 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Game ended at: 2013/12/19 20:58:31
Game started at: 2013/12/19 20:47:49
Game ID: 233484311 100/200 $5 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: Your Golem (1734).
Seat 3: L6U11C2K1Y3 (2013).
Seat 4: finessing (3579).
Seat 5: horse62278 (1674).
Player finessing has small blind (100)
Player horse62278 has big blind (200)
Player finessing received a card.
Player finessing received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [10s]
Player horse62278 received card: [Ah]
Player Your Golem received a card.
Player Your Golem received a card.
Player L6U11C2K1Y3 received a card.
Player L6U11C2K1Y3 received a card.
Player Your Golem allin (1734)
Player L6U11C2K1Y3 folds
Player finessing folds
Player horse62278 allin (1474)
Uncalled bet (60) returned to Your Golem
*** FLOP ***: [Qh Js 7d]
*** TURN ***: [Qh Js 7d] [Ad]
*** RIVER ***: [Qh Js 7d Ad] [2d]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 3448. Rake 0
Board: [Qh Js 7d Ad 2d]
*Player Your Golem shows: Two pairs. Qs and Js [Jh Qd]. Bets: 1674. Collects: 3448. Wins: 1774.
Player L6U11C2K1Y3 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player finessing does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
Player horse62278 shows: One pair of As [10s Ah]. Bets: 1674. Collects: 0. Loses: 1674.
Game ended at: 2013/12/19 20:48:12
Game started at: 2013/12/19 20:48:18
Game ID: 233484510 75/150 $5 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: LPPoker (1915).
Seat 2: coehorn (1315).
Seat 3: alwaysWINkler (1685).
Seat 4: horse62278 (490).
Seat 5: 2Tens4aFive (1132).
Seat 6: finessing (2463).
Player horse62278 has small blind (75)
Player 2Tens4aFive has big blind (150)
Player horse62278 received card: [Jh]
Player horse62278 received card: [Qs]
Player 2Tens4aFive received a card.
Player 2Tens4aFive received a card.
Player finessing received a card.
Player finessing received a card.
Player LPPoker received a card.
Player LPPoker received a card.
Player coehorn received a card.
Player coehorn received a card.
Player alwaysWINkler received a card.
Player alwaysWINkler received a card.
Player finessing folds
Player LPPoker folds
Player coehorn folds
Player alwaysWINkler folds
Player horse62278 allin (415)
Player 2Tens4aFive calls (340)
*** FLOP ***: [9s 7c 2d]
*** TURN ***: [9s 7c 2d] [6c]
*** RIVER ***: [9s 7c 2d 6c] [3h]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 980. Rake 0
Board: [9s 7c 2d 6c 3h]
Player LPPoker does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player coehorn does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player alwaysWINkler does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player horse62278 shows: High card Q [Jh Qs]. Bets: 490. Collects: 0. Loses: 490.
*Player 2Tens4aFive shows: One pair of 4s [4d 4h]. Bets: 490. Collects: 980. Wins: 490.
Player finessing does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Game ended at: 2013/12/19 20:48:43
BR 74.30
lol guy wont fold 22
Game started at: 2013/12/20 0:43:15
Game ID: 233576561 75/150 BIG10 - $500 GTD, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 1: 2Due4U (7522).
Seat 2: Bama777 (23091).
Seat 4: Pokemon Master (30818).
Seat 5: IamOnOne (9854).
Seat 6: horse62278 (2571).
Seat 7: gritgrind (9910).
Seat 9: jjrescue1 (4655).
Player horse62278 ante (15)
Player gritgrind ante (15)
Player jjrescue1 ante (15)
Player 2Due4U ante (15)
Player Bama777 ante (15)
Player Pokemon Master ante (15)
Player IamOnOne ante (15)
Player horse62278 has small blind (75)
Player gritgrind has big blind (150)
Player horse62278 received card: [Kc]
Player horse62278 received card: [9d]
Player gritgrind received a card.
Player gritgrind received a card.
Player jjrescue1 received a card.
Player jjrescue1 received a card.
Player 2Due4U received a card.
Player 2Due4U received a card.
Player Bama777 received a card.
Player Bama777 received a card.
Player Pokemon Master received a card.
Player Pokemon Master received a card.
Player IamOnOne received a card.
Player IamOnOne received a card.
Player jjrescue1 calls (150)
Player 2Due4U calls (150)
Player Bama777 is timed out.
