This is a stake offer for nab76 ONLY, and rail to be continued from this thread, any requests for stake or similar I will report.
This will be a long term grind, to end when
A. horse bankroll = 0
B. total winnings exceed 500 including previous bankroll resets
C. One month has past
Bankroll will start at $15.50, currently nab has 12.92 from previous stake, shipping difference after agreement is made. The grind will consist of 3.30 sng and mtts at horses discretion, a minimum of 15 a week. horse may play higher games IF buyin is LESS then 10% of bankroll ie roll must be at LEAST 55.01 to play a 5.50 game. No cash tables. Rail must have tourney ids, running bankroll, and all resets put in the first post made when rail starts (assuming 3rd or 4th post in this thread) Bankroll resets are to be done every Sunday if roll is 50.00 or more.
Terms are 50/50 + stakeback 200 or less, anything over 200 terms will be 50/50 no stakeback. If final bankroll at close is over the 500, horse will retain an additional $25 as a bonus.
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Thread: Private Stake for nab76
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01-05-2014, 12:12 AM #1
Private Stake for nab76
Always Remember Your RootsMakeup Owed: