no one can trust anyone here. I wish thius site let more offers go thorugh so there was no need for a loan. i think the loan shark and the market place r for scammers. If more things converted there would be no needf or it
no one can trust anyone here. I wish thius site let more offers go thorugh so there was no need for a loan. i think the loan shark and the market place r for scammers. If more things converted there would be no needf or it
gotta look at his reputation bft transferring pts man. Better if you've seen him around at chat.
I am still looking into this, here's the response from ianrowe.
Both members are new to this site:
Ok im going to explain everything that happened... this is ridiculous that he is saying I scammed him . BFR327 (i think thats his acct name) was wanting to buy Merge funds that I have been trying to get rid of since they closed P2P transfers on the 1st. I told him I would sell him 70$ worth for 6500 points. He had me post in the marketplace 70$ for Lock funds because he didn't want to advertise buying and selling merge funds since P2P transfers were against their TOS now. The points were in escrow, we both logged in and I chip dumped him roughly $75 worth of chips (I gave him 70.. it just cost me some in rake). He completed the transfer... I then get messages from him saying he never got the lock transfer and that I supposedly scammed him. This is ludicrous... as I thought this was why the marketplace was set up the way it is (hold the funds until released by both parties). I then purchased a 10$ and a 2$ gc for lock poker through this site, which I have yet to receive.
oh wow, this can be easy to prove though, there is a ledger or history on merge.
there was never an arrangement for merge the arrangement was for lock money and that is what i never got there was never a deal to say lock and not mean lock all of the deals we discussed were for lock funds which i did not get
I like how (if true) he didn't want to advertise buying merge points because it was against TOS but was perfectly willing to engage in chip dumping.
i dont even play on merge i play on lock
i understand that and i feel like an idiot that i fell for it but i did there was never a chip dump or any lock exchanged i will send my player history from lock showing no transfers...