Player Bama777 folds
Player Pokemon Master folds
Player IamOnOne folds
Player horse62278 raises (375)
Player gritgrind folds
Player jjrescue1 calls (300)
Player 2Due4U calls (300)
*** FLOP ***: [5c 5h 10d]
Player horse62278 allin (2106)
Player jjrescue1 folds
Player 2Due4U calls (2106)
*** TURN ***: [5c 5h 10d] [Jd]
*** RIVER ***: [5c 5h 10d Jd] [8s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 5817. Rake 0
Board: [5c 5h 10d Jd 8s]
*Player 2Due4U shows: Two pairs. 5s and 2s [2c 2h]. Bets: 2571. Collects: 5817. Wins: 3246.
Player Bama777 does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player Pokemon Master does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player IamOnOne does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
Player horse62278 shows: One pair of 5s [Kc 9d]. Bets: 2571. Collects: 0. Loses: 2571.
Player gritgrind does not show cards.Bets: 165. Collects: 0. Loses: 165.
Player jjrescue1 does not show cards.Bets: 465. Collects: 0. Loses: 465.
Game ended at: 2013/12/20 0:44:20
BR 68.80
2nd in 5$ on demand for 27.60
Game started at: 2013/12/20 2:19:40
Game ID: 233600806 200/400 $5 Holdem - On Demand, Table 3 (Hold'em)
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 2: horse62278 (11239).
Seat 6: WhatTheFoxSay (24761).
Player WhatTheFoxSay ante (50)
Player horse62278 ante (50)
Player horse62278 has small blind (200)
Player WhatTheFoxSay has big blind (400)
Player WhatTheFoxSay received a card.
Player WhatTheFoxSay received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [Kc]
Player horse62278 received card: [7d]
Player horse62278 raises (1000)
Player WhatTheFoxSay allin (24311)
Player horse62278 allin (9989)
Uncalled bet (13522) returned to WhatTheFoxSay
*** FLOP ***: [2c Jd 3c]
*** TURN ***: [2c Jd 3c] [8d]
*** RIVER ***: [2c Jd 3c 8d] [10d]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 22478. Rake 0
Board: [2c Jd 3c 8d 10d]
Player horse62278 shows: High card K [Kc 7d]. Bets: 11239. Collects: 0. Loses: 11239.
*Player WhatTheFoxSay shows: High card A [Qd Ah]. Bets: 11239. Collects: 22478. Wins: 11239.
Game ended at: 2013/12/20 2:20:6
br 90.9
fuck fuck fuckety fuck
Game started at: 2013/12/20 2:46:55
Game ID: 233606467 15/30 $5 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: xtravismx (210).
Seat 2: Theorem (2660).
Seat 3: liamferrer (1230).
Seat 4: pokerdummy69 (2820).
Seat 5: horse62278 (190).
Seat 6: SMcConeghy (1890).
Player horse62278 has small blind (15)
Player SMcConeghy has big blind (30)
Player horse62278 received card: [8s]
Player horse62278 received card: [Ah]
Player SMcConeghy received a card.
Player SMcConeghy received a card.
Player xtravismx received a card.
Player xtravismx received a card.
Player Theorem received a card.
Player Theorem received a card.
Player liamferrer received a card.
Player liamferrer received a card.
Player pokerdummy69 received a card.
Player pokerdummy69 received a card.
Player xtravismx allin (210)
Player Theorem folds
Player liamferrer folds
Player pokerdummy69 calls (210)
Player horse62278 allin (175)
Player SMcConeghy folds
*** FLOP ***: [Kd 7d 9c]
*** TURN ***: [Kd 7d 9c] [10c]
*** RIVER ***: [Kd 7d 9c 10c] [9s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 640. Rake 0
Board: [Kd 7d 9c 10c 9s]
Player xtravismx shows: Two pairs. 10s and 9s [10s Qs]. Bets: 210. Collects: 0. Loses: 210.
Player Theorem does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player liamferrer does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
*Player pokerdummy69 shows: Two pairs. 10s and 9s (kicker A) [Ac 10d]. Bets: 210. Collects: 640. Wins: 430.
Player horse62278 shows: One pair of 9s [8s Ah]. Bets: 190. Collects: 0. Loses: 190.
Player SMcConeghy does not show cards.Bets: 30. Collects: 0. Loses: 30.
