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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    mathkid and your 200 swc points ....

    Since you posted in a rail thread I had with one of my backers I feel the need to make this thread so you can comment here or whatever but please do not post in my threads I have business going on in.

    In the thread you say I owe you 200 swc points and was dodging you?

    Well yesterday I had some things happen at my home and had to take my girlfriend to the hospital and wasnt on, couldnt even run my stake for the 2.5k for cookies, so I wasnt dodging you, I was offline period.

    200 swc chips, yes I would agree that I owe you these, was it a loan though? no, did I owe it to you by a certain time period? no. So a couple days later I do not feel you should be posting in my threads that I have other business going on in.

    Why do I owe you these chips? Well because you staked me 200 chips on there and I agreed to make up if I was too loose them. Ok anybody who knows anything about staking knows what make up is. Im actually not entitled to pay you out of pocket. But then the next day I realized that YOU was not real familiar with the term make up and how it usually works so I agreed I will just pay you off and buy my make up off you basically. But that would have to wait until I get swc chips.

    I do not have any swc chips right now or BTCs to deposit there, but I will not forget about you and I will continue to go on about my day in a normal fashion until I can bink some chips there or get the points to pay you back the same worth of 200 chips.

    This is a mistake on my part because you being a rookie to staking I should have made sure everything was hashed out and understood. Even though you have went into my other threads and tried to bash me because you think I was dodging you for one day on some make up, I am still going to get you your chips.

    But in the future if you decide to stake someone else other than me, they usually dont owe you the stake back out of their own pocket. But I will get it to you to get you out of my hair, dont need a random posting in my others threads bringing unwanted heat to my name over something like this and have people asking questions.

  2. #2
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Yeah LCDaboos seems to be handling this in a more than fair manner. He does not owe you any chips Mathkid. Just because you agreed to something that you didn't fully understand, doesn't make you entitled to be compensated. LCDaboss would not, I am assuming, have agreed to run a stake for you if he had to pay you back had he lost. You would be FR'olling him.... Say he had to Split a cash with you but always pay back the chips if he lost. That doesn't sound fair. Make-up as everyone knows, means any stakes you give him in the future are weighted by the losses he has already accrued. Stake : 3 $11 mtt's #1 loss #2 loss #3 $77 score. With make-up of $22, and an $11 BI... you have $33 invested in LCDaboss. You get $77-$33 ($44)x agreed upon cut. If 50-50 w/make-up, you get half of $44 or $22.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by sickread23 View Post
    Yeah LCDaboos seems to be handling this in a more than fair manner. He does not owe you any chips Mathkid. Just because you agreed to something that you didn't fully understand, doesn't make you entitled to be compensated. LCDaboss would not, I am assuming, have agreed to run a stake for you if he had to pay you back had he lost. You would be FR'olling him.... Say he had to Split a cash with you but always pay back the chips if he lost. That doesn't sound fair. Make-up as everyone knows, means any stakes you give him in the future are weighted by the losses he has already accrued. Stake : 3 $11 mtt's #1 loss #2 loss #3 $77 score. With make-up of $22, and an $11 BI... you have $33 invested in LCDaboss. You get $77-$33 ($44)x agreed upon cut. If 50-50 w/make-up, you get half of $44 or $22.
    its ok, I DO owe him the chips for the simple fact that I said I will give back to him, after the stake was over because it seemed thats what he thought would happen and im not trying to take advantage of him not knowing the terms or whatever. I just cant pay it back at this moment, but for the simple fact that I really dont owe him this i dont feel he should be posting in my threads when i said ill get it soon, it hasnt even been a week. I asked for time for you to let me do what i got to do to earn some chips and make some moves, trying to mess up other things I got going wont help you get the chips any faster.

  4. #4
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LCDaBoss View Post
    its ok, I DO owe him the chips for the simple fact that I said I will give back to him, after the stake was over because it seemed thats what he thought would happen and im not trying to take advantage of him not knowing the terms or whatever. I just cant pay it back at this moment, but for the simple fact that I really dont owe him this i dont feel he should be posting in my threads when i said ill get it soon, it hasnt even been a week. I asked for time for you to let me do what i got to do to earn some chips and make some moves, trying to mess up other things I got going wont help you get the chips any faster.
    Yeah, just kinda messed up that you got free-rolled in the process. You were essentially given a loan with terms that you split winnings off a loan. Thats a Bad Beat 4 sure. 0_o

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by sickread23 View Post
    Yeah, just kinda messed up that you got free-rolled in the process. You were essentially given a loan with terms that you split winnings off a loan. Thats a Bad Beat 4 sure. 0_o
    yeah basically it was no risk stake for him, but thats not what i went into it thinking, o well. shit happens.

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Master mathkid's Avatar
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    Okay my turn,

    All I know is your are right and I am a rookie and I feel you took advantage of me as a rookie. All these long texts don't say anything except more excuses.

    Let me clear up more for anyone observing these threads.

    Close to a week ago, I get a random pop up message from LCDaBoss asking me to buy part of the 50k Beast stake. I don't know if LCD knows buy I cash on the BEAST frequently under the name of icemanslimey and last month didn't do to well but still had 8k pts and had $125 wired into my account from the winning poker network. I am a rookie to staking and don't go around begging or sending random pop up chat messages to people I don't know. I pay my own way kid!

    Second, and more important LCD's streak is incorrect. It is not 200 seals chips it is actually 300 that I am down. Bitcoins are currently $118.30/ea and 300 seals coins = $35.49 that I am down to LCDaBoss

    So this guy starts telling me how he is grinder champ and sends me his sharkscope and other stats. I felt good about it so I said I would give him a chance. He tells me we will split 70/30 and 60/40 if he places in the top 3. He also says he will send me screen shots of the tourney results. I say deal. Well, the next day I have to track him down to inquire about his play. He says some dumb shit about his KK running into AA and blagh blagh. No screen shot, no winnings.

    So at this point I feel kind of stupid, but he gives me the spill again and I front him another 200 with the agreement of..... not 70/30 and 60/40 for top 3 but get this.... 60/40 50/50 top 3 so look at my generous ass being down 100 seals pts and lowering not raising the payback. (how phucking cool is that)

    So, the 100 is gone now we have new deal on the 200 seals chips and this is what happens. the next day I have to track LCD down again and he has not emaiiled and/or sent screen shots like he promised. I get the bad news again and now my emotions are bothered.

    To this point I am out 300 seals chips with a flimsy promise of paying me back in pts or cash or maybe in seals chips.

    I'm sorry but I call bs also, I will not let this go like LCD probally wants me too. I will make new posts every week.

    If and when LCD makes this right I will make a new post stating that he did and that this is water under the bridge.

    Until then though LCD I am not the bad guy ... you are! Do what you said LCD which is make it right.

    ps... also, when u talk about serious backers u do not know me. I have sent $35.70 worth of poker chips to you. What is to say I would not have send you 3 or 400 dollars worth of chips or more. I feel that you actually have a chance to save your biz relationship with me by simply making this right and we could even possibly do biz again one day. The simple fact is that I am a rookie and you should not use your pokerowned knowledge to skate over on nubiees.

    When I set out to get rich;
    I failed miserably.
    When I set out to help people;
    They made me rich!

  7. #7
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    mathkid not saying you are a bad guy, just confused at term of make up, I did not say anything about grinder champ, you noticed that one on your own, and yes I sent you sharkscope stats, because you asked if I was any good. And nothing is wrong with you knowing my stats before you stake me.

    Make up is not pokerowned slang or nothing, thats is in all of the poker community.

    I will get you the swc back, only because its clear were confused on the terms, but making threads and posting in my threads will not do you any good.

    So with all your threats and stuff, I'm done with this you will get no other reply from me until i have the swc chips for you. Its clear where the mis communication is here.

    I never gave any spill when I busted YOU sent me a message offering the 200 to keep playing.

    The random pop up started with a convo about you SELLING swc chips and converted to a convo about staking if you remember correctly.

    But no matter how you word it, or how you make it looked like I begged you or talked you into it, it was a stake with make up, and you were confused about make up terms, I understand you was confused and offer to pay the chips back to you WHEN I CAN.

    Sorry about everything have a nice day mathkid


    I do not want to accept another stake from you anyways

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Pro
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    I will say that in the past I have been confused by the term makeup, but at the same time, it was understood that this can take time, regardless of if it is paid out of pocket, or through another stake.

  9. #9
    Elite PokerOwned Member onehotdame's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    oops i think i've stepped in something ~ backs out slowly
    <Poof> I only want to kick those chickens that beat up the rooster

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