Damn you still in it or you eliminated???
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Damn you still in it or you eliminated???
So I have the BATTLER33 @ my table, and my left if it wasn't bad enough. It is really going 2 handcuff me. I really respect his game alot. and he isn't 1 of those reggs that plays because he is a NL boss, he's a poker boss. Kinda shitty spot. Hope he suffers a BB or gets moved ASAP. HEHE.
@ the break in the $109 PLO8 freezeout..... have 5846 with 5k starting stack. Not really in a bad spot. I would gladly trade a couple hundo in chips to get Battler33 off my table. He is 2 my left and is a sick nasty beast that controlls the table and puts opponents in tough spots. Also, he very rarely makes mistakes, and never big 1s. $ more 15 minute levels and another break.... we will probably know where we stand after this. very unlikely I will be out in the next hour, but prolly will go approx 2k in 1 direction or the other. Wish me luck, and come rail me.
Good luck. I never play Omaha.
I know.... thats what every1 keeps saying. Learn PLO8 dude.... its super profitable.
didnt you ft this 2 nights in a row?
good for you and good luck hope you do well
Yeah I got donked out before the money. Made a nice run, just missed a few spots where I was freerolling for a scoop. Maybe I will get it next week.
gl sicko u been playing some big games hope u get a big br soon.
plo8 is whack....i hate splitting pots....its pointless when u happen to split blinds ....most fools in plo8 cash games just induce the rake fee b.c they feel that they always have the best hand realizing that they are scoopin the pot 3-4/10 at best!!!!