Game ended at: 2013/12/20 2:47:32
BR 85.50
LMFAO always something dumb
Game started at: 2013/12/20 3:10:44
Game ID: 233610610 100/200 $3 Turbo 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 6 is the button
Seat 2: iuserags (2553).
Seat 3: the_rippa (2563).
Seat 4: trappermike (688).
Seat 6: horse62278 (768).
Seat 7: tigerromano (1717).
Seat 8: liamferrer (2678).
Seat 9: UpTheLadder (2533).
Player tigerromano ante (25)
Player liamferrer ante (25)
Player UpTheLadder ante (25)
Player iuserags ante (25)
Player the_rippa ante (25)
Player trappermike ante (25)
Player horse62278 ante (25)
Player tigerromano has small blind (100)
Player liamferrer has big blind (200)
Player tigerromano received a card.
Player tigerromano received a card.
Player liamferrer received a card.
Player liamferrer received a card.
Player UpTheLadder received a card.
Player UpTheLadder received a card.
Player iuserags received a card.
Player iuserags received a card.
Player the_rippa received a card.
Player the_rippa received a card.
Player trappermike received a card.
Player trappermike received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [Qc]
Player horse62278 received card: [Qh]
Player UpTheLadder folds
Player iuserags folds
Player the_rippa folds
Player trappermike is timed out.
Player trappermike folds
Player horse62278 allin (743)
Player tigerromano calls (643)
Player liamferrer folds
*** FLOP ***: [Ah 8s 4s]
*** TURN ***: [Ah 8s 4s] [10h]
*** RIVER ***: [Ah 8s 4s 10h] [Ac]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 1861. Rake 0
Board: [Ah 8s 4s 10h Ac]
Player iuserags does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player the_rippa does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player trappermike does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player horse62278 shows: Two pairs. As and Qs [Qc Qh]. Bets: 768. Collects: 0. Loses: 768.
*Player tigerromano shows: Two pairs. As and Ks [Kh Ks]. Bets: 768. Collects: 1861. Wins: 1093.
Player liamferrer does not show cards.Bets: 225. Collects: 0. Loses: 225.
Player UpTheLadder does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Game ended at: 2013/12/20 3:11:33
BR 82.20
Game started at: 2013/12/20 4:26:38
Game ID: 233621482 50/100 $5 Regular 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 8 is the button
Seat 1: SMcConeghy (2570).
Seat 2: trappermike (826).
Seat 5: DARK NOIR (2774).
Seat 6: kksand62 (4929).
Seat 7: 19991999 (1020).
Seat 8: 1ring2ruleall (1071).
Seat 9: horse62278 (310).
Player horse62278 has small blind (50)
Player SMcConeghy has big blind (100)
Player horse62278 received card: [7d]
Player horse62278 received card: [Kd]
Player SMcConeghy received a card.
Player SMcConeghy received a card.
Player trappermike received a card.
Player trappermike received a card.
Player DARK NOIR received a card.
Player DARK NOIR received a card.
Player kksand62 received a card.
Player kksand62 received a card.
Player 19991999 received a card.
Player 19991999 received a card.
Player 1ring2ruleall received a card.
Player 1ring2ruleall received a card.
Player trappermike folds
Player DARK NOIR folds
Player kksand62 folds
Player 19991999 folds
Player 1ring2ruleall folds
Player horse62278 allin (260)
Player SMcConeghy calls (210)
*** FLOP ***: [Ah Qh Ac]
*** TURN ***: [Ah Qh Ac] [Jc]
*** RIVER ***: [Ah Qh Ac Jc] [5d]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 620. Rake 0
Board: [Ah Qh Ac Jc 5d]
*Player SMcConeghy shows: Full House (A/5) [5h Ad]. Bets: 310. Collects: 620. Wins: 310.
Player trappermike does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player DARK NOIR does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player kksand62 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player 19991999 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player 1ring2ruleall does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player horse62278 shows: One pair of As [7d Kd]. Bets: 310. Collects: 0. Loses: 310.
Game ended at: 2013/12/20 4:27:8
br 76.70
must have a sign on my head that says fuck this guy
Game started at: 2013/12/20 15:58:2
Game ID: 233733355 75/150 $5 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: hihosilvr (920).
Seat 2: rw455jd (1775).
Seat 3: horse62278 (1113).
Seat 4: soomz (3990).
Seat 5: heliosheath (1202).
Player rw455jd has small blind (75)
Player horse62278 has big blind (150)
Player rw455jd received a card.
