2 nights ago I accepted a trade in mp my points for his amazon gc. He was on, so I bubble chatted him, he then told me he lost the code but that he had ordered another one and would sent it to me when he got it. I told him I was going to bed, so pm me he code and I would release the points when I got back on. This is where it got suspicious, because he thought I was supposed to release the points first. Of course, I told him that's not the way it worked and didn't release. Now it's 2 days later and he hasn't been on the site, and I would like my points released back to me as well as his threat level elevated. I've had one successful trade with him, so I wanted to assume it was a noob mistake, but it's unlikely.
I also want to point out a problem I have with the marketplace, and I've had this problem before. In the marketplace, it says to give a person 24 hours before disputing a claim, but after 24 hours, the dispute button isn't available.
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Thread: rghy2 vs. tippin44s
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01-29-2014, 06:41 PM #1
rghy2 vs. tippin44s
I'm gonna give that bitch a freeroll, bitches love freerolls.