Player rw455jd received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [As]
Player horse62278 received card: [7h]
Player soomz received a card.
Player soomz received a card.
Player heliosheath received a card.
Player heliosheath received a card.
Player hihosilvr received a card.
Player hihosilvr received a card.
Player soomz folds
Player heliosheath allin (1202)
Player hihosilvr folds
Player rw455jd folds
Player horse62278 allin (963)
Uncalled bet (89) returned to heliosheath
*** FLOP ***: [9c Qs Kh]
*** TURN ***: [9c Qs Kh] [5h]
*** RIVER ***: [9c Qs Kh 5h] [4s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2301. Rake 0
Board: [9c Qs Kh 5h 4s]
Player hihosilvr does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player rw455jd does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
Player horse62278 shows: High card A [As 7h]. Bets: 1113. Collects: 0. Loses: 1113.
Player soomz does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
*Player heliosheath shows: One pair of Qs [Ac Qc]. Bets: 1113. Collects: 2301. Wins: 1188.
Game ended at: 2013/12/20 15:58:30
Game started at: 2013/12/20 15:54:45
Game ID: 233732479 100/200 $10 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: PimpinDonks (3837).
Seat 2: horse62278 (1645).
Seat 3: Colemans (2143).
Seat 5: krmtdwy (1375).
Player krmtdwy has small blind (100)
Player PimpinDonks has big blind (200)
Player krmtdwy received a card.
Player krmtdwy received a card.
Player PimpinDonks received a card.
Player PimpinDonks received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [3h]
Player horse62278 received card: [As]
Player Colemans received a card.
Player Colemans received a card.
Player horse62278 allin (1645)
Player Colemans folds
Player krmtdwy folds
Player PimpinDonks calls (1445)
*** FLOP ***: [3d 7h 8h]
*** TURN ***: [3d 7h 8h] [10d]
*** RIVER ***: [3d 7h 8h 10d] [Kc]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 3390. Rake 0
Board: [3d 7h 8h 10d Kc]
*Player PimpinDonks shows: One pair of Qs [Qs Qd]. Bets: 1645. Collects: 3390. Wins: 1745.
Player horse62278 shows: One pair of 3s [3h As]. Bets: 1645. Collects: 0. Loses: 1645.
Player Colemans does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player krmtdwy does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
Game ended at: 2013/12/20 15:55:29
Game started at: 2013/12/20 15:51:7
Game ID: 233731314 50/100 $10 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 3: CountryHo (2267).
Seat 4: PA1NKiLLer (2645).
Seat 5: horse62278 (1485).
Seat 6: krmtdwy (2603).
Player PA1NKiLLer has small blind (50)
Player horse62278 has big blind (100)
Player PA1NKiLLer received a card.
Player PA1NKiLLer received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [Ks]
Player horse62278 received card: [Kd]
Player krmtdwy received a card.
Player krmtdwy received a card.
Player CountryHo received a card.
Player CountryHo received a card.
Player krmtdwy raises (300)
Player CountryHo folds
Player PA1NKiLLer folds
Player horse62278 allin (1385)
Player krmtdwy calls (1185)
*** FLOP ***: [7d 4h 4d]
*** TURN ***: [7d 4h 4d] [6c]
*** RIVER ***: [7d 4h 4d 6c] [6h]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 3020. Rake 0
Board: [7d 4h 4d 6c 6h]
Player CountryHo does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player PA1NKiLLer does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player horse62278 shows: Two pairs. Ks and 6s [Ks Kd]. Bets: 1485. Collects: 0. Loses: 1485.
*Player krmtdwy shows: Two pairs. As and 6s [As Ad]. Bets: 1485. Collects: 3020. Wins: 1535.
Game ended at: 2013/12/20 15:52:0
br 50
and some more fuck you activity
Game started at: 2013/12/20 16:42:29
Game ID: 233747849 100/200 $10 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 2: CountryHo (2537).
Seat 3: PA1NKiLLer (4162).
Seat 4: horse62278 (287).
Seat 6: alwaysWINkler (2014).
Player alwaysWINkler ante (25)
Player CountryHo ante (25)
Player PA1NKiLLer ante (25)
Player horse62278 ante (25)
Player alwaysWINkler has small blind (100)
Player CountryHo has big blind (200)
Player alwaysWINkler received a card.
Player alwaysWINkler received a card.
Player CountryHo received a card.
Player CountryHo received a card.
Player PA1NKiLLer received a card.
Player PA1NKiLLer received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [Qc]
Player horse62278 received card: [4c]
Player PA1NKiLLer folds
Player horse62278 allin (262)
Player alwaysWINkler folds
Player CountryHo calls (62)
*** FLOP ***: [5d Ad 6d]
*** TURN ***: [5d Ad 6d] [6c]
*** RIVER ***: [5d Ad 6d 6c] [4d]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 724. Rake 0
Board: [5d Ad 6d 6c 4d]
*Player CountryHo shows: Flush, A high [8d Ks]. Bets: 287. Collects: 724. Wins: 437.
Player PA1NKiLLer does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Player horse62278 shows: Two pairs. 6s and 4s [Qc 4c]. Bets: 287. Collects: 0. Loses: 287.
Player alwaysWINkler does not show cards.Bets: 125. Collects: 0. Loses: 125.
Game ended at: 2013/12/20 16:42:58
Game started at: 2013/12/20 16:33:37
Game ID: 233745025 100/200 $10 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: horse62278 (965).
Seat 3: PA1NKiLLer (3105).
Seat 4: CountryHo (3365).
Seat 6: alwaysWINkler (1565).
Player PA1NKiLLer has small blind (100)
Player CountryHo has big blind (200)
Player PA1NKiLLer received a card.
Player PA1NKiLLer received a card.
Player CountryHo received a card.
Player CountryHo received a card.
Player alwaysWINkler received a card.
Player alwaysWINkler received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [As]
Player horse62278 received card: [7s]
Player alwaysWINkler folds
Player horse62278 allin (965)
Player PA1NKiLLer calls (865)
Player CountryHo folds
*** FLOP ***: [Jd 6c Js]
*** TURN ***: [Jd 6c Js] [9d]
*** RIVER ***: [Jd 6c Js 9d] [4c]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2130. Rake 0
Board: [Jd 6c Js 9d 4c]
Player horse62278 shows: One pair of Js [As 7s]. Bets: 965. Collects: 0. Loses: 965.
*Player PA1NKiLLer shows: Two pairs. Qs and Js [Qh Qs]. Bets: 965. Collects: 2130. Wins: 1165.
Player CountryHo does not show cards.Bets: 200. Collects: 0. Loses: 200.
Player alwaysWINkler does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Game ended at: 2013/12/20 16:34:10
Game started at: 2013/12/20 16:20:58
Game ID: 233740827 25/50 $10 Double or Nothing Turbo - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 5 is the button
Seat 1: alwaysWINkler (1525).
Seat 2: Cyfan99 (2225).
Seat 3: horse62278 (655).
Seat 4: Sunny1717 (1520).
Seat 5: CountryHo (1635).
Seat 6: PA1NKiLLer (1440).
Player PA1NKiLLer has small blind (25)
Player alwaysWINkler has big blind (50)
Player PA1NKiLLer received a card.
Player PA1NKiLLer received a card.
Player alwaysWINkler received a card.
Player alwaysWINkler received a card.
Player Cyfan99 received a card.
Player Cyfan99 received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [3d]
Player horse62278 received card: [3h]
Player Sunny1717 received a card.
Player Sunny1717 received a card.
Player CountryHo received a card.
Player CountryHo received a card.
Player Cyfan99 calls (50)
Player horse62278 allin (655)
Player Sunny1717 calls (655)
Player CountryHo folds
Player PA1NKiLLer folds
Player alwaysWINkler folds
Player Cyfan99 folds
*** FLOP ***: [Ac 4c 2d]
*** TURN ***: [Ac 4c 2d] [2h]
*** RIVER ***: [Ac 4c 2d 2h] [Jc]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 1435. Rake 0
Board: [Ac 4c 2d 2h Jc]
Player alwaysWINkler does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player Cyfan99 does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
Player horse62278 shows: Two pairs. 3s and 2s [3d 3h]. Bets: 655. Collects: 0. Loses: 655.
*Player Sunny1717 shows: Two pairs. 10s and 2s [10s 10d]. Bets: 655. Collects: 1435. Wins: 780.
Player CountryHo does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player PA1NKiLLer does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
Game ended at: 2013/12/20 16:21:44
BR 18.35
gonna try n rebound on this tonight :(
fkin forgot to post this
Game started at: 2013/12/22 21:22:37
Game ID: 234620104 20/40 BIG10 - $3,500 GTD, Table 3 (Hold'em)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: MyNam3iSNe0 (2350).
Seat 2: laxxxdurrraiseIcall (2670).
Seat 3: FamousOne1914 (2110).
Seat 4: horse62278 (2260).
Seat 5: firsttimer55 (2605).
Seat 6: BMWdozer (2405).
Seat 7: DizzieDebbie (2245).
Seat 8: milehighGOON (2990).
Seat 9: todaraba (2820).
Player laxxxdurrraiseIcall has small blind (20)
Player FamousOne1914 has big blind (40)
Player laxxxdurrraiseIcall received a card.
Player laxxxdurrraiseIcall received a card.
Player FamousOne1914 received a card.
Player FamousOne1914 received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [3h]
Player horse62278 received card: [3d]
Player firsttimer55 received a card.
Player firsttimer55 received a card.
Player BMWdozer received a card.
Player BMWdozer received a card.
Player DizzieDebbie received a card.
Player DizzieDebbie received a card.
Player milehighGOON received a card.
Player milehighGOON received a card.
Player todaraba received a card.
Player todaraba received a card.
Player MyNam3iSNe0 received a card.
Player MyNam3iSNe0 received a card.
Player horse62278 raises (120)
Player firsttimer55 folds
Player BMWdozer folds
Player DizzieDebbie folds
Player milehighGOON allin (2990)
Player todaraba folds
Player MyNam3iSNe0 folds
Player laxxxdurrraiseIcall folds
Player FamousOne1914 folds
Player horse62278 allin (2140)
Uncalled bet (730) returned to milehighGOON
*** FLOP ***: [Qd 8c As]
*** TURN ***: [Qd 8c As] [8s]
*** RIVER ***: [Qd 8c As 8s] [6d]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 4580. Rake 0
Board: [Qd 8c As 8s 6d]
Player MyNam3iSNe0 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player laxxxdurrraiseIcall does not show cards.Bets: 20. Collects: 0. Loses: 20.
Player FamousOne1914 does not show cards.Bets: 40. Collects: 0. Loses: 40.
Player horse62278 shows: Two pairs. 8s and 3s [3h 3d]. Bets: 2260. Collects: 0. Loses: 2260.
Player firsttimer55 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player BMWdozer does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player DizzieDebbie does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
*Player milehighGOON shows: Two pairs. As and 8s [10h Ac]. Bets: 2260. Collects: 4580. Wins: 2320.
Player todaraba does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Game ended at: 2013/12/22 21:24:9
BR 12.85
Game started at: 2013/12/23 16:1:33
Game ID: 234837178 10/20 $10 Hyper Turbo 6-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Hollyschip (500).
Seat 2: Jhamilton90 (500).
Seat 3: horse62278 (500).
Seat 4: youngsnowman (500).
Seat 5: StackDatCheez (500).
Seat 6: Monstertrucks (500).
Player Jhamilton90 has small blind (10)
Player horse62278 has big blind (20)
Player Jhamilton90 received a card.
Player Jhamilton90 received a card.
Player horse62278 received card: [As]
Player horse62278 received card: [5s]
Player youngsnowman received a card.
Player youngsnowman received a card.
Player StackDatCheez received a card.
Player StackDatCheez received a card.
Player Monstertrucks received a card.
Player Monstertrucks received a card.
Player Hollyschip received a card.
Player Hollyschip received a card.
Player youngsnowman folds
Player StackDatCheez folds
Player Monstertrucks folds
Player Hollyschip raises (100)
Player Jhamilton90 folds
Player horse62278 allin (480)
Player Hollyschip allin (400)
*** FLOP ***: [4d 6h Kh]
*** TURN ***: [4d 6h Kh] [8c]
*** RIVER ***: [4d 6h Kh 8c] [8s]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 1010. Rake 0
Board: [4d 6h Kh 8c 8s]
*Player Hollyschip shows: Two pairs. 8s and 5s [5d 5c]. Bets: 500. Collects: 1010. Wins: 510.
Player Jhamilton90 does not show cards.Bets: 10. Collects: 0. Loses: 10.
Player horse62278 shows: One pair of 8s [As 5s]. Bets: 500. Collects: 0. Loses: 500.
Player youngsnowman does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player StackDatCheez does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Player Monstertrucks does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Game ended at: 2013/12/23 16:2:18
br 2.30
ran bad last cpl days on this. i have a parlay tonight. if sf wins i win a lil money. if that happens ill add some money to br to make it 11$ n run 2 5$ on demands and see if we can turn this around